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I was going for the Vikings... though I could be slightly biased towards them for back when I lived in Minnesota << >>


*was the only game he actually watched of the season*

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Although, in the end, I really didn't expect the Vikings to actually get to and win the Super Bowl.


Regardless, I'm rooting for the Colts because the Saints are what kicked the Vikes out. :angry:


«Takuma Nuva»
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U2 and Green Day. =|
NO, NO, NO! The Skids, for crying out loud, The Skids! Original and best, gragggh!! That cover is such a poor rendition! ;_;

Sorry about that. Obviously I don't follow American Football, but I know the feeling. Yay, I guess.



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I was flip-flopping on who should win, but after hours of meditating on it, the Saints did deserve this win.


So yes, Saints go marching on. *nod*

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Meh. The Cards aren't in it, the Bears aren't in it, and it ain't baseball, so I;m only watching it in hope of seeing Toy Story 3 commercials. (PIXAR movie commercials are the only reason my siblings and I watch it :P)


However, I am going for the Saints, since there's this guy at my church who's a big Colts fan, and it's so fun to tease him when the Colts lose. :evilgrin:

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It's a party in N'Awlins!




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They didn't win last year. Last year, the Steelers won.

Colts won SB XLI after the 2006 season.


You are all Saints fans, anyway. *Jedi hand wave*



"What do you think you are--some kind of Jedi waving your hand like that? Mind tricks don't work on-a me, only a Cubs World Series."


But I will be going for the Saints.

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... Seahawks SBXLV? Mariners World Series 2010? Sounders MLS Cup '10?


... Sonics 2010-11? D:


A guy can dream, right? *sighs*

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... Seahawks SBXLV? Mariners World Series 2010? Sounders MLS Cup '10?


... Sonics 2010-11? D:


A guy can dream, right? *sighs*

Mariners don't have a chance.


You guys took Milton Bradley from us. :P

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Well, besides being a native banana-republic-bayou-cajun from Louisiana (well--sorta. I was born in TN, but I spent a lot of my time there), a lot of the reason is, like you said Jordboy is just because Saints have never made it this far. This is very historical.

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Yeah...though the Vikings four times being there they never have won a Super Bowl, they lost all four. :P

So....either way, each one woulda had a good time, if the Vikings woulda made it then won, it woulda been historical (and something special to Favre) on the other hand the Saints winning and getting there at all is pretty historical. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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... Seahawks SBXLV? Mariners World Series 2010? Sounders MLS Cup '10?


... Sonics 2010-11? D:


A guy can dream, right? *sighs*

Mariners don't have a chance.


You guys took Milton Bradley from us. :P

We also took Cliff Lee and Chone Figgins, your point is invalid : D

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Did you see how bad Bradley was? :P


But, yeah, Lee and Figgins do neutralize some of his problems.


But not hardly all, since Lee can only play once every five games. :P

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... Seahawks SBXLV? Mariners World Series 2010? Sounders MLS Cup '10?


... Sonics 2010-11? D:


A guy can dream, right? *sighs*

Mariners don't have a chance.


You guys took Milton Bradley from us. :P

I'm just glad that the Rays didn't get him. *wipes sweat off forehead*

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