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What Powers Should Tahu Have?



So, as most of you probably don't know, when Tahu killed all the Rahkshi in the last comic with the golden armour, he actually gained their powers. Now, according to Greg, not every type of Rahkshi would have been sent on the invasion of Bara Magna so he probably doesn't have all 42 powers, but if you were in charge of the storyline, which powers would you give Tahu, which ones would you not give him, and why? (For your convenience, here's my Flash Kraata Maker).


So here's what I think:


Fear: Yes. Tahu seems like the kind of guy who would be fine with scaring his enemies away, plus the Fear Rahkshi was red.

Disintegration: No. This means of destruction is a bit too subtle for Tahu.

Poison: No way José. Rahkshi poison and Tahu do not mix well.

Fragmentation: Absolutely. I don't think Tahu would be satisfied if he didn't get the ability to make things blow up after his ordeal.

Hunger: Yes. I think Tahu would have no problem draining power from foes, especially since it's a fairly non-lethal way of beating them.

Anger: No, not unless he could use it on himself, lol.

Weather Control: No, this seems more like something a Toa of Water would use.

Elasticity: No, Tahu is a bit too proud to absorb hits like a cartoon character

Heat Vision: (He already has this one).

Illusion: Yeah, Tahu has been known to use trickery.

Teleportation: Yeah, I mean, the world's a big place, so how else is he going to get around?

Quick Healing: Yes, Tahu probably could've used this one eons ago.

Laser Vision: Yes, I mean, he has heat vision, so why not?

Gravity: Yes, Tahu could use it as a sort of telekinesis.

Electricity: Yes. We've seen Fire and Lightning with Jaller so why not with Tahu?

Sonics: No, doesn't seem like a Tahu power.

Vacuum: No, Fire doesn't do too well when it comes to vacuums.

Plasma: Yes, I mean, that would sort of get him back to his original power level, wouldn't it?

Magnetism: No, just doesn't fit with him.

Fire Resistance: No, he has this one innately anyway.

Ice Resistance: Yes, I think he'd get a real kick out of using this one against Kopaka.

Mind Reading: Yes. I mean, half the characters can already read minds anyway without any adequately explained reason as to why or how (I'm looking at you Takanuva and Gali) so I could see Tahu joining the club.

Shapeshifting: No, this one seems a bit much for a Toa.

Darkness: No way. Even if he did get this one, there's no way he'd use it.

Plant Control: Nah, unless he only used it to grow Madu Cabolo, I don't think this is really a power for a Toa of Fire.

Molecular Disruption: No. Once again, too subtle for Tahu's taste.

Chain Lightning: No, not if he gets Electricity. This one would just be too redundant and powerful.

Cyclone: Yes, I can just imagine the fire tornado he could make with this one.

Density Control: Yes, I think it'd be great to see Tahu just go intangible and be unable to be hit one moment and then become super-dense for an attack of his own the next.

Chameleon: Yes, while it's not quite the Huna he used to have, it'd still be good for sneaking around.

Accuracy: Yes, especially when Tahu gets really hotheaded he'd need this one.

Rahi Control: No. Seems like a slap to the face for 2001 if he got this one.

Insect Control: No, it's pretty much the same thing as Rahi control anyway.

Stasis Field: No, freezing things isn't Tahu's style.

Limited Invulnerability: No, this one's a bit much for a Toa.

Power Scream: Yes. Tahu likes to shoot his mouth off at times, so why not have him do it in style?

Dodge: Yes. Jaller sort of had this as a Toa Inika, and I can see Tahu using a similar strategy.

Silence: Yes, I imagine he'd also use this one to cheat and win in arguments by just silencing whomever he was arguing with.

Adaptation: No, seems a bit much for a Toa.

Slowness: Yes, largely this power would work like the Vahi, I think.

Confusion: No. Tahu's usually the confused one, he wouldn't need his enemies becoming confused too.

Sleep: Yes, makes for a lot of easy wins.


