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I Hate Mondays



Had an absolutely miserable day yesterday.


First of all, it was Monday. And that means you have to go to school. So I was drinking a glass of milk while sitting on the couch watching the weather for today when the glass slipped out of my hand, fell onto the couch, spilling milk all over it. Sithspawn. Along with that, the glass broke when it hit the couch. Yes, a soft, comfy couch cushion broke a glass cup. If I wasn't cursing to myself as I was desperately trying to clean it up, I might have wondered how this shatering of glass had happened. So then I decided to heat up some soup to eat, since it was relatively cold out. I left the soup in the kitchen table to cool while I went to get something from my room, and came back to find my cat lapping away at my breakfast. Of course now the soup was uneatable, since I didn't want to get any diseases or anything from eating cat saliva, so I instead heated up some frozen waffles. By the time they were finished taking their time to cook, I had to run out the door, and eat them on the way to school. Blargg.

In AP Euro, we got back the summer assignment, and I found out that I had to do part of it over. One of the websites the teacher had given us on the summer work did not work, so I did not do that part of the assignment. He had left no e-mail address, so I had no way to contact him and ask about it. I didn't worry about it until I found out that everyone else in the class had somehow managed to e-mail the teacher anyways, and did that part. Everyone except for me. So now I had one day to make it up, along with that night's regular homework assignment, a long reading. Pirakasnot. So I came home and got to work on my ridiculous amounts of homework, and got a lecture/yelling from my mom about why I shouldn't eat in the living room, blah, blah, blah. When I tried to intercede with a statement about how I had a lot of homework to do, she somehow managed to see that as me being disrepectful to her, and got even more angry at me. Sigh...

Oh, and Roger Federer won the U.S. Open (tennis tournament). Again. He wins every time. Its getting boring, since we all know that he's going to win in the end. I was really hoping that someone new would come up and beat him this time. But nope, Federer won, as always.


Some days nothing seems to go right.


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