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Role-playing: The Sad Truth

Crimson Jester


Hello readers.


Today, I bring forth to you, a special guest, and friend, to speak on the state of role-playing on BZPower today. Without further ado, Nihi:


The sad state of RPing Today.


Before I go off on my ego-trip/rant/ego-trip, lemme ask you: what is RPing? And no, don’t throw your dictionary stuff at me; I know it’s like a joint written book or something to that extent. I’m asking you what you feel RPing is.


Something like a hobby?


Something of a chore?


Something to do when bored?


If you answered anything besides the first choice, then YOU ARE WRONG. You are wrong to the extent with which I have to slap a FAILsticker on your face.




Anyways. Now that I’m done rubbing your face in the dirt…


RPing is, at its heart, a hobby, likely invented by a group of pale nerds playing Dungeons and Dragons in their moms’ basements. I wouldn’t know; I’m not one of them. However, as time advanced, as society progressed, more people turned to writing as a hobby, and found that the best way to learn was to bounce their wordplay, ideas, and whatnots off each other.


Thus, the age of nerds and Dungeons and Dragons ended.


And people started RPing as a way to learn from one another.


Unfortunately, Rping, just like today’s TV, theater, maybe music, or definitely literature, is declining.


Really, we should’ve seen this when sheer turd like Eragon or Twilight became stellar ZOMGAWESOME hits or when Beverly Hills Chihuahua topped box offices.


Now, there’s not as much care for RPing. Sure, if you look at the forums, then you notice that lots of people are posting like [insert decent simile here], then wonder what I’m on.


Well, allow me to clarify: I’m on truth here.


Like stated previously, Rping is a way for people to communicate/learn from each other. Kind of like school. Except this is fun. Or ungraded, which actually adds to the fun. But, much like a school, is the idea to not excel?


Knowing this, I ask: why is it that Rping is going down the drain? Since when did one-liners become the norm? Why do people now prefer to tell, not show? Since when did people start caring about the franchise/premise than the actual RPG itself?


Honestly, I notice that, in any usual RPG in a ‘certain’ forum, the norm is usual ten words a post. Or one line. Or something that would be construed as a way to jack post count, were it not for the fact that you don’t get counted in that forum.


Then they run around demanding their own sub forum, to be rebuffed. And then they wonder why. Well, let me tell you why.


You need to smarten up. Should a CoT RPG (yeah, I’m not actually pulling the punches any more. Deal with it) sub forum be created, it would get flooded with dozens of subpar RPGs in no time at all. At which point, you might as well be advertising your RPGs that do not grab the readers attention, nor contain praise-worthy posts, for the most part.


Granted, yes, I do acknowledge that there are several uber-excellent Rpers in CoT, Emperor Kraagh being the prime example, but seriously, the majority… not as much.


Heck, I remember one argument regarding CoT RPGs that I had this one time, and to spare feelings, the person shall henceforth be known as Jim.


I suggested a CoT RPG contest, akin to the Bionicle ones. Jim rebutted, declaring that three CoT RPGs would be too small, that people would riot, etc, etc. But essentially, the gist of his argument was this: QUANTITY OVER QUALITY.


And then, CoT RPers wonder why they don’t get their own forum, while Bionicle RPers do?


The answer is simple. In Bionicle, people, lacking the ability to franchise-war (eg, attract a swarm of Rpers because they have the one [insert well-publicized franchise, like Halo, Pokemon, etc] RPG), have to rely only on their Rping skills; whether you jump the gun on Pokemon or TTGL or Halo doesn’t matter since, well, there’s only going to be the same franchise, no matter how you twist it.


This sentiment is not shared by those in CoT; rather, posting seems to reign king. The best reason that I can think of is simple: nobody competes with each other, causing the RPGs are decided by a sole, likely apathetic (unless Kex or Toaraga RPs) person. Thus, anything can get through, which means that people won’t have to change, revise, and whatnot to the ever fickle crowd.


Hence, RPing degrades from a hobby or an art into a massive post-fest.




Until next time, BZPower




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Woah! I can't remember the last time Nihi talked with this much serious-ness. :P


But it is SO TRUE. I joined a CoT RPG once, and after reading and posting in the first few pages, a realised there was such a difference in quality from those in the RPG forum. There literally isn't any thought, or effort put into many of those posts. Some people do bother putting effort in though, and I feel sorry for those people, 'cause from what I've seen the majority don't.


What Nihy has said is nothing but THE TRUTH!



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Hate is serious forever, Zy. You don't see this side of me often cuz I wub you all. :3


But if you did, then you did something bad. *Seriously serious face at you with hate in it*

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Ah, screw it, I'm naming names for once. Kativa, I don't care you got 1,000+ pages of posts, most of it was spam and one-liners, and somehow you had enough of a cult following that my decent-sized posts managed to always be outdated by the time I clicked "post", hence why I dropped out.


Though holding back good RPG's is idiocy, I do have to say the CoT Judges are being way too lenient. I'm seeing more and more RPG's there and more and more of them don't deserve to be.

