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Lemon Club



This was Bundaling's idea, so, um, yeah. We've decided to start a Lemon Club, where you can express your opinions for Lemons, or just ignore them, you decide. To join, simply post a comment in this entry.


If you think this is rather bizarre, then you should probably read this entry, which explains why Lemons are so great.


And here's a wonderful bannner:




Alternatively, here's a user bar:




And of course, here's a custom Lemon Smilie:




If you want to make the banner into a link, just copy and paste this code into your signature:



So there you go.smilemon.gif




Zero Two


Aanchir: Rachira of Time






~Ruhann: Rider of Azuakk~





Titan XP





Sumiki the Roadrunner


Commodore van Beebo2579


kongu888: Fighter of magnetisim




master mind 3.0

President Lhikan

Michael Toa of Lightning


The Mystery Member


Toa Axzaa

Lunarite toa of the moon


Ultimate Nobody

Vahki 530

Barraki of Boomerangs


Toa Vezorn

Legendary Guardian of Time

Toa Inika X Matthew

Barraki Zuju: Electric

Chocolate Frogs

// Air Freak



biovee: toa of hockey

Toa Vahkshi of Electricity

Onxy-Toa of Sonyx

Autobot Kopaka

Knogu Inika



Darth Maul


Toa Nuva Ponewtu



Hakkan Barraki of Colours


Garfield fan!

Roa McToa

Kurnak The Overlord

Tigs: The Candy Man

Toa of Geckos

pridak king

toa lewa8796




Toa Mirok Nuva

Fyren diamondpoint

Letagi Great Toa of Air


The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf


mr bionicool


Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter


piraka ain't cute


The Sword of the Heart

Alku Toa of Rahi

The Egg Of Choas

Galin: A Dark Hunter's Fear

Rabin: Toa of Electricity

Lord Ehlek

The Holy Chair



Dark Pickle

Toa Dave: The Savior of Trix

the earth man


Hakama. Toa of Deloreans andVWs

jallers comics




kritu:destinys warrior

Lyichir: Rachira of Influence


Emperor of Chaos



Carapar: The Destroyer



Toa Viran



philbert toa of steak



matoro toa of ice


Scythrax-Toa of cheese


Kanohi Wearer


Lemon Club Challege 1:

Design a Toa of Lemons


Winner - Aanchir


Lemon Club Challenge 2:

Write a poem or story about Lemons


Winner - Arpy


Recommended Comments

Bad news for those who love my lemon song,I recorded it but it suddenly got lost,seems that you guys have to wait for another time.


:j: :i: out


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Well, Citric Comrades, we now have a veritable army - the Club now has 50 members! Let's redouble our efforts and try and get 100!



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I'd like to join the lemon club!


I especially like lemonade gatorade, slushies, and lemonade in general. I also put lemon on my fish and in tea.


And it's just fun to eat it buy itself!


Also, here's a quote, but I wonder if it's already been posted:

"When life gives you lemons, it's best to hold out until it gives you sugar and water, too, or else you'll have some pretty gross lemonade."



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Lemon Fun Fact #1: The world's heaviest lemon weighed around 11lbs., 9.7 ounces! Grown by a farmer in Israel, the lemon was 29 INCHES AROUND, BIGGER THAN A VOLLEYBALL! (source: National Geographic Kids.) Thought this would be an intersting fact for all of us lemon lovers! lol.




:t: :i: :x: :m: OUT


That is quite interesting, so I'll add it to the sparkly new content block.



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Awesome! Lemons! :happydance:


I'lll join For Sure. I LOVE Lemons, especially the sour taste. MMMMMmmmmmMMMM. :P


Count Me in!


.//Air Freak





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I think I speak for every one when I talk about the joy it brings to you when you feel the citrusy taste of lemon juice on your tongue, dont I?

yes you do. LEMON!

can I join aswell?


Of course.



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Can I join? And can I(Is it legal) use the user bar thingy without getting rid of my Ehlek banner?


P.S. Squeeze a lemon, a lime,an orange, a grapefruit, a pink grapfruit, and a tangerine in a glass and drink. Yum-O!(yet very sourish)


You can join.



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Bad news for those who love my lemon song,I recorded it but it suddenly got lost,seems that you guys have to wait for another time.


:j: :i: out

Ahh man, I was looking forward to that, oh well. :)


Can I join? And can I(Is it legal) use the user bar thingy without getting rid of my Ehlek banner?


P.S. Squeeze a lemon, a lime,an orange, a grapefruit, a pink grapfruit, and a tangerine in a glass and drink. Yum-O!(yet very sourish)

You could put a link to the LEMON club in your if you want.


Know what, I just realized my mom puts lemon juice in salsa sometimes.

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lemons are too sour. they need sugar and water too be good

how dare you insult the mightiness of the lemon :o ! lemons will rule the world one day and then you will bow down to them-All hail the lemons. :happydance:

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it's that time again time for another


Rise Of The Lemon Kingdom

Part Two


I see in the papers today the story “hunter killed by mysterious object” I know what happened but I believe it is best the world not know.

In the desolate forest the lemon becomes more powerful as the days progress. In no time he will be powerful enough to destroy earth. But he keeps his existence a secret knowing if he shows himself now he will be destroyed. But there was one person who he saw that wasn’t dead. He waits for the day that I’ll stumble upon him again.

