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You Know What?

Taka Nuvia



There's something bugging me but I can't talk about it.


And because of that I'll just tell you a bit (more) about myself. Haha, as if I wouldn't do that all the time... aanyways, back on topic.


I'm extremely scared of going blind. It'S not like I had some disease or something, but one day I woke up and thought "What if". And then I realized that 90% of the things that make life worth living for me would become impossible.




Seeing the sun.

Or other people.


Eternal darkness.


On the one hand I do wonder what it would be like. But then again, every time I think about it, it scares me.


When I go home from school, there is a long narrow path that goes past a playground. But normally nobody's there when I go down there, and no cars and nothing anywhere. So from time to time, when I walk down this path, I close my eyes and try to walk like that. I can't go further than 5 or 8 steps.



It's truly scary.


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going blind would suck.


for one thing, I dunno what I'd do without being able to MOC or draw or talk to my friends online or anything like that either.


hopefully Taka if for some reason you do go blind (which hopefully you won't), it'll be from like, toxic waste or something and all your other senses will be heightened to like, superhuman levels


you'll be like Daredevil :o


except like, not a lawyer

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I'm scared of a pretty good bunch of things.

Partially Xenophobia mainly a fear of Men other teens at times and just a series of older adults,

doctors mostly nothing major I just have an aversion to just come up and talk to ppl sometimes.

Other times I've feared of dying or of the swin flu that we'd all die. But some of that I end up getting

ticked off and I just push the thought away and I feel better about living. Theres no need to worry

at all if nothings the matter though. *hug* I'll be praying for you to feel better.

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Oh, you just reminded me the time when I almost go deaf :(


The story is, that one day I woke up and found out that I couldn't hear at all. I tried to scream, I tried to play my electric gutiar at the max volume; but it was useless. I could't hear a thing. Of course that brought me some issues, you see, since it was harder for me to communicate, because I couldn't be sure of what I said and neither could I know what the others told me.


I went to the doctor (and almost got hit by a bus in the way over, because I couldn't sense it) and he told me (actually, he wrote it on a blackboard) that my ears were damanged from over exposure to high noises. This shocked me, because it was actually true: Back on the day, you see, I used to hear my iPod at the max level and even sleep with it. As he explained to me that what I needed was some rest and some eardrops, I just began wondering: What if I can't listen ever again? The concept scared me: I wouldn't be able to listen to my family, my friends, nor playing the guitar properly or listening to music at all. That's when I realized that we all are gifted with something special. And it was something worth of taking care of.


Luckily, after 2 weeks of non-hearing and asking people to write down somewhere what they wanted to tell me, I regained my hearing again (not fully, jus around 90%, as the doctor told me) and from that time, I was more concerned about my ears. But a question still bugged me: Could I live as a deaf person?


I tried to answer that question using some cotton in my ears and trying to live a normal day. I found out it was hard, and yes, sad.


But your entry also reminded me that we have to stop from time to time and give thanks for what we gave now; since we don't know when it will be taken away.

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Well, there's this one guy in eastern Europe who's blind from birth. And became quite an artist. What surprises people is that he can paint objects with accurate color placements, even though he had never seen color in his life.


He also drew the Parthenon in perspective. So, props to him.

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Well, there's this one guy in eastern Europe who's blind from birth. And became quite an artist. What surprises people is that he can paint objects with accurate color placements, even though he had never seen color in his life.


He also drew the Parthenon in perspective. So, props to him.


True, but I couldn't live (at least not as hapilly as I do know) blind, ya know. But if this guy can, good for him. Erase that, sorry. I accidentally thought you meant my almost-deaf experience.


But reconsidering, I guess this guy must have quite a happy life.

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You know, this is quite logical fear-wise. Like, more than half of my time is spent on the computer or using my sight.


And you led me onto this train of thought: If I was forced to lose one sense, what would be one I'd bear to lose? So you made me think, and I decided on my sense of smell. Though I wouldn't be able to taste as well as I used to, my sense of smell is already half-gone, so it wouldn't be as big a loss as sight or hearing.


This is a very interesting and intelligent entry you have, Taka Nuvia. You're definitely very thought-provoking.

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