Code (if you're really lazy :P):


[b]Weather Control:[/b]
[b]Heat Vision:[/b] (He already has this one).
[b]Quick Healing:[/b]
[b]Laser Vision:[/b]
[b]Fire Resistance:[/b]
[b]Ice Resistance:[/b]
[b]Mind Reading:[/b]
[b]Plant Control:[/b]
[b]Molecular Disruption:[/b]
[b]Chain Lightning:[/b]
[b]Density Control:[/b]
[b]Rahi Control:[/b]
[b]Insect Control:[/b]
[b]Stasis Field:[/b]
[b]Limited Invulnerability:[/b]
[b]Power Scream:[/b]


Recommended Comments

To be honest, I'm siding with Greg on this one. You list every single power Tahu would have, and you've officially got that set and can't really change it, so it would be very easy for Greg to paint himself into a corner doing that.


I'd just reveal in story what powers he'd have in certain situations, and I hope that's what Greg will do.

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If I were in charge of the storyline, I'd roll dice or do something similar to randomly choose Tahu's powers. I doubt there's any rhyme or reason as to which Rahkshi Teridax sent out onto Bara Magna, so I'd like to make it random and just see where it goes. :)

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To be honest, I'm siding with Greg on this one. You list every single power Tahu would have, and you've officially got that set and can't really change it, so it would be very easy for Greg to paint himself into a corner doing that.


I'd just reveal in story what powers he'd have in certain situations, and I hope that's what Greg will do.

On the other hand, it would be a constant use of deus ex machina to just suddenly say "oh, surprise, look what Tahu is secretly able to do." Plus, you're taking all the fun out of this. :P

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I doubt there's any rhyme or reason as to which Rahkshi Teridax sent out onto Bara Magna,


Well, it kinda depends on if he knows what he's up against and which powers would be most effective. I don't really know the '10 or even '09 storyline very well, so I don't know.


However, if there wasn't any way Teridax knew what he was up against, then it most-likely would be random, in which case I like your idea for Greg choosing the powers -- after all, that way it's not like "let's see what powers Tahu should have" but rather "which powers would Tahu get?" And to answer the question, it would just be random, and therefore the best way to see that is to pick the powers randomly.


But hey, if we are going for a super-Tahu, then these powers fit him.



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To be honest, I'm siding with Greg on this one. You list every single power Tahu would have, and you've officially got that set and can't really change it, so it would be very easy for Greg to paint himself into a corner doing that.


I'd just reveal in story what powers he'd have in certain situations, and I hope that's what Greg will do.

On the other hand, it would be a constant use of deus ex machina to just suddenly say "oh, surprise, look what Tahu is secretly able to do." Plus, you're taking all the fun out of this. :P

Sorry, not my intention. :P


But I don't really see it as "look what Tahu is secretly able to do, surprise!" More like if there's a reason he would need Panrahk's shattering ability in a certain situation, he'll use it and therefore has the shattering power.

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To be honest, I'm siding with Greg on this one. You list every single power Tahu would have, and you've officially got that set and can't really change it, so it would be very easy for Greg to paint himself into a corner doing that.


I'd just reveal in story what powers he'd have in certain situations, and I hope that's what Greg will do.

On the other hand, it would be a constant use of deus ex machina to just suddenly say "oh, surprise, look what Tahu is secretly able to do." Plus, you're taking all the fun out of this. :P

But it could make it awesome when he thinks he has a specific power and doesn't and he fails. B)

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Heat Vision: (He already has this one).


Laser Vision: Yes, I mean, he has heat vision, so why not?


Electricity: Yes. We've seen Fire and Lightning with Jaller so why not with Tahu?


Chain Lightning: No, not if he gets Electricity. This one would just be too redundant and powerful.


Electricity and chain lightning would be redundant but heat vision and laser vision wouldn't be? :P

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Stasis Field: No, freezing things isn't Tahu's style.

Limited Invulnerability: No, this one's a bit much for a Toa.

