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Designer Question - Update



Here's an update on the "Ask a Designer" project...


Of the several thousand questions, I spent many hours finding and removing duplicates. Then I divided them into categories, like "Designer," "Sets," "Colors and Elements," and so on. All told, the boiled-down questions numbered more than 250.


I presented them to the designers, and I could feel the vibration as several jaws hit the floor. I don't think they quite anticipated that many questions.


So we're going to break it down even further. All of the questions that were asked multiple times are the ones that will be focused on, and we're going to do maybe 10 or 20 answers per week. We won't get through all 250 questions, though... probably more like 50. But they'll be the burning questions asked by many of you.


In addition to designer questions, I've got two other categories - "Marketing" and "Story" - which the designers can't answer. Hopefully I can get somebody (in addition to myself) to help respond to those as well.


Since the designers are busily working on various projects, we're going to try to get some of the answers finished up next week, but I don't have an exact timeframe. Obviously designing sets comes first, and none of us want to interfere with that. DO WE?


Also, many of the questions have been paraphrased, so they might not be exactly the words that were asked, but they'll be more complete. For example, there were lots of "what do I need to do to become a designer" questions, which were re-worded to include education and skill sets; this will help you understand more fully what it takes to become a designer.


Anyway, that's where we are with the project. I've had interviews with some of them, and they've responded to some of the questions with some really good answers that I think you'll appreciate.


Update: Answers delayed a week due to designers having to prepare for a test next week.


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Blimey! We could have written a whole book of questions! Sure, the book wouldn't sell at all, but we still could have written one!

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I so did not expect the above poster...


Wow. That's a lot of questions. Have fun narrowing those down further. :P They say that destroying is easier than building, but I don't think it's true of text. I always have problems condensing essays or question lists.

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A test?


Apparently LEGO set designers are not to be trusted with several million dollars worth of plastic in one room and eight hours daily on their hands.


But I do look forward to reading those answers. Advance "thank-yous" from me. ;)

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As The Shadowed One once said, Oh my, my..... Wow. Well, could you do us all a favor and post a link to the answers when they're up?


They are going to be in the front page, so I don't think it's going to be necessary.

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