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A Most Childish Rant



I'm not particulary fond of online versus games- but I've always played Team Fortress 2. There is one thing I've found, though. The game's coordinator-and-teamwork attitude is spoiled by two things.


The Demoman and Soldier.


Now, I don't care so much about losing as long as I still have fun in the process, so that's not the issue here. I'm not one of those people who plays these games to win and feel awesome or something because it's just a game. But when I'm just trying to unwind and find I can't enjoy the game because we're getting steamrolled by a team with several dozen Soldiers and Demomen who just hammer M1 over and over again, praying their splash damage will kill everything in sight -and it usually does- then I have a problem.










Where's the boom, you say? Where's Carl screaming and raving about how he wants to send all the Scottish cyclops back to Scotland in several dozen neatly arranged pieces? What about digging an Axetinguisher into the skull of a rocket-spewing neanderthal? Well, I've found that no matter how hard I try, I can't get that angry. It's a game. I don't get angry as much as I just get this bitter taste in my mouth because I'm slowly losing interest in a once-great game because it's getting spoiled over by FUBARed classes. If anything, I feel more like a winner walking away from defeat with a calm demeanor.


The way I see it, I have no interest in playing something that only makes me angry and costs me time. I guess that's where I'm truly bothered- I know I'm just growing bored of online gaming.


Don't get me wrong, though. In-game I still loathe those two cheap classes, but I find I just don't really care about it as soon as I turn away from the screen for a moment. Let them have their victories. Let them have their ego-boosts from being good at a game. I've got better ways to spend my time then them, and that's what matters to me.



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...Compression blast maybe? I find it rather satisfying whenever I manage to gib a soldier when I'm rollin' Pyro.
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Ha ha ha. This reminds me of that one time after the Soldier/Demoman competition was announced. I was playing RED on Dustbowl stage 3. Sixteen-players on my team.


All of them were Demoman.


Needless to say, BLU never got the first point.

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Personally, I have always found the scout to be good for getting rid of these kinda people. Cuz' they're too busy trying to get a high score to notice a little red/blue blur spinning around them before they get scattergun'd.
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