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I Stink At Decisions (İ Decided?)

Lady Kopaka


I think I have decided.


Stayed up late looking at GW2 concept art...and that pretty much made my desicion, LOL. I'll be saving for a Intuos4, and I'll just grab a 4-8GB USB for those files I was worried about. In a few months when I have my job problem solved, I'll move onto the mp3 player.


Soo uh...not officially doing commissions atm, but anyone willing to give me a few bucks for some sketches or lineart stuff? C:


And once I sort this out, I'll probably sell my old tablet...anyone interested buying in the near future? (still works like a charm and comes with the box and all; I won't be charging too much)


also on a irrelevant note, LK will be on less for awhile (again) because of all the junk she's allowed to pile on her plate...blah!


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I'd get the MP3 player, though that's probably just because music means more to me than art. XP


Still, the MP3 player may be the best choice anyway... As you said, one with a large amount of space could be used to back up important files, and I've learned from experience that computer-related disaster can strike at any time and take hundreds of files with it.


On the other hand, art will be your profession as you said, and practice is important...


I can see why you're having trouble with this. xD


I think the best advice on this I can give is to do some hunting for a good MP3 player and a good tablet at the best prices. If the best MP3 player is less expensive than the best tablet, go for the player. If the best tablet is less expensive than the best MP3 player, go for the tablet.


Probably not much of a help, but meh, at least I tried. =P

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If the tablet still works fine, I'm not sure why you want to get rid of it... :P But if it's really uncomfortable to use and stuff, I'd go with the new tablet. But if you're still fine with using your old tablet until you have more money for one, go with the MP3 player.


If I had to pick, I'd choose the tablet because I already have an MP3 player that I like and is new and blah. :P I know, I'm not much help at all. :)

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You have no idea how much I hate making decisions like this [as in, two things that seem equally as good]. =P


But, well, seeing as I hate to draw/etc., I'd recommend the MP3 [or iPod -- I love my Nano -- but either one works], just because music is love and I'm not an artist. Seeing that you are an artist, though, I really have no idea. How much does each thing cost? I'd imagine that the tablet would cost less, and therefore it'd be easier to get that one later if you spend all your money now.


And that's really all the help I can give, seeing that I'm not an artist so my opinion would be different.



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Each of my choices are around the same price. The tablet is actually extremely expensive. It's looking to be in the range of $200-$300.


And a MP3 player with a size larger than 30GB will be within that range as well. I'm not really into iPod as they're pretty expensive and not so good as a external harddrive (not to mention I don't want one with a zillion crazy addons--just music, video, picture, and maybe radio/recording/some other stuff for me).

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It really depends on how workable your current tablet is, and whether you use music as an aid for your art.


I mean, your priority should be to get ahead in your art, and you should choose whichever help you get further in that area.


I'll stop talking out my ###### now. :P (Ooh, I've been censored! :D)

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get the mp3

if the tablet is difficult to use, it just means it's better for practice. If it isn't, there isn't a problem.

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In my opinion it all comes down to which is more important to you now. Do you need back-up files and comforting music, or better art tools?


If it was my choice I would go with the MP3 player because I know how difficult it is to have your hard-drive crash and have all your files lost; in addition music is very important to me.


Hope that helps.

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if the tablet is difficult to use, it just means it's better for practice. If it isn't, there isn't a problem.

It isn't that. It's such a small working area for me, and I do large drawings--I get cramps very easily.


Lately after thinking about it, I may be leaning toward the MP3 player...I've been paranoid at my files lately, and I need more space for my music. Not to mention I think the mp3 player I'm looking at is a whole $100 cheaper. Hmm...

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if the tablet is difficult to use, it just means it's better for practice. If it isn't, there isn't a problem.

It isn't that. It's such a small working area for me, and I do large drawings--I get cramps very easily.


Lately after thinking about it, I may be leaning toward the MP3 player...I've been paranoid at my files lately, and I need more space for my music. Not to mention I think the mp3 player I'm looking at is a whole $100 cheaper. Hmm...


Cramps... ugh. I always get them when I'm swimming. Not comfortable at all.


I'd go for the MP3 if I were you. I need my iPod shuffle (not the new kind, the older, bigger one) just to get through a day with all my siblings. And when my cats won't get off my feet.

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I would be inclined to get the tablet first. If art is your profession it makes sense to me to improve your art, get more commissions[?], get more cash, get more nice things [mp3]. Could just be me, though.


In other news, I might consider buying the tablet as long as it's Mac compatible [reasonably sure it is]. It's been a minor want of mine for some time as it would make picture reviews for MOCs infinitely easier, and I would like to try my hand at drawing somewhere that isn't paper. [dunno how long that would last as I'm nowhere near good at drawing]


Although the size thing could be a problem as I have rather large hands....


