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Nerd Jokes



A neutron walks into a bar. He walks up to the bartender and asks, "How much for a beer?" The bartender replies, "For you? No charge."


So an ion says to a proton, "I think I lost an electron." The proton says, "Are you sure?" And the ion responds with "I'm positive."


Two behaviorists run into each other on the street. The first one looks at the second and says "You're fine, how am I?"


What did "i" say to "pi"

"Be rational"


What did "pi" say to "i"

"Get real"


Some people love The Republic; my relationship with it is purely platonic.


Someone asked me if I wanted to add suffixes to Latin nouns, but I politely declined.


-Exo (chhhhhh)


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One statistician shot a gun and missed by 5 metres to the left.

A second statistician shot a gun and missed by 5 metres to the right.

The third statistician said "Bulls-eye!"


A mushroom walks into a bar, sits down, or orders a drink. The bartender looks at the mushroom and says "Look pal, we don't serve your type here". The mushroom replies "Why not, I'm a fun guy"


Farmer sent his boy off to school. When the boy returned later that year for a visit, the farmer was ecstatic and in an effort to show off his learned boy, he asked his kid in front of a group of neighbours, "So, boy, what'd ya learn in school?"


The boy replied, "Well, I have learned a lot of things, but one tiny one was this:

(Pi)r² (pronounced Pie R Squared)"


The farmer gives his boy a curt look and responded, "Boy, Pie are ROUND, SHORTBREAD are square!"



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A mushroom walks into a bar, sits down, or orders a drink. The bartender looks at the mushroom and says "Look pal, we don't serve your type here". The mushroom replies "Why not, I'm a fun guy"

I don't get this one, but it's the one I laughed at most.

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LOL fun guy.... hahaha that's the best :P




It's not funny anymore...

me 2


but I still think its funny.


and now I get the statistician one now.

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