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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 261-267



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The two-hundred-sixty-first article proposed by Vahkuax is as follows:

Vahkuax hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a planet known as "Terra Magna" (TEHR-rah MAG-nuh) within the Solis Magna System.


Terra Magna is a tiny planet that is a little over three-hundred-thousand mio from the star. It has icy poles and the northern part of the planet is an ocean. The continents are mountainous and often covered in forest. Just south of the equator is a region with a lot of volcanic activity, and south of that are more mountains, forests, and seas. Terra Magna is smaller than the other planets in the system and it has a single, very small moon.


Terra Magna was initially uninhabited by sapient species however, when "The Shattering" occurred, a small piece of Spherus Magna, which housed a small number of Bone Hunters, Agori, Vorox, and a few other intelligent beings, was caught by the gravity of Terra Magna. Some of these inhabitants survived the crash and resumed life on this new world.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixty-second article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist flora known as "Fusha" (FOOSH-uh), a type of plant that grows in many place and is rampant every year for about a month's equivalent within the Matoran Universe. Fusha are immune to fire, making control of their spread difficult. The plant, however, has been used for its' lightness and durability to make things like cloaks, nets, ropes, and more, which remain flame retardant.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixty-third article proposed by Koji & Xinlo is as follows:

Koji & Xinlo hereby propose that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist extremely rare artifacts known as "Inika Stones" that were strewn throughout the Galactic Universe for one reason or another, and are even occasionally found within the Matoran Universe, though no one knows how or why they were scattered. Some believe their depositing was due to an unknown group, while others believe that an actual star shattered and the fragments were dispersed across the cosmos, yet all agree that they are very valuable and immensely powerful.


Upon coming into contact with an Inika Stone, a being absorbs its' power, transforming their form, granting them non-elemental Lightning powers in addition to the powers they innately possess, and making their Kanohi organic.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixty-fourth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist extremely rare artifacts known as "Nova Stones", which are much sought after due to the absolute power they carry within. These small, yet powerful stone shards can be found in various parts of the Matoran Universe


By shattering even a fragment of a Nova Stone, which is all that anyone needs, they are able to unleash the energies into their own bodies, gaining even greater power, as well as a new form. The Nova energies causes everything to change; from armor, to weapons, to Kanohi shape. Furthermore, the strength, agility, defense, and raw power level of the user are all amplified at least three-fold while in this new form. It should be noted however, that if these enhanced attributes of the Nova-powered being are extensively utilized, then it will leave the user drained for some time and, like Toa Power, Nova energies cannot be recharged if they are fully expended.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixty-fifth article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist extremely rare artifacts known as "Soul Stones", which are roughly the size of a Toa's fist.


When someone dies with a Soul Stone in their possession, their final thoughts are transcribed within a psychic field surrounding the object. Thus, when another being takes possession of the Soul Stone, they can hear the thoughts that were carved therein, and can therefore carry out the last wishes of the deceased.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixty-sixth article proposed by Zorrakh is as follows:

Zorrakh hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a type of pathogen known as the "Vahi Nix Virus" (VAH-hee NIHKS VIGH-ruhs), which is a fast-replicating, microscopic machine created by Makuta Xarkhan and has only been known to have been released in the Dome of Marak Nui.


"Vahi Nix", when translated, means "no time" because it only take a few seconds to be infected and killed by it. The pathogen is glowing orange in color and is programmed with Rahi-like behavior in terms of savagery, yet is cold and calculating in terms of strategy. The purpose of the virus is to exterminate all life within the Matoran Universe and thereby claim the entirety for Makuta Xarkhan. The Vahi Nix Virus possesses a hive mind and is capable of constructing complex strategies on its' own. Its' basic function is to replicate by devouring metal, dissolving all non-metal materials, and creating life-size combat units to kill sentient beings, such as Toa or Vortixx. The machines, when in a large groups, can manipulate themselves to shape hands to grab objects or beings, or morph themselves into whatever form is required. They have been shown to be immune to water, as well as to extreme temperatures, although not to fire itself.


