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Heroes Is Canceled?





... well, to be fair, it is about time.


Yes, that one show that I tend to blog about when it's on, Heroes, has apparently been canceled by NBC. Which is a shame... kinda. But really, it has been going on too long, and it has resolved so much. Nathan is dead, and is staying that way. Sylar has gone bad, good, bad again, switch bad sides, gone bad on his own, did some more good / bad switching, and is now... good? Matt has gotten over some of his problems... and has settled down with his family. Peter is... well, he's doing okay, I think. All the other major villains have been subdued. And Clair... well, I really wish they would kill her off, and they've tried nearly every episode, but with her powers, that does work. Case in point, there's not much conflict left to work on, and if they went into a fifth season, they'd just be forcing new problems on this all.


So yeah, the story was excelent for the first season, and okay to bleh in the last three seasons, so I can see why it would be a good time to end things. But there's one thing that hasn't been resolved...


Ando kills Hiro in Tokyo during a tsunami in a future sequence. COME ON, we NEED that explained! All the other future glimpses have been explained away, but never this. I really hope they plan to resolve that, and that they didn't just forget about it. (And they did mention it once in the last season, so there's hope)


So there's rumor that NBC might give Heroes a 2 hour movie to wrap things up, so I'm hoping they do and we get to see Hiro and Ando's future. And, you know, what happens to the world now that everybody knows about the specials. And stuff.




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Oh, thank Mata-nui. I thought your title said Hero Factory was cancelled. I never watched Heroes, so I can't comment.

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I never watched enough seasons, but it would had been nice if they did just one more season to resolve some things, but keep things also open--that's the fun about superhero stuff, anyway.


It sorta stinks though that it just randomly got canceled.

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At least it reached a kind of decentish point at which it could get cancelled. The characters have gone through all they could reasonably gone through, really. If it ever gets re-done I'd kind of like to see new characters, just so they can do new stuff and not twist the characters around

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