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Bionicle 2010



In the interests of saving time --


I cannot discuss ANYTHING relating to BIONICLE 2010. I'm not allowed. That includes sets, story, etc. The fact that this site or that site may post things early does not change the rules I have to work under when I am on here.




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Greg, I know you can't comment on this, but I heard rumor that 2010 is BIONICLE's ending... well, can you comment onn this part if it's fake at least? I'm really worried since we're all seeing Star sets pop up without explanation :(

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Glad you posted this.


I'll have BS01 staff link to this on BS01. That will help spread the word to keep the PMs at bay. -Swert

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Besides, I'm sure nobody wants Greg to get fired just so we can know one tiny scrap of info about 2010. (JK Greg, I'm sure they wouldn't fire you if you told us.)

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The only thing I do want to know - is 2010 officially counted as the Bionicle Centennial?

No, that would be summer 2101. Centennial=100 year anniversary.

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One note -- I contacted the Brand Manager re: the Target web site, and they will be contacted and asked to take the Stars sets down as it is too early to be featuring them.



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Hm... well, I at least thought that 2009 to 2011 will be the Mata Nui's adventures saga and 2012 to 2014 will be something new too. But I love BIONICLE no matter what. I simple end would actually be somehwta fine but only if we ever get all our remaining questions answered. I don't wanna bother you at all Greg, it's just that I really want to put in more foreshadowing once I make the BIONICLE movie series. But I will just wait as planned.


And 2010/2011 have been the most thought-of to be BIONICLE's 10th anniversary (woot!), since BIONICLE was released Decmeber 30, 2000 in Europe and sometime in July, 2001. In reference to 2001 being BIONICLE's first year, that means 2010 isn't BIONICLE's 10th anniversary (woot again!) but rather its tenth year, at least...


Even though this is off-topic, I just really gotta say this: Greg, really, Vakama's turn to the Visorak in 2005 really WAS a great storyling detail! Vakama was the greatest choice to having done so, IMHO, than Matau, because of all the foreshadowing in the books and movie in 2004. Examples are how Vakama never saw himself as a true leader but later when he took up the role he felt as though he wasn't fit to be so. And he had that whole big connection with Lhikan and thinking it was his fault and all (which it was :P ). And plus I think Vakama's turn had MUCH batter reason than Anakin's turn in Star Wars, as Anakin simply wished to learn the Dark Side and become powerful enough to stop people from dying, while Vakama's turn wasn't all about supernatural power but rather about true leadership and all. And plus, Vakama/Matau had much stronger dialogue is Web of Shadows rather than Anakin in Revenge of the Sith.


Sorry for getting so completely off-topic, sorry staff and all readers/viewers...



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Well, now. That's fine.


But it's just so weird that Target posted them so early.


And I barely ever PMed you, so that pretty much keeps me off from asking about 2010.

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I gotta disagree on Vakama -- as you said, he had this deep connection to Lhikan and felt he had failed him. Wouldn't turning evil and attacking his fellow Toa be failing him even worse? Why, then, would he do that? Captain America blamed himself for his sidekick's death for decades, he didn't turn bad and attack the Avengers as a result. He fought harder to honor his memory. Keep in mind all that foreshadowing you refer to was done BECAUSE we already knew what the plot of the '05 movie would be at that point. Otherwise, his character would have been developed differently.

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so i think when bionicle will end there will be a final fight in the end like mata nui vs makuta form teridax

and now mata nui is in bara magna and teridax soul is in a giant robot

so i think the end isn't 2010

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Well, I'm just geussing that there isn't even going to be much story in 2010, and the bionicle stars point to that. it may just be an

anniversery of bionicle, and the fact that the stars come from different stories point to it greatly, IMO. so I'm not even gonna ask about it,

I'm just gonna be surprised when it comes.

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As a reply to Mr. Farshtey's view on Vakama's betrayal, I feel that, although it made little sense with his loyalty to Lhikan, Time Trap would not have had as good of a plot had things played out differently, but that's just me. :psychotwitch:



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Ah yes, now I see your point of view, Mr. Farshtey. But then again, at least Vakama's great emotions and depressions may have been a contributing factor to this. In the novelization of Web of Shadows (as you may most likely know... :P ), Vakama believes he could've saved the Matoran with all this new power over the Visorak he would've gained, which shows he still had good in him but had a dislike towards his friends. Now his dislike for his friends may have most likely developed because he was always thought of "cross-wired" and all by his teammates in 2004. In "BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below," all the other Toa were discussing who'd be the best leader of the team, and Vakama didn't seem to care so much or maybe was sad. And later on, Matau somewhat blamed Vakama for their mutation. This led to Vakama believing he can only gain leadership by controlling them, also due to the bestial thoughts that overwhelmed his mind. Another thing about this Hordika transformation is that with all of these thoughts Vakama had prior to the Toa's capture, these may have led him to be a little less self-controlled.


As a connection, I'll use Star Wars again; the Jedi are "keepers of the peace" and the Sith use their power for destruction. Anyone can easily fall to the Dark Side by losing control and channeling all their hate and arrogant emotion into their dark power. To be a Jedi, constant concentration and mental stability must be maintained. As Star Wars has many biblical references, this may be somewhat true in real life. And with Vakama not only having his mind clouded with all these saddenning thoughts but with the mind of a beast, he was really one to lose control and fall to the Brotherhood. The other Toa had less connection with Lhikan (as Vakama saw him being captured and later killed) and weren't really up to the role of leader. And as I said earlier Vakama still wanted to be a leader but with his mind felled to a beast, he believed he can gain leadership by installing fear into the minds of his followers.


And later in Web of Shadows when Matau mentioned the word "Duty," Vakama's Toa-will seemed to return to him and erase the beast inside away. I liked Vakama's turn because with the Toa Metru leader-less, it would've made things even more of a challenge for them. Now, Matau wouldn't have been an exceptionally appropriate decision for a "turning-role" (IMO) because, despite his ego, I thought it was a great addition to have him, the least-expecting of the Toa to do this, return Vakama to the Toa. This better showed Matau's maturity and developement as the story progressed, so he didn't seem like such the bratty Toa we saw in 2004. Another support for his maturity: "We all make mistakes, Vakama. That's what happens when you're brave enough to make decisions. I understand that now." (Matau to Vakama, BIONICLE: Web of Shadows), which happens to be one of BIONICLE's more stronger quotes. Well, besides his later words: "Our strength comes from our Unity, Vakama. Which means... you can't be strong without us." Yep, I'm such the fan-boy to almost cry when hearing that... :P



Aww geez, I've become so off-topic with this... again, sorry to all of you viewers, readers, staff, Mr. Farshtey, etc.!



Back on topic: Yeah, I don't have much of a problem with not being able to ask Mr. Farshtey about 2010, I really understand the views behind that... plus, I want 2010 to be a surprise! Then again, BZP ruined the surprise... :P







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