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Unfortunate News



Yesterday, I got some sad news -- Fiona Simpson, my editor at Scholastic, has decided to move on from her position there. This is a great loss to the world of BIONICLE and I thought it would be a good time to talk a little bit about her.


I first met Fiona in summer 2003. She had recently taken over as editor for the BIONICLE line. Prior to that, the books had been done by Cathy Hapka, a very talented freelancer -- and although I wished I could write them, there didn't seem to be much I could do about it. I met with Fiona to brief her on 2004 story, and during the conversation, she said they had one extra book for '03 they needed done and could I do it? It was to be a short story anthology, and it would be due in a matter of weeks ... but the implication was if I did a good job, I would get to do another book. Of course, I said yes, and that book ended up being Tales of the Masks, the first of the more than 20 I have written since then.


Over the last five years, Fiona has been my editor, my friend, and an unsung hero in the BIONICLE universe -- a Toa in her own right. When book sales dropped and it would have been easy to just cancel the series, Fiona fought for it. When it would have been easy to drop the novels and just do the young readers, Fiona managed to keep at least a couple on the schedule for fans like you. Most of all, she showed the rare quality in an editor of trust for her writer -- she let me take the storyline where I wanted it to go and had faith I knew what I was doing. The result was some of the best books in the series, like Time Trap.


Since I don't know the future of the book series beyond 2009, I am not sure how much longer we would have worked together, and I am sure Scholastic will put someone professional and solid into the role. But there will not be a day that I work on these books that I do not miss Fiona -- if not for her, I would never have gotten the opportunity to do them -- and if not for her, I would have missed out on a wonderful friendship.


I am happy to say that we do plan to stay in touch, and I wish her all the best, as I hope all of you do too. A lot of the stories and characters you guys have enjoyed and talked about over the years happened because of her faith and her belief in me and in this line. She is a rare editor and an even rarer human being, and her absence will be sorely felt.




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Oh, sorry. That's to bad. She must be a great person to have been so devoted to Bionicle. Let's honor her, for if she hadn't come along, we might be reading books for five-year olds, or maybe not even have a story.

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I hope next person in the job is as good as her. I'm really happy to hear something like that about her (the way she let you do books like Time Trap). :9


I wish the best for her too. :)


BTW, what about dedicating her the new 2009 novel? ;)

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Most, if not all, things eventually change. Sometimes it can be good, sometimes not so. Let's hope for the best. I'd like to thank Fiona for all her hard work behind the scenes. :)

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Ahh, I hope Scholastic does pick soemone good.


Since books sales will prolly pick up with the movie.


If they advertised the books in set instruction booklets, or on the site...I'm sure they be higher then they are currently. But the 09 movie will be the biggest boost.

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Wow, I just never knew how much an editor could mean. If not for her, BIONICLE would be missing its greatest aspect, the book series. I really hope that the new editor can do as good of a job as Fiona did. Hopefully the movie will raise the sales, and all of Fiona's efforts will have paid off. If not for her, BIONICLE would be stuck passing out the story in a comic, not letting the true potential shine through.



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It's sad to hear about that. She was a great friend to you and a great colleague, and it is sad to hear about her leaving. I am glad to hear about how she helped your career along, and worked behind the scenes to make this storyline as great as it is today.


Here's to Fiona, a woman who has helped Bionicle along, and made it the great storyline it is today.

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She sounds familiar. Did you base a character off her, or dedicate a book to her or something?


She wrote BIONICLE: Dark Hunters.


Too bad for you, Greg :(

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That's a real big loss. :( It must feel bad to have someone who's helped you, aided you, in a profession that you love. Three cheers to Fiona. :)




P.S., Why not base the Toa in status on Odina on her? You could get an '09 name approved (like with Tobduk or Jerbraz) and feature her in a serial... Something like 'Fiosim' or the like...

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That's a real big loss. :( It must feel bad to have someone who's helped you, aided you, in a profession that you love. Three cheers to Fiona. :)




P.S., Why not base the Toa in status on Odina on her? You could get an '09 name approved (like with Tobduk or Jerbraz) and feature her in a serial... Something like 'Fiosim' or the like...


Tobduk and Jerbraz are approved names from back when the atlas came out, they and Johmak. They aren't 09 names.

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That's too bad. My favorite part of the BIONICLE story, next to the Mata Nui Online Games, were the books. I never really cared much for the movies, seeing as I enjoy forming mental images, rather than simply looking on others on a television screen. If I were you, I would dedicate one of the 2009 books to her.

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It's always regrettable when someone who has done so much for a franchise like BIONICLE has to leave, especially when the majority of people who like BIONICLE will never know who she is.

Best wishes and good luck to Fiona in the future.

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