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Brickfair 2010



So, I kinda need help figuring out what I should bring to Brickfair this year. SO, I was hoping that some of y'all (or at least anyone who reads this blog anymore) could help me out.

What would you like to see at Brickfair? (a ranking would be nice but isn't needed)

1. Clockwork Strakk

2. Tatterdemalion

3. Sting

4. Ghul

5. Katsumoto

6. Wyvern

7. Call of Cthulhu

8. Clockwork hound

9. Monstrosity in Black

10. Mysterion Scout

I'll most likely only be bringing 5 or 6 of these (plus another MOC if I get back to building in the near future), so any input would be awesome.



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Tadderemalion, Ghul, Katsumoto, Call of Cthulhu, and the Clockwork Hound would be my top 5, and are some of my favorite MOCs of yours. They seem like the most interesting to look at of the ones you have listed here.
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1. Katsumoto

2. Ghul

3. Wyvern

4. Clockwork Hound

5. Clockwork Strakk

6. Sting

7. Call of Cthulhu

8. Monstrosity in Black

9. Tadderdemalion

10. Mysterion Scout.


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Well, I definitely think you should bring Call of Cthulhu. It seems like a lego diorama that integrates bionicle isn't a very common sight (to me at least :P). Other than that, pretty much everything looks good enough to bring, but I personally think that Monstrosity in Black isn't your really your best...
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I honestly can't say, because they're all so awesome. But if I were going for something that would stand out, I'd pick Call of Cthulhu, because I've never seen anythning like it before. It's definitely the most unique.

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Call of Cthulhu


Monstrosity in Black

Clockwork hound




The 'Best Bionicle' will be tricky this year...


> 55555

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1. Katsumoto

2. Call of Cthulhu

3. Ghul

4.Clockwork Hound

5. Clockwork Strakk

6. Tatterdemalion

7. Monstrosity in Black

8. Sting

9. Wyvern

10. Mysterion Scout


Not quite sure about where to put some of them (particularly Sting) but I guess that's pretty much as good as I'm going to get the list.

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