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Now, it's interesting reading this, being an actual Dungeons & Dragons player, and having done a lot of RPing, in reality (not that this isn't, but you get the idea).

If there's anything that all the members of our group can agree on, it's that our game needs more roleplaying. In D&D, you need roleplaying. It makes the game interesting, allows you to use your social skills (character's and player's), project your made-up persona, and have fun. Without roleplaying, you're just running a combat simulator (it's not like anyone cares about the travel :P).


Now, CoT RPGs are like that, but there are no numbers, no simulation, no rolling of dice. Essentially, the CoT RPGs are roleplaying. Which means that bad quality RPing is worse. In D&D, if no one wants to RP, you can go out, and kill some monsters, and explore some dungeons, and have some fun. In a CoT RPG, there's no RPing, there's no game. You just have this abomination that goes nowhere.


Now, I don't know much about these RPGs, having seriously played only one (Fire Emblem-Seized By Chaos, a most excellent RPG, run by a most excellent GM, who really needs to show up more often.). But, based on what I know, I have to say, it's definitely quality over quantity. One good post is better than a bunch of lame ones.


If you have nothing good to say, close your mouth. Or rather, your keyboard. (Oh, wait, that makes no sense. How do you close a keyboard?) Now, if this could only be applied to other things...

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If you have nothing good to say, close your mouth. Or rather, your keyboard. (Oh, wait, that makes no sense. How do you close a keyboard?) Now, if this could only be applied to other things...



Besides, where did I say that it is a blanket application to all CoT RPGs in existence?

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It hurts my eyes to read this tripe. Please, if you are so filled with hate for those who can't spell or write good posts, go teach them to do it better. Stop sitting on the sidelines, screaming your hatred for those who don't live up to your standards, and just try being nice. A helpful piece of advice and a kind nudge in the right direction will help far more than a hateful, rage-filled rant. Do you think these people wake up, say "I'm going to write a stupid post today, just to make others mad"? They don't. They try to express their ideas. They may be a little childish, but they'll grow out of it. They don't write bad dialogue or use incorrect puncuation on purpose, they just don't know how to do it better. It is people like you, who harm rather than help, who condemn when you could nurture, who truly harm the RPGs of BZPower.
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Ah, screw it, I'm naming names for once. Kativa, I don't care you got 1,000+ pages of posts, most of it was spam and one-liners, and somehow you had enough of a cult following that my decent-sized posts managed to always be outdated by the time I clicked "post", hence why I dropped out.


Though holding back good RPG's is idiocy, I do have to say the CoT Judges are being way too lenient. I'm seeing more and more RPG's there and more and more of them don't deserve to be.


Hey, don't go flamming me behind my back simply because things didn't go your way. You think I like it either? TFDO was a Godawful mess, and I know that for a fact. You think that when my third one comes around it's just going to be another spawn? No. We make mistakes so we can learn from them, and I am continuing to adapt and improve on my RPG capabilities. Don't go calling me out as though I made the RPGs just to get attention.


It's pretty sad that you expect things to be perfect the first time around. Next time something is appearently agonizing you that badly, tell it to my face so I can improve on it, not just whine about it from the side.

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It hurts my eyes to read this tripe. Please, if you are so filled with hate for those who can't spell or write good posts, go teach them to do it better. Stop sitting on the sidelines, screaming your hatred for those who don't live up to your standards, and just try being nice. A helpful piece of advice and a kind nudge in the right direction will help far more than a hateful, rage-filled rant. Do you think these people wake up, say "I'm going to write a stupid post today, just to make others mad"? They don't. They try to express their ideas. They may be a little childish, but they'll grow out of it. They don't write bad dialogue or use incorrect puncuation on purpose, they just don't know how to do it better. It is people like you, who harm rather than help, who condemn when you could nurture, who truly harm the RPGs of BZPower.

Alright, going to address this in points here.


1. And in turn, it hurts my eyes to read your poor choice of a font color. That makes us even.


2. Alright, going to subdivide this.

a. Called spellcheck, anyways. Most computers come with a word processor.

b. But nice is boring! Alright. Fine, where did I say about people, by dint of not speeling rigt (Yes, deliberate typoes here), fail?


3. It appears like it, yes. But as for expressing ideas, we seem to be at a slight impasse here: what is an idea here?


I feel that an idea is something that takes time. Time to think up, time to run through, time to digest, and ultimately, time to decide whether that idea is worth posting. Such a lengthy process should take at least a few minutes. Now, while I do realize that secondary sources are not that reliable in general, taking Necro's example of a post being outdated because he types it up for a few minutes suggests obscene progression, which in turn, would require a lotta posts, which then leads to seconds to think it up and type. So tell me, are they bringing forth ideas or spewing out the first thing that pops in?


Cuz the latter doesn't count.