If a viral machine makes contact with the metal armor of a living being, it swiftly eats away at the metal and uses the material to replicate itself. The Vahi Nix Virus then enters the circulatory system and rapidly dissolves any tissue that is in its' path, causing excruciating pain to the host creature. Latching itself onto the skeletal structure of the victim, information is then collected and downloaded concerning the anatomy of the being. The machines then decipher the strengths and weaknesses of the species and begin making modifications, usually adding extra limbs with razor-sharp blades on the end. After completely taking over the body, the skin and organs of the host burst, killing them, but leaving behind essentially a metal skeleton, made up of Vahi Nix Virus, known as a viral unit. The produced result's information is dispersed to the rest of the hive and then can be replicated by other viruses. The outer surface of machines that have replicated within a host into a viral unit, harden, and are no longer sentient. The head no long resembles its' host and usually possesses three prongs with a blade on each prong. In the center of the head is a single eye composed of sentient viral machines, and are essentially the "brains" of the whole creation. Through this eye or through blades, the unit is capable of flinging Vahi Nix Virus at their targets with high rates of speed, infecting them as well. Destroying the eye disables the viral unit and it simply reverts back into individual viral machines, seemingly turning to dust. The particles are offline until they are reactivated by the touch of other active viral machines.


The viral units created are called "Phantoms" by the residents of the Dome of Marak Nui because they are essentially ghosts, shells, or copies of the living hosts they infected. While the Vahi Nix Virus is capable of infecting all forms of life within the Matoran Universe, there are five basic units that are massed-produced by the hive. The Toa Marak have given them code names.

  1. "Drone" - Created from a Fikou Spider. The work force of the viral machines, they possess tremendous strength for their size and can lift objects many times their own weight. They can produce web crafted from sentient machines that are used for many purposes, including for workers to walk across, to wrap around extremely heavy objects to be lifted, or for defensive purposes. While they are not made for combat, they can fight viscously if need be.


  2. "Hunter" - Created from a Visorak Spider. The backbone of the hive's army, they are even more savage and swift than their hosts, the Visorak. Their feet are extremely sharp and are used for close combat. Like the Drones, they can produce a sentient web.


  3. "Predator" - Created from a Tarakava. They are extremely fast amphibious units for their structure. Usually used as infiltrators, they can use their tails to wrap around victims and crush them, or as a whip.


  4. "Scavenger" - Created from a Pteraax. Although a bit scaled down in size, they are the air force of the hive. They are lightweight and use their claws, sharp wings, and tail to cut and infect living beings.


  5. "Knight" - Created from a Toa. They are called knights because the Toa Marak wish to honor their brethren who lost their lives to these units. They are capable of climbing both vertical and horizontal surfaces and are the most difficult to spot.
It is unknown why there are only five, not six, basic viral units, due to the fact that Makuta Xarkhan is obsessed with the number three or anything thereby divisible. It is also unknown why the hive does not create its' own designs for combat uses or otherwise.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-sixty-seventh article proposed by Koji is as follows:

Koji hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists an innate parasitic genome, buried deep within select beings upon their creation, known as the "X-Force".


When the X-Force matures within its' host, it changes their entire body, as well as their innate powers, transforming them into more beast-like forms in the case of particular species, such as with Skakdi, or into more powerful evolutionary stages of their species, such as with Kraata or Matoran. If a Makuta is created and has the X-Force within them, then the creation of Kraata will likely pass the trait on, meaning subsequent Rahkshi are more evolved as well, both in terms of armoring and their pilots.


The X-Force also triggers modified forms of the host species' natural powers. For example, a Skakdi will often gain a new vision power, or even evolve into a Sansta-Skakdi, meaning they can utilize their affiliated element on their own. On the other hand, a Rahkshi or Toa may gain a second, or in rare instances even a third, new power related to their innate elemental powers.


Eventually the X-Force will drive its' host insane, and though some may learn to handle it, many simply die from its' overwhelming power.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all seven articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, November 8th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.






Recommended Comments

261) Aye. I'm guessing "Terra" would mean something along the lines of "Earthen," correct?

262) Aye. I guess it's Koji's turn to crank 'em out this round, eh? =P

263) Aye.

264) Aye.

265) Aye.

266) Aye.

267) Aye.

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261) Aye, (Whats the deal with the Planets anyway?)

262) Aye

263) Aye

264) Aye

265) Aye, I don't know why, but I like the idea behind it.