Huh, I think those two could work since they are sort of defensive like a Hau.

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Way to go, SPIRIT. You're making me work to express my opinion. <_<


Fear:No way, José. Tahu's much too proud to scare his enemies away; he'd want to fight them himself.

Disintegration:Here, you're right. Much too violent for Tahu.

Poison:Same as Fear. He'd want a fair fight.

Fragmentation:He'd have a blast with this.(Dang it, that's a pun.)

Hunger:Hmmm...kinda torn. I'm gonna go with yes, since you have a good argument.

Anger:Nah, that just wouldn't be useful for Tahu's sort of thing. He causes anger naturally anyway. :P

Weather Control:This would be quite useful, actually.

Elasticity:While it would be entertaining if he used it like Jake from Adventure time, I agree it seems like an odd power for Tahu.

Heat Vision: (He already has this one).(I don't care, seems redundant to me. :P)

Illusion:I agree.

Teleportation:Good point, and I could definitely see Tahu poofing away from his attackers.

Quick Healing:If anyone can name a single reason for Tahu to not have this ability, I will be surprised.

Laser Vision:Seems cliche, but why not?

Gravity:You present a good point.

Electricity:This would be an excellent power for Tahu. (Though why can't he already use it? Is he not that good of a Firebender? :P)

Sonics:No it doesn't.

Vacuum:This seems like the sort of thing Tahu would hate in combat.

Plasma:Kinda like fire, why not?

Magnetism:Kinda like Vacuum; he wouldn't approve of it.

Fire Resistance:He already has it, as stated.

Ice Resistance:He'd have a ball.

Mind Reading:This would be useful, but he'd probably not use it in combat, as Tahu, as I've stated multiple times, likes a fair fight.

Shapeshifting:This would be interesting, as long as it had limits.

Darkness:Makuta much?

Plant Control:But it would expand his range of abilities, which is always good.

Molecular Disruption:He can already do most of that stuff anyway,

Chain Lightning:Yes, it's like Electricity, but it's useful, too.

Cyclone:Fire cyclone sounds awesome. So does the fun with Lewa I can see. :P

Density Control:Agreeing with you here.

Chameleon:Again, agreed.

Accuracy:Sounds good.

Rahi Control:Agreed. Plus, that just makes it too easy(and it makes Kongu obsolete.)

Insect Control:Agreed.

Stasis Field:Agreed, as Tahu likes a fair fight.

Limited Invulnerability:Agreed; also, it's not Tahu's style.

Power Scream:Your point is good. Tahu wouldn't quite like the mocking tone of this power, though. :P

Dodge:Great for battle, though if too powerful, I wouldn't see him using it much, whether by choice or his own hotheadedness.

Silence:So that's why the other Toa don't mock him for his small stature.

Adaptation:Seems like more of a villain power to me. (In fact, most bearers of this power have been villains...)

Slowness:Not quite like the Vahi; probably on a smaller scale. He'd use it, though.

Confusion:I think he'd be too helpless with confusion to remember he has confusion powers. Besides, he already causes confusion.

Sleep:Yes, though he'd most probably use it for those in pain or something similar; he'd want to defeat enemies the old-fashioned way.


That's my input. Most of it only makes sense if you read it alongside SPIRIT's, though.


Fly on,


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I initially thought that he should have all of them, but looking at that list, it would be a bit unnecessary. I think he should only really have a handful of the basic ones


To go alongside his fire power:

Lightning, Fragmentation, Plasma, bonus Heat Resistance (making him totally immune to fire) Cold Resistance and Heat Vision.



Teleportation, Gravity, Power Scream, Quick Healing, Illusion, Accuracy, Dodge, Cyclone and Density Control (and possibly Stasis Fields).


Ones that he definitely shouldn't have:

Darkness, Shapeshifting, Elasticity, Mind Reading, any of the '_______ Control' ones, I think any those would either unbalance or overcomplicate his plotline.

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My humble opinions on Tahu's powers.