4. I'm not babysitting them. I had do it myself.


5. Again, not babysitting. Heck, 'tis called harsh loving. :D

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It hurts my eyes to read this tripe. Please, if you are so filled with hate for those who can't spell or write good posts, go teach them to do it better. Stop sitting on the sidelines, screaming your hatred for those who don't live up to your standards, and just try being nice. A helpful piece of advice and a kind nudge in the right direction will help far more than a hateful, rage-filled rant. Do you think these people wake up, say "I'm going to write a stupid post today, just to make others mad"? They don't. They try to express their ideas. They may be a little childish, but they'll grow out of it. They don't write bad dialogue or use incorrect puncuation on purpose, they just don't know how to do it better. It is people like you, who harm rather than help, who condemn when you could nurture, who truly harm the RPGs of BZPower.

Alright, going to address this in points here.


1. And in turn, it hurts my eyes to read your poor choice of a font color. That makes us even.


2. Alright, going to subdivide this.

a. Called spellcheck, anyways. Most computers come with a word processor.

b. But nice is boring! Alright. Fine, where did I say about people, by dint of not speeling rigt (Yes, deliberate typoes here), fail?


3. It appears like it, yes. But as for expressing ideas, we seem to be at a slight impasse here: what is an idea here?


I feel that an idea is something that takes time. Time to think up, time to run through, time to digest, and ultimately, time to decide whether that idea is worth posting. Such a lengthy process should take at least a few minutes. Now, while I do realize that secondary sources are not that reliable in general, taking Necro's example of a post being outdated because he types it up for a few minutes suggests obscene progression, which in turn, would require a lotta posts, which then leads to seconds to think it up and type. So tell me, are they bringing forth ideas or spewing out the first thing that pops in?


Cuz the latter doesn't count.


4. I'm not babysitting them. I had do it myself.


5. Again, not babysitting. Heck, 'tis called harsh loving. :D



1. This is irrelevant. And you probably just have your monitor contrast set too high.


2a. Spellcheck doesn't really work for some people. It can give you words similar to what you typed, but if you couldn't spell it the first time, you're likely to choose the wrong word too.

2b. You didn't, but it's been said before, and it's an arguement fairly simila to this one.


3. This is true in general. BUT IT'S JUST AN RPG. Were I writing a novel, I would definitely take time to plan out everything I wrote. But RPGs are games. Things are generally more fun if it moves faster, and short and quick posts are easier to write and far easier to respond to. Not to mention that occasionally there's really no point in writing a long response. If I asked you a yes or no question, would you take a half hour to carefully word your answer?


4. So basically you're saying you don't want to make an effort to help? And I'm fairly certain you were taught to read and write.

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3. And a practice in writing. Additionally, there's a difference. When you write a novel, the only thing you can do is irritate the editor(s) with your inevitably many, many grammatical errors sure to result from writing a few hundred pages of stuff. Here, you're writing for the benefit of others.


The average guy goes:



I think a little description would be in order. Like so:

Jack frowned as he contemplated Joe's question; sure, the prospect of a free orange soda was tempting, but he had a lot of homework to do, no? Thought about it for a moment, before deciding that he needed a break anyways. "Sure."


4. Yeah. By people who're paid to do it.

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3. And a practice in writing. Additionally, there's a difference. When you write a novel, the only thing you can do is irritate the editor(s) with your inevitably many, many grammatical errors sure to result from writing a few hundred pages of stuff. Here, you're writing for the benefit of others.


The average guy goes:



I think a little description would be in order. Like so:

Jack frowned as he contemplated Joe's question; sure, the prospect of a free orange soda was tempting, but he had a lot of homework to do, no? Thought about it for a moment, before deciding that he needed a break anyways. "Sure."


4. Yeah. By people who're paid to do it.


3. I completely agree in that situation. But that's what most RPGers do as well. At least 60% do what you did in that situation. Also I believe you misused a semicolon in that post.


4. And chances are, you'd get proto points. Still, I concede that point.


@ The Orb:


4. And I'm fairly certain every other person on this site was taught to read and write as well. ;)


Well of course. But I was making a comparison, not a point.

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COT RPGs are for two kids of people.


Young people who wanna have fun, and people who want serious business.


Since BZP is primarily a younger-fan's site, then we cater to young people who wanna have fun.


Don't like it? Go play somewhere else.

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I don't have the time to go into detail now, but I'll do the best I can.


I play a lot on another forum, and depending on the RPG, who's in it, etc., posts go multiple ways.


One of my friends and I do an Inuyasha RPG, great detail, etc.


Then another is Torchwood, not as much, but it's still great fun, but a different type.


As far as I can see here, people are ignorant. I've made great RPGs later on, and yet I get members, and they don't post (Power Rangers and Code: SCORPIO) for some reason, leading to a premature death.


The current system, despite what they say, is still flawed, fundamentally flawed, and that brings down the RPing experience over here. Personally, I thought it was a good idea at first, but, now that I see what it is, I say we're better off with the old system, despite how long it would take to get it approved by a forum leader.


Ok, that's my in general opinion. I may come back to expand.

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COT RPGs are for two kids of people.


Young people who wanna have fun, and people who want serious business.


Since BZP is primarily a younger-fan's site, then we cater to young people who wanna have fun.


Don't like it? Go play somewhere else.

The blogs cater to several types of people: people looking to vent, make controversy, PROFIT, or to agree.


This happened to be the second. Don't like it? Then don't read it.

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