266) AYE!

267) Aye


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Well, I know that I once found the Matoran Universe a bit too restricting for what I wished to write, so Murtua, Jattillus, and Elucca sprung up in order to really focus my imagination.

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Article 261 - Aye, although I would like to ask, does this planet contain any sapient life?

Article 262 - Aye, I really like this idea.

Article 263 - Aye but what kind of tranformations are we talking about here?

Article 264 - Aye because I think the downsides to this balance it out plus they are extremely rare. Again, what kind of tranformations take place?

Article 265 - Aye, this is quite a good idea.

Article 266 - Im not sure of this Article but I will vote Aye as it eems important to Zorahk's epic.

Article 267 - Aye, this is a good idea. Though can those that can overcome the madness require a large amount of willpower?



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261: Aye, I like this

262: Aye, mine

263: Aye, mine, I require it for a plot

264: Aye, mine, see above

265: Aye, mine, plot point

266: Aye, sounds amazing, a lot of thought put in

267: Aye, mine, very prominent plot point


Article 261 - Aye, although I would like to ask, does this planet contain any sapient life?

Article 262 - Aye, I really like this idea.

Article 263 - Aye but what kind of tranformations are we talking about here?

Article 264 - Aye because I think the downsides to this balance it out plus they are extremely rare. Again, what kind of tranformations take place?

Article 265 - Aye, this is quite a good idea.

Article 266 - Im not sure of this Article but I will vote Aye as it eems important to Zorahk's epic.

Article 267 - Aye, this is a good idea. Though can those that can overcome the madness require a large amount of willpower?




264: Any change, like armor. For ease, it's like a Mata to a Nuva.

267: To overcome the madness, a large willpower is required. What that will is, however, is another matter. The will to survive? The will to conquer? Will in general is needed. What the will is doesn't matter, as long as it's strong.

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Aye to Article 261. I have no problem with it. "Is there any intelligent life?" :P


Aye to Article 262. I have no problem with it. Is there a certain island that it is a native of?


Aye to Article 263. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 264. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 265. I have no problem with it.


Aye to Article 266. I have no problem with it, especially since it's mine. :P Zahaku: Yes, it is crucial to the plot; one of the main points of it, actually.


Aye to Article 267. The name sounds comic-book-y to me, but the concept itself is fine.

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261: Aye

262: Aye, I like this one.

263: Aye, although I'm a little on the edge about this one.

264: Nay, this just makes the Nuva's whole ordeal seem like a drop in the bucket.

265: Aye, I superlove this one.

266: Nay, this seems like a pretty powerful virus. I'm curious as to where you'd take it though.

267: Aye.


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261: Aye... I've never been a fan of adding planets that can't logically be related to the rest of the Bionicle story, but if Vahkuax wants to do a story set on this planet, I'll approve the idea.

262: Aye, good idea.

263: Aye; like dotCARBON I'm sort of ambivalent to this one, because it cheapens the sheer alienness and fun of the early parts of the Toa Inika's story, but I won't say Nay.

264: Aye; again I'm not really fond of the idea but I don't have a good reason to say Nay beyond personal preference.

265: Aye, pretty interesting idea and would work well for a plot device.

266: I'm not sure how any society could possibly hope to survive something like this, or how it could ever be kept limited to one dome, but since it's obviously going to play a big role in Zorrakh's writing, Aye.

267: Aye; yet again I am somewhat unsure on this one but mostly because of personal preference.

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Article 261- AYE

Article 262- Aye

Article 263- Undecided. I could go either way on this currently.

Article 264-Aye

Article 265- Aye

Article 266- Aye

Article 267- Aye




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261) Aye. I'm guessing "Terra" would mean something along the lines of "Earthen," correct?

Iro, I would assume so, yes.


Article 261 - Aye, although I would like to ask, does this planet contain any sapient life?

Article 263 - Aye but what kind of tranformations are we talking about here?

Zåhåku, Article 261 has been amended to answer your question, meanwhile the transformations described in Article 263 are just like those experienced by canon Matoran who became the Toa Inika. ;)


Aye to all.

Xinlo, as I said in the previous voting session, please refrain from the "I vote such-and-such to all articles."-type of ballot in the future, particularly when there is significant opposition to some of the proposals in the thread.


