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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 1b, 32b, 34c, 145a, & 240-244



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The yet again revised first article proposed by Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Toa_Ausar hereby proposes that the group be called "The Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics" and be also known as "The C.I.R.C.L.E.".


Furthermore, "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Charter" shall be a partnership between authors that allows for greater consistency of storyline between various members' writings and thus creates a more fan-friendly product.


There shall be three distinct levels of membership within "The C.I.R.C.L.E.", although it is possible that other positions may be added later, and there shall certainly be sublevels within each rank as well. These three ranks are "TURAGA", "TOA", and "MATORAN". In addition, there will be honorary titles given to one specific member of each rank that are primarily intended to provide distinction, yet also serve a functioning purpose within the group hierarchy, organization, and help promote efficiency. The first two ranks have voting privileges in terms of deciding on important issues that unify our joint fictional endeavor, meanwhile some of the third rank will also be allowed to vote.


The vote of a "TURAGA" or "TOA" will count as "5/5" of one tally. The only difference between the rank of "TURAGA" and the rank of "TOA" is that a "TURAGA" has the "Power of Veto". This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the central storyline and the fabric of the Alliance's existence, however the "Power of Veto" shall be nullified during votes on "C.I.R.C.L.E. Articles" concerning "Expansion", "Promotion", "Probation", "Demotion", or "Expulsion" of any prospective or current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Member(s)". Meanwhile, the vote of a qualifying "MATORAN" will technically count as "3/5" of one tally, although typically a full tally shall be given, unless the vote is particularly close and strict accounting becomes necessary.


Moreover, the vote tally of all qualifying "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" during a given round of voting on "C.I.R.C.L.E. Articles" that include "Promotion", "Demotion", or "Expulsion" shall be counted at the value outlined by each "C.I.R.C.L.E. Member's Rank" prior to the present round of voting. This means that if a member is a "TURAGA" or "TOA" at the beginning of a given voting session involving "Promotion", "Demotion", or "Expulsion", then their vote still counts as "5/5" of one tally. Meanwhile, if a member is a "MATORAN" at the beginning of the voting session in question, then their vote technically still counts as "3/5" of one tally, until such time as the vote is certified when the voting session deadline passes. At that point the vote tally value of any effected "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" will be adjusted.


Next, any "C.I.R.C.L.E. Member" may cast their vote largely however they please, however it is encouraged that the vote be accompanied by some sort of reasoning that furthers and enhances the debate surrounding the issue under discussion, and blanket votes that cover an entire ballot without specification for each article are frowned upon and may be disregarded both in terms of their substance, as well as participation. Once a vote is cast, it can be changed as many times as the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Member" so desires prior to the voting deadline. However, if a vote is being altered the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Member" who cast that vote should plainly identify that their vote is being modified, as well as provide a brief logical reason for the changing of their vote, in other words, not "just because".


All "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" with the rank of "TURAGA" shall collectively be known as the "TURAGA COUNCIL" and an honorary designation of "CHIEF TURAGA" shall be given to the "TURAGA COUNCIL Member" who has been an active part of the group the longest.


All "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" with the rank of "TOA" shall collectively be known as the "TOA TEAM" and an honorary designation of "TOA TEAM LEADER" shall be given to the "TOA TEAM Member" who has been elected to that position by a secret ballot held amongst all "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members". The "TOA TEAM LEADER" shall serve as a primary tiebreaker in the unlikely event that an even vote following strict accounting of the tally has occurred for any given "C.I.R.C.L.E. Article".


All "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" with the rank of "MATORAN" shall collectively be known as the "MATORAN TRIBE" and an honorary designation of "MATORAN CHRONICLER" shall be given to the "MATORAN TRIBE Member" who has been elected to that position by a secret ballot held amongst all "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members". The "MATORAN CHRONICLER" shall serve as a secondary tiebreaker in the unlikely event of an even vote following strict accounting of the tally has occurred for any given article and, for one reason or another, the "TOA TEAM LEADER" did not vote on the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Article" in question. Furthermore, "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" with the rank of "MATORAN" who qualify to vote per their status as an participating author shall be collectively known as "CHRONICLER'S COMPANY MATORAN".