I believe I should tell what I saw but I thought it was only a dream. Now that the hunter really died I see I was wrong. I will tell someone about this but I am afraid it is too late the lemon might be on my trail even now. It is a risk that I have to take if I want to live.

From the diary of Dorman Exuvient.


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Sorry for being inactive for so long!

Seran...or should I call you Aero, I think it would be best if people simply joined by posting, rather than waiting for you to approve it. Although, I think that would make it hard to add them to the members list. Oh well...


People do join simply by asking, I just officialise it.




Random Lemon thing of the Week!

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

If pi-3.141592654, lemon=?

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Yes, lemon=good.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

...and lemons=WOOTNESS

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

This must be the least amusing RLTOTW.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Insert squiggley thing here[~]



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I really likey lemons. I think real lemonade helps with colds or something. I like lemon bars, lemon squares, lemonade, and lemon meringue pie. Yay lemons!! Whenever I'm at a restaurant, I always order lemonade for a beverage (if they have it). Also, here's a lemon fact: Lemons have more sugar than strawberries. That means that they're SO sweet they're sour. But in a juicy good way. I hope I like lemons enough to join. So, can please I join?? :begging: PLEASE!!


Toa Vahkshi of ElEcTrIcItY


You may.



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Lemons are yellow

sugar is sweet

I tried lemon and said

"this is really neat"

and I prefer Lemons

not sugar I eat

'cause lemons-they all beat.


And umm....I like lemons!

Sooo..can I Join? :)





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I know I'm not in the Lemon club yet, but I just can't hold this memory in. I remember I was eating food in a place I can't really remember, and I picked up a lemon. But my hands were slippery from what I think was grease from something I ate *shudders*, and I accidentally dropped it on the ground :( (poor lemon). Then a cruel lemon hating person (or someone who didn't see the lemon) stepped on it. The sight of it brought tears to my eyes. But that wasn't all of it. I had bent over to pick it up when the person stepped on it. That must have been one one hard step because the juice was squeezed out of it. Right into my eyes!! You must be thinking: Ouch. But guess what? Luckily for me (I think) I wear glasses!! That was the one time I actually appreciated having to wear glasses. But they were tainted with lemon blood. I cleaned them VERY thoroughly. What a waste of a lemon. This must be my longest post EVER.


Toa Vahkshi of ElEcTrIcItY


How awful for you to witness such a crime.



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I know it's not time yet, but I missed a few entries, so....


Random Lemon Thing of the week!


"When Life gives you lemons, suck the juice out of them. Of course, don't if you aren't as sour-resistant as Salza. If the lemon's greatness hypnotizes you to suck on it (and you are not a Salza-type person) Please run to the nearest drinking fountain. Drink water like mad, making sure you don't swallow the lemon juice. Later, eat some sugar and mix that into the lemon-water with your tongue. That way, you will have made lemonade inside your mouth--Agh! What are you doing!? Get off me! Gack!! Help!!! Anti-Weird Police!! ARGH! Oh no--*Bzzarghk*"


-Voice recording made by Mr. Lalbert Einstemon.


Yes, he was the one credited for ideas such as this.


Unfortunately, he was caught and jailed by the Anti-Weird police. I think the A-WP are just lemon haters...so sad.


"Phew. Now I've been let out of jail because I was proven innocent in court. Now...let's try a different idea.

When life gives you lemons, play table tennis with it until it breaks. Now, this may seem evil to the lemon, but believe me, it's for the greater good. Now, watch as I have lined the table with soft rubber, making it waterproof. The edges have more rubber so the juice doesn't spill. Now--ah! there we go. *Splark* Now watch carefully...*Sprooonnng* See? I pop up the rubber to the juice, pulp and peel will be caught. Now, I take this and--ARGH! What are you doing here!? AAArrcckkk!--*Klackk*


I think this is evidence that the A-WP are lemon haters.





Do not use the spoiler tags for non-spoilers. -B6

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I have a lemon haiku. It's not very good, but here goes:


Lemons are awesome


They're magnificently sweet


So awesome...they rule!!


It's just something I made up from the top of my head.



The famous rapper...Lemonem!! :D.






Toa Vahkshi of ElEcTrIcItY

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Can I join the Lemon Club. You all have a good point, lemon is fun to say. Lemon lemon lemon lemon...


You may, but remember that excess of Lemon can be dangerous.



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Can I join the Lemon Club. You all have a good point, lemon is fun to say. Lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon...

Autobot Kopaka, please do not spam. Anyways...


Lemons are pretty cool. But if your looking for a lemon-lover you should look for my smart-alek, sarcastic brother. Whenever I get a lemon with my tea, he asks for it... alas, lemons are awesome. It's my favorite yellow item.


Lemons rock,




P.S. : Have you guys noticed how the smileys are yellow like lemons?...Perhaps...


IPB Image Perhaps indeed...



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I have an excuse for my over-lemon-ey-ness. It's over and done with now, but I just wanna tell you anyway. I was trying to see how many times I could put lemon in a box, so to speak. I was going to edit it, but...as my luck goes, I got a board message...and wasn't able to do so. I won't do it again.


I'm a teenager, and to add to the stereotype that we all do stupid things, I once sucked the juice out of a lemon for a dollar. My tongue, oh, my tongue....

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