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Joint Ideas



Does anyone have any good techniques for making very sturdy joints, especially at the MOC's hips? I don't really want to use the swivel-click joints (Bahrag, Makuta set, Super Battle Droid set), but I can't find a design that works well and still looks good.


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Well, the new balljoints with +rod hole attached and some of the grey placeholders usually work for me.

The swivel-click ones are not very stable when it comes to holding something upright.

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Just to give you some perspective, we are talking very strong joints. For a very large MOC. Very large. Probably the largest I've ever made.
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Roa has said that the Av-matoran torsos work very well for her, since they have many connection points.


I suggest a bigger-scale Icarax connection point, but there are those gaps that don't look too good.

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The titan-sized Mata Nui has a beautiful new hip-suspension style that uses pistons. I can't say for sure if it works and allows maximum poseability, and it's getting bashed a ridiculous amount for a robotic look (I myself don't see how it's much more robotic than the smaller Mata Nui's Metruwaist-Metruchestplate conglomeration), but if it is as good as it seems I'd suggest figuring out either that exact style or some variation on it. Surely even if it doesn't work there's a design out there that does, and you'd be the sort of person I'd expect to figure it out.

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