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The Importance Of Being Earnest



So we read the play a couple weeks ago in British Literature class. It's pretty good.


I'll tell you one thing, though. It's extremely hard to try and explain it to someone in just a few sentences. My first attempt [spoiler'd for those that haven't read it before]:


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So there's this guy that has two names, and his friend also has two names [one for the country, one for the city]. Then the second guy takes on of the first guy's names to visit the first guy but the first guy isn't home yet so when he comes home he said his other name died, but yet the guy that took his other name is there so then they're all like "what the heck" and then two girls are engaged to the same name that both of those guys used and then they think that one guy engaged to them both but then they realize it's actually two guys and then at the end the first guy realizes that his name actually is the one that the second guy took from him.


Yeah, didn't make any sense, did it? =P I could probably do better if I took a little more time, but on a spare-of-the-moment type of thing it's kinda hard to plan it out coherently.


Also yay just another week-and-a-half until school is finally done. Of course teachers have to load us with big projects at the end of the year, but whatever. If I bug any of you on AIM at like 11 or later it's 'cause I'm finishing a project and wanna kinda talk to someone while I'm working. =P


On the subject of writing I do have a couple other ideas I could use, so hopefully soon I'll pick one that I like and finally be able to start writing.


That's about it. Just remember that your banners gotta be under 100KB -- that's what makes the page load slower, not the large pixels sizes.




Recommended Comments

That play is absolutely fantastic. One of my favorites by far. Don't even try to summarize it. Bunburying can really only be explained by watching the play. It's also so much better performed than read. I've been lucky enough to have seen it twice, the first time before I ever read it.


Cucumber sandwiches. Seriously. <3


It's like the entire reason I love Oscar Wilde.

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I saw that play ages ago. Everyone knows it. I can't believe you've never heard of it before you studied it. I knew it from when I was a kid. Though in America it may not be as common.
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I saw that play ages ago. Everyone knows it. I can't believe you've never heard of it before you studied it. I knew it from when I was a kid. Though in America it may not be as common.


Who said anything about not hearing about of before I read it? I knew about it years ago; I just hadn't read it until a couple weeks ago.



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