Initially the rank of "MATORAN" was given to "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" whose Epics were so drastically different from the others' that although these authors' creative input was desired, the fact is that their stories were virtually non-congruent with many of the others member's works. Over time however, the rank of "MATORAN" has been used to bring in new members to the group through "Expansion", however the number of "MATORAN" has always been such that a tie vote on any issue was rarely possible. Henceforth, any BZPower Member nominated for future membership in "The C.I.R.C.L.E." will still join as a "MATORAN", however they no longer need have an Epic of their own nor a vast library of short stories that they have written. In other words, it will now be possible for artists, MOCists, storyline theorists, and other non-authors to join and contribute to the group.


Moreover, in addition to the three groups with voting privileges, all "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" will also have the right to submit proposals to Toa_Ausar via PM, where they will then be brought forward for debate by the entire group and subsequently voted upon in a future blog thread as "C.I.R.C.L.E. Articles".


Next, by becoming a member of "The C.I.R.C.L.E.", all participants will abide by "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Non-Disclosure Agreement", which prohibits them from knowingly revealing or openly discussing "Spoilers" about another member's Epic.


Any "C.I.R.C.L.E. Member" who willfully and knowingly violates "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Non-Disclosure Agreement", by revealing or openly discussing "Spoilers" concerning another member's Epic, will be subject to the consequences of either "Probation", "Demotion", or immediate "Expulsion", depending upon the severity of the offense.


"Probation" is for first time offenders who have made an honest mistake when they forgot to abide by the rules of "The C.I.R.C.L.E." and therefore receive a warning. Provided that the offending member does not repeat the offense during a subsequent six to twelve month period, the specific duration of which shall be determined at the time of the consequence, then their membership status shall return to normal.


"Demotion" is for offenders who blatantly disregard the rules outlined within the "The C.I.R.C.L.E." and have possibly already received a warning of "Probation", although it is not a necessity that a member be on "Probation" prior to "Demotion". The offender in question would then face reduction in rank by one level up until the point at which the position of "MATORAN" is reached.


"Expulsion" is what happens when a "MATORAN" experiences "Demotion" and is therefore sadly no longer part of "The C.I.R.C.L.E.".


The type of consequence will be established on a case-by-case basis following discussion between the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Member" whose Epic has been spoiled and the "TURAGA COUNCIL", however the action that is ultimately brought to a vote before the entire group shall be determined solely by a secret ballot amongst the "TURAGA COUNCIL".


Likewise, there shall subsequently be a modified "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy".


Henceforth, all "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" must first notify the group of their intentions for any prolonged absence lasting more than one week. Failure to attend two or more consecutive rounds of voting without having first provided notification shall result in a "PM Notification" being sent to said member, identifying that a consequence will be handed down within "The C.I.R.C.L.E.", one week from the time of "PM Notification". The consequences can range from a "Probation", all the way to "Demotion", or even "Expulsion", depending upon the duration and level of flagrancy related to the truancy.


The type of consequence will be established on a case-by-case basis following discussion amongst the various "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" in a blog thread during the week between when the a "PM Notification" is first sent and when the deadline expires. This does not mean however that the ultimate consequence is determined directly by the group as a whole. The action that is in fact eventually brought to a vote before the entire group shall once again be determined solely by a secret ballot amongst the "TURAGA COUNCIL".


Furthermore, the ranks of all "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" shall no longer be based primarily upon tenure, rather they shall now be determined by each specific member's level of participation within the group as a whole, including the voting process, assistance on the Wiki, and other various aspects of group involvement. In other words, a lackadaisical "TOA" may find themselves up for "Demotion", meanwhile a dedicated "CHRONICLER'S COMPANY MATORAN" will almost certainly be rewarded with "Promotion".


Lastly, there shall also henceforth be the option for honorary designations of specific "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" to "Legacy Status" as an "HONORARY TURAGA", an "HONORARY TOA", or an "HONORARY MATORAN". In order to be granted "Legacy Status", the current "TURAGA", "TOA", or "MATORAN" must be nominated and confirmed by a vote of all current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members". Once a nominee is confirmed to "Legacy Status", all of their works become permanently engraved within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" and their articles upon "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Wiki" shall remain intact. Thus "Legacy Status" is different from a standard "Resignation", with the point being that in a typical "Resignation" all of the member's works are struck from "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Archives". Furthermore, members granted "Legacy Status" loose the privilege of voting, in exchange for exemption from the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The yet again revised thirty-second article proposed by Ballom, ChocoLvr13, Kohila, Toa_Ausar, & Zahaku is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, ChocoLvr13, Toa_Ausar, & Zahaku hereby propose that the consequence of "Probation" administered upon "TURAGA" Kohila as a result of his violation of the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy" be lifted.