Now for my ballot:

First off, I vote "
" on Articles 261-265, as I find few faults with any of these proposals beyond personal preference, similar to what
said regarding Article 264.


Next, I vote "
" on Article 266, based upon the argument previously stated by
, though I might change my vote if it seemed like this proposal was unlikely to pass, based upon thoughts similar to comments made by
regarding this.


Lastly, I reluctantly vote "
" on Article 267. Basically, although I whole-heartily agree with
, I don't really object to the concept, and thus my opposition would simply be based upon personal preference.


Anyway, I look forward to hearing the debate regarding those who have expressed indecision to various proposals in this thread.


Until next time.
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261) Aye. I'm guessing "Terra" would mean something along the lines of "Earthen," correct?

Iro, I would assume so, yes.


If my memory does not fail me, then Terra is Latin for earth.



261. Aye.

262. Aye, it sounds great.

263. Aye.

264. Aye.

265. Aye.

266. Aye.

267. Aye.

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Article 261 - Aye.

Article 262 - Aye.

Article 263 - Aye.

Article 264 - Aye.

Article 265 - Aye.

Article 266 - Aye.

Article 267 - Aye.

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261- AYE, seems important to someone's epic, and I'd love to see these Agori maybe evolve differently or something.

262- AYE, not very often we see articles about flora and fauna, plus I like the idea of it being used for cloaks.

263- UNDECIDED, I understand that these would be extremely rare, however I'm against the idea of more Inika Toa. That seemed like a one-time-only thing to me. However, I'm open to hear more about this.

264- UNDECIDED, this one I just don't understand too well. Is this like an Energized Protodermis transformation, or what?

265- AYE, golly, Koji, you sure do like stones, don't you :P

266- NAY, this seems a bit too powerful, as .Carbon said.

267- AYE

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263- UNDECIDED, I understand that these would be extremely rare, however I'm against the idea of more Inika Toa. That seemed like a one-time-only thing to me. However, I'm open to hear more about this.

264- UNDECIDED, this one I just don't understand too well. Is this like an Energized Protodermis transformation, or what?


I don't have much to say on 263, but I can say it's like 264, an 'Energized Protodermis' transformation. That also answers 264, obviously.

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264- UNDECIDED, this one I just don't understand too well. Is this like an Energized Protodermis transformation, or what?

There seems to be a bit of confusion, so hopefully this will help clear it up:

The Inika Stones proposed in Article 263 would produce someone who looked like an Inika, glowing face, organic Kanohi, etc., that is to say, their appearance would
be like that of a Nuva, nor would the transformation be like those involving Energized Protodermis.


On the other hand, Article 264 concerns N
va Stones,
va Stones, that is to say, it would be the
infusion of power levels closer to that seen in a Nova Blast, as opposed to
Nuva power level changes by Energized Protodermis. The
of those who have undergone the prospective transformation would simply be Nuva-like for ease of description.

Let me know if there are any other questions.


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"AYE" to Article 261.

"AYE" to Article 262.

"AYE" to Article 263. Is this an explanation for Jaller's Company's transformation into Inika, or just a way to obtain similar results? If the first, then "NAY". If the second, then "AYE"

"AYE" to Article 264. See explanation on Article 263.

"AYE" to Article 265.

"AYE" to Article 266.

"AYE" to Article 267. The Article says power, but the description makes it sound more like it's alive. It being a parasite/virus, would make the forced side effects more convincing to me. (X-Force=X-Men?)

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"UNDECIDED" on Article 263. Is this an explanation for Jaller's Company's transformation into Inika, or just a way to obtain similar results? If the first, then "NAY". If the second, then "AYE".

"UNDECIDED" on Article 264. See explanation on Article 263.

"UNDECIDED" on Article 267. The Article says power, but the description makes it sound more like it's alive. It being a parasite/virus, would make the forced side effects more convincing to me. (X-Force=X-Men?)

The prospective Inika Stones were not involved in the transformation of Jaller's Company, they are as you stated, simply a way to obtain similar results. ;)


I'm not sure what the question on Inika Stones has to do with the Nova Stones, so I can't answer that part since we've never seen anything like the Nova Stones in the Canon storyline aside from maybe Antidermis-Imbued Brutaka. :unsure:


As for the proposed X-Force, I second your suggestion that it be something alive rather than a genetic deal, meanwhile I reiterate my dislike for the MARVEL-associated name.