Fear: Sure. Turakh are red and havev fire-shaped staffs. This links so well to Tahu

Disintegration: No. This strikes me as unnessary since tahu can already reduce things to ashes.

Poison: Hmm... What happened the last time these two met?

Fragmentation: Tahu would love this. Remember when Onua told Tahu he had a plan? His response: "What do you have in mind, and does it include explosions?" B)

Hunger: Yes. Tahu like power and lots of it. It might just be effective against Tuyet.

Anger: No. Tahu has learned to control some of his hot-headedness, so he may not like to have this one.

Weather Control: No. Tahu strikes me as one who doesn't have time to mess with the ambiance of a scene with a few clounds. He wouldn't use it.

Elasticity: Yes. I've always thought this was an awesome power. Maybe this could be its chance to get in the spotlight?

Heat Vision: Yes. I won't argue with Greg about the story that he writes.

Illusion: No. Tahu seems concerned with hard facts, not what might have been.

Teleportation: Yes. After losing his Kakama Nuva, tahu will want to be able to keep up with his teammates.

Quick Healing: Yes. After the battle of Bara magna, he's gong to need it forwhat remains of his army.

Laser Vision: No. Heat/laser vision, the applications are very similar. I'll pass on this one because heat suits his element more.

Gravity: Yes. If Tahu is going to be superpowered now, we may as well do it properly.

Electricity: Yes. Tahu is always looking for a new way to fry something.

Sonics: Yes, just to annoy Hakann. ""Words, words, words. When did Toa get to be so noisy?"

Vacuum: No. Fire and vacuums don't go well together, so it shouldn't go with Tahu either.

Plasma: Yes. Super heat is definitely Tahu's territory.

Magnetism: Yes. His fight with Nektann proved that Tahu isn't above playing with people's armour. Teleknesis is great too.

Fire Resistance: No. If he goes lava surfing for fun, he already has way too much of this.

Ice Resistance: No. Not trying to be unfunful, but I can't see Teridax sending too many Ice Resistance rahkshi to a desert, so this one is unlikely.

Mind Reading: Yes. With telepaths dissapearing all over the place, (Tren Krom, the Makuta, Kongu's suletu) Tahu needs to step in and fill this niche.

Shapeshifting: Yes. This would go really well with his adaptive armour and adaptation power. Completely suited to any environment.

Darkness: No. Toa work in public so that people can see them. Darkness obscures people's vision, so no.

Plant Control: Yes. With so much plant life on Spherus Magna, this will be much more useful than it was in the MU.

Molecular Disruption: No. Its just another way to break things. Tahu has enough of those already.

Chain Lightning: Yes. If he is going to have electricity, why should chain lightning be beyond his reach?

Cyclone: No. This just seems like a waste of energy compared to some of the other powers here.

Density Control: Yes. Its offensive, defensive and has so many application, not least of which is walking through walls.

Chameleon: No. Tahu doesn't hide from people - that's not his style. He confronts danger when he sees it even when its not a great idea.

Accuracy:Yes. With so many powers, he should at least be able to make sure that they aren't wasted.

Rahi Control: Yes. I cant see him spending much time with Kuualus, so he will need this one for himself.

Insect Control: Yes. Because Tahu is too cool to get mosquito bites.

Stasis Field: Yes. This power is great fo keeping dangerous beings under control, and it looks like there are a lot of them around.

Limited Invulnerability: No. He already has a Kanohi Hau that does the same thing but better.

Power Scream: Yes. This seems like sonics on steroids, so why sonics without this?

Dodge: No. He has as a mask of shielding already.

Silence: Yes. This might be helpful when negociations get tedious, kinda like what happened in SPIRIT's CSI Metru Nui story.

Adaptation: Yes. Again, no half-hearted superpowering.

Slowness: Yes. It might be an alternative to using the vahi again. (if he ever gets it back).

Confusion: Yes. I can see Tahu wanting to cause a bit of chaos.

Sleep: Yes. This would be a very effective weapon within the toa code.

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