As a result, his votes shall once again be counted as "5/5" of one tally, furthermore, all his other membership privileges shall return to normal at the time of this article's confirmation as well.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The once again revised thirty-fourth article proposed by Ballom, ChocoLvr13, Kohila, Toa_Ausar, & Zahaku is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, ChocoLvr13, Toa_Ausar, & Zahaku hereby propose that the consequence of "Probation" administered upon "TOA" Cap'n K as a result of his violation of the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy" be lifted.


As a result, his votes shall once again be counted as "5/5" of one tally, furthermore, all his other membership privileges shall return to normal at the time of this article's confirmation as well.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The revised one-hundred-forty-fifth article proposed by Ballom, ChocoLvr13, Kohila, Toa_Ausar, & Zahaku is as follows:

Ballom, Kohila, ChocoLvr13, Toa_Ausar, & Zahaku, after brief deliberation with all of the current "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members", hereby propose the administration of the consequence of "Probation" upon "MATORAN" Kered as a result of his violation of the "C.I.R.C.L.E. Participation Policy".


The status of "Probation" shall result in his votes counting as "1/5" of one tally for a three-month period, furthermore, all of his subsequent votes shall be nullified until such time as he provides a more thorough rationale for his blatant violation, and thus his membership shall not be counted in the "Voter Turnout Calculations" until the explanation has been given.


Provided that he does not repeat the offense during the three-month period his membership privileges will return to normal at that time.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-fortieth article proposed by Kohila & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Kohila & Toa_Ausar hereby nominate Venom to the position of "MATORAN".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-forty-first article proposed by Kohila & Toa_Ausar is as follows:

Kohila & Toa_Ausar hereby nominate Xinlo to the position of "MATORAN".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-forty-second article proposed by Zahaki is as follows:

Zahaki hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" an undisclosed being touched the Kanohi Ignika while it was still on Spherus Magna, immediately prior to the time when the Great Being of Bota Magna touched it.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-forty-third article proposed by Arkatox, Kohila, & Koji is as follows:

Arkatox, Kohila, & Koji hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the initial leader of Metru Nui was a Turaga of Stone named "Aldeå" (aal-DEY-uh). He established a Matoran City Council which continued to serve the City of Legends until it was disbanded by Makuta Teridax, in the guise of Turaga Dume, just prior to the Great Cataclsym. Aldeå fled Metru Nui and went into hiding at the first hints of the Metru Nui Civil War. A Turaga of Water named "Kailen" (KAY-lehn) replaced him and she led the city through much of the conflict. The leaders of the Metru Nui Civil War were a Ta-Matoran named "Teles" (TEHL-uhs) and a Po-Matoran named "Toru" (TOHR-oo). Both were banished to "The Pit" following the end of the war and died when the Great Cataclysm damaged the prison and the waters of Aqua Magna flooded in.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-forty-fourth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist artifacts known as "Elemental Handguns", a type of projectile weapon that can only be used by someone with untapped elemental energies, such as a Matoran destined to become a Toa.


An Elemental Handgun functions by drawing the untapped power from the user's body and storing it within the weapon itself. The user then has a single shot with it before the elemental energy destroys the weapon due to how raw and unrefined its' expenditure is.


The projectile fired is an elemental bullet specific to the user's element, in other words, an Elemental Handgun wielded by a Le-Matoran would fire a condensed Air bullet, meanwhile a Ta-Matoran's would launch a compressed fireball-like bullet, etc.


Elemental Handguns are extremely rare, and finding a user capable of utilizing one is even rarer yet, but it can be an effective defensive tool in the proper hands. The weapon is capable of killing a target with a torso or head shot, as long as the opponent isn't too well armored, nor too powerful, such as a Makuta.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all nine articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, November 8th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.






Recommended Comments

1b) - Aye.

32b) - Aye.

34c) - Aye.

145a) - Aye.

240, 241) - Aye. Didn't know you guys were gonna' join, but okay!

