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It Arrived

Lady Kopaka


Oh man, after waiting like... forever, and after scrapping up $20 (okay... need to find $10 more to pay back mom), I ordered Prince of Persia back on Sunday, and it came today. =D


Been playing it for the past hour or so, I haven't gotten much time or peace with it cause I have to play it in the living room on the family computer... but it's so pretty!


It's like an artist painted the graphics. It's simply gorgeous. And then the new 'Prince' is such a hunk and is made up of so much awesome. Also the whole Elika-saving-you-from-death isn't as bad as I thought it be, she's a fun character to hang around with.


...Though, it's particularly eerie that the two are just like Komas and Tachi. :mellow:


I plan on writing a review on the game later, stay tuned.


If I can, I shall spend the last of 2008 playing games, with some art and writing thrown in. Memorable huh? :P


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My college roommate got it about a week before the weekend break. Visually, I agree that the game is BEAUTIFUL. And I love the new Prince; when I first saw the design for his appearance, I thought, "Eh, he looks like a Cloud-ish character in being depressed and such a lot." But I love his attitude -- we all agreed that he's like if Brendan Fraser was the Prince.


I admit, first playing it, Elika saving you all the time wasn't as bad as I thought. But after playing it for a little while, it did start to get annoying. It remains challenging, in that enemies regain health, but just not challenging enough for me.


Either way, gameplay-wise, it's ridiculously fun!

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I got the game for Christmas, the only quirks I don't like about it is the voice acting is too American and they used Farrah as the name for the prince's donkey. I wish it were more like the sands of time.


Anyway have fun with the game and happy new year!

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I admit, first playing it, Elika saving you all the time wasn't as bad as I thought. But after playing it for a little while, it did start to get annoying. It remains challenging, in that enemies regain health, but just not challenging enough for me.

Yeah, a lot of people said it wasn’t really challenging enough… personally trying to stay on walls and not to allow Elika to save you every minute is challenging enough for me. xD Anyway, though it’s always nice to have a challenge, I like the game how it is—I just love exploring and seeing the scenery, and it’s easier to do that when you don’t have a “GAME OVER” sign every minute like the last trilogy.


I got the game for Christmas, the only quirks I don't like about it is the voice acting is too American and they used Farrah as the name for the prince's donkey. I wish it were more like the sands of time.


Anyway have fun with the game and happy new year!

At first I hated the voice acting too—until I learned that the actors are Ashe (FFXII) and Desmond (Assassin’s Creed). They just grow on you after awhile, anyway half of the game already was a bit cliché… in a good way.


I personally am glad they started on a completely new slate for the Prince; but of course I’m not really picky when it comes to games, cause I don’t have many. I just enjoy what the have to offer, and usually that’s plenty. :D



Have a happy new year to you guys as well!

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I got Prince of Persia as an early Xmas present.



I enjoyed it. Though I did "die" a lot... Ah well.

It was worth the experience.

And yes, the cel-shaded yet detailed graphics were beautiful.


I'd add a Happy New Year but that was yesterday. Oh, Australian time.


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Guest kopakanuva13


I saw some ads for it and it looks graphically awesome. I'll have you see your review though because the only gaming system I have is the DS D:


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At first I hated the voice acting too—until I learned that the actors are Ashe (FFXII) and Desmond (Assassin’s Creed).


I thought it was the guy who did Nathan Drake :mellow: .

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