Hope this helps and let me know if there are any other questions.


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Like Ausar has said, the Inika Stone isn't a way to explain Jaller and his group's transformation, but similar results. Nova is the same, a way to attain more power, but not a canon explanation for anything.


As for the X-Force, I always figured it as a combination of genetic, and alive. It's something imbued within the genetics of specific beings, as a 'destined' way for it to occur, but it is more like a parasite where it feeds off of the body at that point, thus causing the potential insanity/death.


As for the name, I didn't think X-Men until after I had named it. I'm not that into Marvel or DC, for that matter, I don't care for comics. X-Force was just a name that sounded good, and something plot relevant for me to use later on.

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261st article: Aye

262nd article: Aye

263rd article: Aye, seems pretty cool.

264th article: Aye, like it.

265th article: Aye, very cool idea.

266th article: Aye, I like it.

267th article: Aye, cool stuff.


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And finally, I will cast my vote on this batch:


Article 261: Aye, under one condition: Please change the name. That sounds too much like Terra Nui for my tastes, and the fact that the planet has a very similar ecosystem only makes the similarity more ridiculous. May I suggest, say, "Geo Magna" or perhaps "Ina Magna" (Hawaiian name for earth)?

Article 262: Aye. No problems here.

Article 263: Aye. No problems here. In fact, it offers an explanation for the Canon phenomenon, so that's good.

Article 264: Aye. No problems here.

Article 265: Aye. No problems here.

Article 266: Aye. I was waiting for this one, and I must say it creates an awesome type of villain. Go for it, Zorrahk! :)

Article 267: Aye. No problems here, other than the fact that the name sounds like a crossover between X-Men and Exo-Force.



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I'm sorry, but I converted all of my 'Neutrals' to 'Nays', for the fact that I believe there should be no Neutrals in voting.


261: Aye, sounds cool.

262: Aye, gives me an idea.

263: Nay, awesome idea, but don't know how it will turn out.

264: Nay, same reason as 263.

265: Aye. I realize that 263, 264 and 265 all seem to go together, but this one was high enough in the Neutral that it converted to Aye. Sounds great.

266: I almost tl;dr'd, but decided not to. Aye, AS LONG as they get destroyed eventually. Btw, the Makuta is obsessed with threes? Sounds like the serial killer in the book Thr3e, by Ted Dekker.

267: Looks like Koji has either been playing Metroid, or watching StarGate. ;) Aye, I guess.


BTW, the reason I sometimes vote 'Nay' is because I don't know how the articles will correspond with the Canon universe, but secretly I think it sounds awesome and hope other people vote 'Aye' enough. Well, if I feel extremely strongly about something being 'Nay', and really don't want it voted in, I'll say so.

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I give a resounding Aye to Article 261. I hadn't really thought about it, but it does seem our Solar System was missing one ecosystem, and as it turns out it is the one most dominant in the Northern Hemisphere of our own planet.


I also give Article 262 an Aye, as the plant seems quite creative, and will be another thing that all CIRCLE writers will be able to use making our Epics seem all the more connected.


The Inika were some of my very favorite Toa, and featured one of my favorite bands at the time as their head-liner, aside from their strange Kanohi, I say they were some of the best Toa out there. So with that said, I vote Aye on Article 263.


Aye to Article 264. These stones seem quite well thought out in all respects.


I particularly like the idea behind Article 265, so I give it an aye.


Article 266 is a quite fun idea, I like it and therefor give it an aye.


I'm not a fan of the naming scheme of this, but it holds true to being well balanced and am obligated to give it an Aye.



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First, I vote "AYE" to Articles 261-262. However, I must say "NAY" to Article 263 because of the fact that although the Inika Stones give similar transformations akin to the Toa Inika, it is a completely uncreative way to create Toa Inika in the story, simply because it's substituting the Red Star with a stone. And since we have yet to figure out what exactly caused the lightning powers, organic Kanohi, and glowing faces of the actual Toa Inika, I have a hard time saying yes to this. And finally, I vote "AYE" to Articles 264-267.
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