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Holy God.



I have never felt this wretched/filthy/envious about anything in my entire life. Urgh I hate myself.

What is this, 'Phy Is An Emo Week?' Right, I demand banners proclaiming this, now!



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Here. Go be all Elmo-like, mister.





That'll do nicely. :P


Hee hee hee. Cannot resist. I'm using this as my banner as well.


Why? 'Cuz I made it. And it's random. So I get to use it. =P


I'm just gunna go ahead and remove that double post, yes? Woot, self moderating is awesome. :lol:


Alrighety. Well, it is your blog. So, you could edit like.....dinosaurs into every post if you so desired.


Whoa, I didn't notice this. See how long before you notice...


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And so you should! Everyone should know! =D

Yeah. Yeah the Elmo idea is much better. =D



EDIT: Signoff, avatar, and I'm gunna have dinner now. Food is good for being less elmo.

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Let the Elmo chaos begin. Muhaha!


Hah! I like the popupmabob text thing that shows up when you scroll over the banner.


Go eat yer foods. They're very good for being less Elmo, but I bet you'd be more Cookie Monster if you ate a cookie.

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I wish I had a cookie. :(

I've noticed more that people are so fatigued, no one seems to sleep as much these days. Maybe that's it. But that's irrelevant. :P



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I'm starting to go off sleep as well, but it's because this guy I know only wants to hang out from the hours of like 9:30 PM and later. Not so fun when you're trying to socialize but you're constantly falling asleep. Plus, finals are creeping up.


Likewise,.....track+finals+social life+paper not started that's due today=


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D: Nooooo, don't be scared to dead! DON'T BE DEAD, BE HAPPY.


So, I might have to make my av the Cookie Monster....

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Do it. =D


Sorry, I'm incredibly bored out of my mind right now. Like, it's almost finals week for me, and I need something to keep my sanity from scurrying away so I can actually pass my classes.

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Just for right now. I've got finals very soon and a ton of papers to write and projects to finish and outdoor track season's about to start, plus I have to do a three hour radio show on Sunday, so I'm really just trying to survive until Spring Break, because it'll mean a whole glorious week off and I'll get to see all my friends.

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Hooee, that is frightening. Mmm, this craziness should probably do the trick. :P

What's the radio show you have to do? 3hrs, wha.



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I took the broadcasting class my college has, and right now I have to do a minimum of nine on-air hours for my final.


It's pretty neat, because we stream online as well, and it's a free-format station meaning we can play almost anything (like the DJ after me plays opera on his show, and the DJs before me play anything from rap to country), so I'm getting some of my friends at another college as well as my family to listen in when I'm on tomorrow because I kept forgetting to tell them when I was going to be on.

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Woo, sounds awesome! Hope it goes well.

Also hope it goes better than some of the not so good radio hosting that goes on at my school. Calling them amateur hosts is putting it mildly. :P



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Thanks. =)


Oh dear.....that's cool that your school has radio hosting, though. My high school would have never had something as awesome as that.


I hope it will go pretty well. I did the show last weekend as well as the one before that, and not too many big mishaps or anything, but still, anything can occur.

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What you planning on playing, if it's not opera, rap or country? Or is it? :P

At my school all they ever seem to play is either really heavy metal or really soft pop music, which to me is rather annoying, I mean surely neither of those make up the majority of peoples favourite music. Or are they?...

Good luck again!



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It's sort of......alternativeish........


Yeah. :unsure: My musical tastes are very strange and slightly difficult to describe.


I hope not! That'd make the music so it's like constantly running uphill into a tornado filled with tacks, then running downhill into sheets of fabric softener.

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