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Ask A Designer Question Period Closed



Well, it's been a little over a week, so now the "Ask a Designer" question period has been closed.


Since there are so many duplicate questions, I'm going to collate the questions into groups so the designers don't have the answer the same questions over and over. The repeat questions will be rephrased, but the more unique ones will be just as they were posed in the thread. Then I'll give them to the designers and they will answer them this week. Next week, we'll send the finished answers to the BZP news department for posting on the front page. We'll try to have some pictures.


Some of the questions are really good, as in, I'd like to know the answer to them. There were also quite a few that asked specific questions about future plans, which - as I said in the original post - will not be answered. And there were a lot of questions that can't be answered by designers; I'm going to try to get the relevant people to answer those questions, but some may have to go unanswered (or I'll take a shot at answering them).


There were 12 pages of questions, all told. I've got some work ahead of me!


EDIT: Unedited, there are 58 MS Word pages of text to sort through, and that's just the questions. Oy...


EDIT 2: Just finished compiling the questions. There are a total of 253 unique questions that I've now passed on to the design team. They probably won't answer each and every one, but I'm hoping for at least half of them to get at least one answer.


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LOL, I'm sure once you get past the first couple of pages, all the questions are just repeats. On the other hand, it probably is good for some questions to get asked more than once... shows that more than one person wants to know the answer to them, 'eh.


Have fun readin' and sortin', Bink. :)



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There sure be. =P


I was thinking about it after I posted, about how people didn't think very hard. I knew I didn't need to ask "How do I become a set designer?" or "Is there going to be a Mata Nui set?" or "Will we see purple again?" Everybody wants to know that stuff.


Good luck, sir. =)

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There sure be. =P


I was thinking about it after I posted, about how people didn't think very hard. I knew I didn't need to ask "How do I become a set designer?" or "Is there going to be a Mata Nui set?" or "Will we see purple again?" Everybody wants to know that stuff.


Good luck, sir. =)

Good luck you well need it ! :evilgrin:

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Wish i could have come up with some more creative questions, but im not that bright :sigh:

Oh, well, whats done is done

Good luck Bink!

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Just if you can remember off the top of your head, did mine get through? (I asked about how the sets were designed, what the biggest challenges were for them, what their inspiration was, and how much was dictated)



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