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ToM Dracone


I'm rather enjoying myself.


I moved in on Tuesday, and since then they've been keeping us busy with orientation activities. Icebreakers, info sessions, tours, a meeting with my advisor, registration, et cetera. I hated my room at first – it's pretty old and there seems to be too much furniture than the room can hold – but my roommate and I bunked our beds and that gave us a lot more space. And it looked much better with all of my stuff put up. I also have a little plant with me – ivy – which brightens up the room considerably.


We pre-registered for (freshman-level) classes over the summer, but yesterday I met with my pre-major advisor and got into the two advanced classes I had wanted, so now I have my schedule finalized (registration was this morning). I'm taking Beginning German, Plants and Plant Communities of the Mid-Hudson Valley, the Evolution of Earth and Its Life, and then Fifth- and Fourth-Century literature (an intermediate Greek class) and Roman Lyric and Elegy, a 300-level Latin class, which is the most advanced level of Latin offered. I'm really looking forward to it.


My advisor is awesome, by the way. He's a lot like Dr. Jones, my Latin/Greek teacher from high school... and he's the one teaching my Latin class. Which I actually decided to take after I heard him give a lecture during this faculty research presentations part of orientation.


I'll try to keep this updated, but I'm going to be kinda busy. And I will eventually post some more entries about Janus' and my plans for 2009.

~ ToM


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That's good that you landed comfortably in place. It's my first week here and I already know I need to transfer.

Dude, that sucks. I'm really sorry. :/ How come?

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Because while my school is great for physics majors and engineers, it's oddly not so great for math majors.

I wish that made sense. Seriously. If those three subjects were more intertwined, well, they'd be one subject.

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