Of course I wouldn't be looking to spend more than $30, so if I were you, I would probably keep looking for a better offer. :P


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I'm not saying for 100% that I'm selling it yet, so that's why I haven't said anything on prices yet. I'll have to look on the internet and see what prices are for this type.


Another issue. My parents told me they'd chip in a little to help with the tablet...but not the mp3 player? I guess that's understandable, but still grah. So there's another dilemma that has made my choosing more complicated now.

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Hm, I'm sure you edited this thing.


I would give you a few bucks for some sketches if I wasn't totally broke (except for ten bucks, which I am going to buy fuzzy socks for two of my friends with) and not allowed to buy stuff online. <_<

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Um... So, I know nothing about Tablets. But I'm interested in learning to use one, because so many of my favorite artists use Tablets. (For some reason, I feel the need to capitalize Tablet.) Would this tablet be compatible with a Macbook Pro? And what are the dimensions of the screen? 'Cause I'm not good at drawing super tiny.


Also: HOORAY GW2. Totally playing as Charr when it comes out.



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Oooh I was going to ask...who is going to get GW2? I don't have any time for games these days...but Guild Wars stuff is amazing. Everyone should get it then we should make a amazing BZP guild. Haha.


Um... So, I know nothing about Tablets. But I'm interested in learning to use one, because so many of my favorite artists use Tablets. (For some reason, I feel the need to capitalize Tablet.) Would this tablet be compatible with a Macbook Pro? And what are the dimensions of the screen? 'Cause I'm not good at drawing super tiny.

I am almost 100% that these Wacom tablets are very friendly to Mac. I'm not really sure what you mean by dimensions...pretty much you hook it up, and regardless of how big or small your tablet is, it automatically gets adjusted with your monitor. Though, if you have a 14-16" screen, a small or medium tablet is good. For me though, that works large and has a 21" screen, I need a little bigger (the small works fine, but it can get hard to use around the edges of the screen). Wacom is extremely easy to work with, so don't worry having to be nitpicky with installing and trying to get it to work, usually.


Also, don't draw tiny on a tablet. It's okay to doodle and get used to it...but if you're going to draw, use a canvas size larger than 1000x1000 pixels (I actually use 3000+), or it will be really hard to get anything done. Don't get frustrated either with it...it takes a few months (for me anyway) for your hand to get adjusted.


If you are interested, just go here: Wacom.com


Oh and to people interested in tablets...I'd encourage learning with a pencil first. I still prefer those little wooden sticks over a tablet, really.

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Oooh I was going to ask...who is going to get GW2? I don't have any time for games these days...but Guild Wars stuff is amazing. Everyone should get it then we should make a amazing BZP guild. Haha.


Um... So, I know nothing about Tablets. But I'm interested in learning to use one, because so many of my favorite artists use Tablets. (For some reason, I feel the need to capitalize Tablet.) Would this tablet be compatible with a Macbook Pro? And what are the dimensions of the screen? 'Cause I'm not good at drawing super tiny.

I am almost 100% that these Wacom tablets are very friendly to Mac. I'm not really sure what you mean by dimensions...pretty much you hook it up, and regardless of how big or small your tablet is, it automatically gets adjusted with your monitor. Though, if you have a 14-16" screen, a small or medium tablet is good. For me though, that works large and has a 21" screen, I need a little bigger (the small works fine, but it can get hard to use around the edges of the screen). Wacom is extremely easy to work with, so don't worry having to be nitpicky with installing and trying to get it to work, usually.


Also, don't draw tiny on a tablet. It's okay to doodle and get used to it...but if you're going to draw, use a canvas size larger than 1000x1000 pixels (I actually use 3000+), or it will be really hard to get anything done. Don't get frustrated either with it...it takes a few months (for me anyway) for your hand to get adjusted.


If you are interested, just go here: Wacom.com


Oh and to people interested in tablets...I'd encourage learning with a pencil first. I still prefer those little wooden sticks over a tablet, really.


Yeah, I'm totally a pencil person. To be perfectly honest, I'm not 100% sure of how a Tablet is used... Too much of a traditionalist. :P


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With a better tablet, hopefully your art-making will get easier, and you might be able to earn enough money for an MP3 player!

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If my computer weren't all but dead, leaving me in a momentary freeze on spending, I'd offer to pay for some art. >< And that said, personally, I agree with the decision to get the tablet first, then the MP3 player.


Best wishes getting the money for both things though. hug.gif

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If only someone would call about a job, I wouldn't be so worried about this...I've done so many applications. Aggh.


Thanks Necro, but don't worry about it...it's only stuff, and I'll get it working out soon!

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