242) - Aye. It's general enough to not really mess with anything, I'm sure. Plus, if memory serves me, it was never explicitly said the one Great Being was the first nor the only to do it.

243) - Aye. No problem naming people that'll more than likely not get named in story.

244) - Aye. Nothin' against it.

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1b- Aye

32b- Aye

34c- Aye

145a- Aye

240- Aye

241-Aye, I always thought he was already a member.

242- AYE!

243- Aye

244- Aye, love the idea of it.


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I have no issues with any of these Articles so my vote shall be as followed:

1b - Aye

32b - Aye

34c - Aye

145a - Aye

240 - Aye

241 - Aye

242 - Aye

243 - Aye

244 - Aye



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First, I vote "AYE" on Article 1b. I feel that the three major changes will help the group immensely as we continue to grow.


Next, I vote "AYE" on Articles 32b & 34c as well, welcome back to the fold you two. ^_^


Meanwhile, I reluctantly vote "AYE" on Article 145a and hope that blatantly neglecting the group doesn't become a common occurrence.


On the other hand, I happily vote "AYE" on Articles 240 & 241. Welcome to the group you two and I look forward to continuing to work with you both to better "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe". :happydance:


Lastly, I vote "AYE" on Articles 242, 243, & 244 as well. I'm wary about the first of these but know how important it is to Zahaki 's story and believe Iro has made some excellent points. Meanwhile I believe the other two are well thought out and don't present any foreseeable problems.


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1: Aye. Everything new looks great, I love the additions, it makes a lot more sense.


32: Aye. It's been long enough.


34: Aye. The same.


145: Aye. I don't know what happened (is he not voting?), but I'll go with you guys on this.


240: Aye. No problems with another member.


241: Aye. Same.


242: Aye. Sounds like it'll be a good plot point at some point in the future.


243: Aye. Considering I made Kailen and the leaders, and I need them, of course. And considering I'm writing the canon epic for the C.I.R.C.L.E. about the Matoran Civil War, these names are required.


244: Aye. Mine, and a very relevant plot point in my epic.

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Aye to Article 1b. I have no reason to oppose it.


Aye to Article 32b. I have no reason to oppose it.


Aye to Article 34c. I have no reason to oppose it.


Aye to Article 145a. I have no reason to oppose it.


Aye to Article 240. Welcome, Venom. :)


Aye to Article 241. Welcome, Xinlo. :)


Aye to Article 242. I have no reason to oppose it.


Aye to Article 243. I have no reason to oppose it.


Aye to Article 244. I have no reason to oppose it.

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After reading through all of the proposals, I decided I have nothing against any of them, and therefor vote 'Aye' for all of them.


I just realized there's something else that I should've submitted for voting, but it's too late. I think I'll just have to edit my upcoming chapter (like I did anyway to fit with the proposal I already made).


Anyway, reading through Ausar's loooooooong revised proposal, I think I still want to write an epic with Zahaki to tie our stories together somehow. We once talked about doing it, but didn't get very far. That way we'd at least be connected to our own stories, though maybe not to others'.


So yea, see ya all around.



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Well, I don't know anything about the probation situations, so I'll not vote there. But I say "Aye" to everything else.


Thanks for the welcomes. =)



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1b: Aye.

32b and 34c: Aye.

145a: Aye.

240-241: Aye, welcome to the group.

242: Aye, I'm a bit wary of it but I guess it does no significant damage to canon.

243: Aye, nothing wrong with nailing down some specifics.

244: Interesting idea, though a bit awkward (can't really imagine Matoran carrying handguns :P) - Aye.

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Alright, I am deeply sorry for neglecting my duties here, although I have a good excuse. Now, it seems things in my life are at a low point, so while I can, I will get back to date on all that I have left un-done, and I humbly accept my punishment.


1b- Aye.

32b- Aye.

34c- Aye.

145a- Aye.

240- Aye, and welcome.

241- Aye.

242- Aye.

243- Aye.

244- Aye.

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Alright, I am deeply sorry for neglecting my duties here, although I have a good excuse. Now, it seems things in my life are at a low point, so while I can, I will get back to date on all that I have left undone, and I humbly accept my punishment.



I hope things look up for you and I'm willing to listen if you need someone to talk to.


Also, I look forward to reading more of the Chronicles of Shadraw Nui and am willing to help you expand your part of our Wiki whenever you'd like.


