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Currently In A State Of Bemusement And Confusion



That is, more than usual. tongue.gif

Yeah...don't know what my problem is right now. I can't elaborate, not at this present state of time anyway, but I'm tossing two ideas around in my mind, when really I shouldn't. I don't know.

On another note, getting behind in school, gragh! Hopefully this long weekend will help fix that. Long weekend, you ask? Well, I'm guessing only the Kiwis and Aussies know what I'm talking about, ol' ANZAC Day...




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Aw. I hate long weekends in the holidays. Good for people not on holidays, like people who are at work, but for the school ages persons, it is annoying.

I think I need to stop talking so...weirdly...guess it's one of my character traits now. HASHES that H*R.com...



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D'aaw, our little Phy is growing up... =P *Pats Phy condescendingly on the head*


PS: ANZAC FTW. Even better that there's no holiday overlapping for me, since mid-semester break was last week. Take that!

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CG: Aw. How demeaning. :P

NZT: Well, the little long weekends are good to stop the dull drudge of the ongoing term/semester.

SitL: Mmm, most schools here in Tassie get the four day weekend. Not me though. Cause we had that Moderation Day thingy a few weeks ago.



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Well...you don't HAVE to eat ANZAC biscuits...I wonder if there are left from last week when mum made 'em...ooh, there is!

*runs off*



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ANZAC Day is basically our version of Memorial Day, remembering specifically the event in Gallipoli, Turkey, where over 11 thousand soldiers from Australia and New Zealand died (many more wounded) trying and failing to take over the peninsula during WW1 in what was pretty much a gigantic military screw-up.


ANZAC biscuits are just one way of celebrating (Indeed, I haven't had some of those in years). Dawn services are also performed around Australia, NZ, Gallipoli itself, and even in London if I remember. And these dawn services are getting more popular each year.

You got your Unity and your Duty all in one bundle there. Lets leave Destiny for tomorrow. =P

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