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Taka's Inofficial Art Contest

Taka Nuvia


Taka's inofficial art contest # 1




Yes, you heard me. I'm planning to host an art contest in here. A little one, but nonetheless. Everyone is welcomed to join.


Theme: create a spooky/Halloween-themed piece of art. Should have to do with Bionicle in some way, but you can do the characters in any style you want


Feel free to post your opinions here, and if you spot errors/things that need to be clarified, I'd ask you to tell me either via post here or pm (whatever your prefer).


1. What is allowed


~ hand drawn art

~ computer-generated art

~ sprite-art


2. What I can't tolerate


~ Using other peoples' work and claiming it as your own

~ Anything that violates the Bzpower Rules and Guidelines


3. The Entry deadline


~ October the 1st


4. Voting system


~ First round: you can vote for up to 3 entries.

~ depending on the number of entries, there will be either 1 or two final rounds.

~ if 2 entries get the same number of votes, there will be a seperate mini voting round for them.

~ You will vote by posting in the blog entry.


5. The Prize(z)


~ 1. place: artwork request

~ 2. place: GS appearance in "The End of All hope"

~ 3. place: a blogspot


6. How do we enter?


~ You enter by filling the following form:


Member name:


Thumbnail (if you have one):


Important: Other than in the official art contest, you may put the name of your entry in the url, so instead of






[url="http://brickshelf.com/blah/myentry.bmp"]Name of your entry[/url]


Recommended Comments

I should really try to get over my artist´s block, and enter something. :)




That would be awesome. Don't worry, you still have plenty of time (until the 1st of October)


Ooo..very nice..Gavla wishes to enter..


Do we post the entries here Taka?



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I would enter this, but I'm already so overworked...




Maybe I'll get bored and do something


you have a whole month ^^ well, kind of

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Quick question. Is there a size limit or is it more of a "Use common sense" sizing?


No, there's no size limit - I trust in you people being able to tell what is too big and what is not :)

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Are noobs like me allowed to join this art brigade? If so, then I'll get right on it. :P


Zippy: TOL'ning

Of course you are! Everyone is allowed to join! =D


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I'm finished and I've scanned it. Only, my scanner's smaller than my art, so I had to cut off half the scary clown and most of my signature. Hey, at least my ghost is still there :P




Yeah, I have a bobble head. And I do tend to make people cry and run away when they see me.

This may not have scanned well...


EDIT: By the way, the writing up the top says "ZIPPY'S NIGHTMARE BRIGADE"

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You can resize it if you want. I sure can't :P


Zippy: TOL'ning


Okay, thank you. :)

I'll upload it to my brickshelf afterwards, and post the link here

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