Anyway, let me know what, if anything, I can do to help.


Until I hear back from you.



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Article 1b- Aye.

Article 32b- Aye.

Article 34b- Aye

Article 145b- Regrettably, Aye.

Article 240- Aye. Welcome to the CIRCLE, Venom.

Article 241- Aye. Nice to see new members.

Article 242- For now, Undecided. Could we have a few more details as to the being in question or the scope of his curse, or will that spoil too much?

Article 243- Undecided.

Article 244- Undecided. Not too big on the one-use clause, to be hoonest, but the concept is preety good.




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TT, on 244, with that much raw power flowing through a medium, chances are it's going to be destroyed. Makes perfect sense in the regard that, like I said, the energy is raw.


Also, what makes 243 an 'undecided' vote? It's not like it'll go unused, I'm using the information for an epic on the Civil War.

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1b- AYE. I quite enjoy the new additions.

32b- AYE.



240- AYE.

241- AYE.

Just want to say to the two of you that I look forward to seeing your participation and any ideas and articles proposed to the C.I.R.C.L.E.

242- AYE.

243- AYE. And the use of the ring in 'Aldeå' makes it seem... older. I like it. And I'm sure this'll be used well in stories.

244- AYE. I like this idea

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In addition to my entries about the City Council and Ussal crabs, I have an Idea that might have to pass by Ausar before I start getting into it very far.


If it doesn't pass, I'll make it exist outside the CIRCLE, so I can still write it. :)

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Okay, Ausar, I am here. Sorry about the wait; college life has made me busy for the last couple of days prior to today, what with midterms and all. Plus I don't want to evoke the wrath of the Chief Turaga upon me, so I'll just do this right now. :fear:


Article 1b: Aye. The two new main additions to the charter seem pretty good. Needless to say I will definitely try to vote earlier in all future threads, so as not to be potentially demoted from my Turaga-hood. :D And the "Legacy" member title sounds pretty cool. I'd definitely try to get that rather than resigning if circumstances ever force me to leave the CIRCLE for some reason.

Article 32b: Aye. Let the probation be removed.

Article 34c: Aye. Let the probation be removed.

Article 145a: Aye. I don't know why Kered is being marked for probation, but I'll go along with it anyway.

Article 240: Aye! Welcome to the club, Venom!

Article 241: Aye! Welcome to the club, Xinlo!

Article 242: Aye. I don't see any problems with this, so sure.

Article 243: Aye. I don't see any problems with this, so sure.

Article 244: Handguns? In Bionicle? Hmm, I predict that someone will inevitably pull a Dirty Harry if this becomes CIRCLE canon (i.e. "Do you feel lucky? Well, do you, punk?"), but the weapon description itself, combined with the abovementioned prospect, make me inclined to say "Aye".


And that's my two cents.



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I'm always up for change, and Article 1b definitely made a few changes that are nice. The Legacy Status is quite nice, and I believe it will help many people one day when they decide to leave this. (Hopefully not anytime soon, mind all of you) So I give a resounding "Aye" to the Article.


In response to Articles 32b, and 34c, I say "Aye", it's good to have you guys back, and to have C.I.R.C.L.E. up two members.


I'm sorry for having to vote on this Article, especially considering Kered is still new to this. Still, I have to vote "Aye" to Article 145, because he didn't participate. Most of us have been there, don't worry, everyone slips up every now and then.


"Aye" to Article 240 and 241, glad to have you two on the team.


"Aye" to Articles 242, 243, and 244, these Story related Articles. They seem well thought out and well played without interfering with the current time line.





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1: Aye

32: Aye.

34: Aye.

145: Aye.

240: Aye. This person has some interesting writing, it seems.

241: Nay until I'm provided with a link to some of their work. I cant find it from their profile.

242: Aye.

243: Nay. This seems to contradict the canon storyline a little bit. I might be wrong.

244: Aye.


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243: Nay. This seems to contradict the canon storyline a little bit. I might be wrong.


I think you're wrong there. I don't recall anything in canon having to do with the leaders of the war, or Metru Nui during the war, and I did my research on BS01 about it, and even asked Greg.

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243: Nay. This seems to contradict the canon storyline a little bit. I might be wrong.

I believe not. If I thought it contradicted the canon storyline at all, I wouldn't have even considered submitting it.

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