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Hardcore Death Metal



Can someone tell me the most hardcore death metal song ever? I need it for a music assignment. I'm going to compare it to the Thomas the Tank Engine theme. :)


Also, I am disappointed about the lack of comments last entry. Glorb & Tim are crying in the lounge room now. :(


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I would not exactly say the Thomas theme is any worse than... whatever song you'll use, BTW. :P


*purposely avoided using the word "music" in the sentence*



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What school assingement has you compare the Thomas The Tank Theme to heavy metal? Unless they were all like "WE SHALL MAKE THEN COMPARE THIS TO THAT aagh.gif"




PS: I really Need a blog award to give to you D:

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What school assingement has you compare the Thomas The Tank Theme to heavy metal? Unless they were all like "WE SHALL MAKE THEN COMPARE THIS TO THAT aagh.gif"




PS: I really Need a blog award to give to you D:

He probably chose it himself, becuase he follows the way of POP! and POP! demands something as strange as this. I also follow the sister way of POP!, BOOM!






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