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A Confession

Taka Nuvia


Okay, so over the past days I've been noticing some.. things, which I want to state here. They most certainly don't have anything to do with BZPower, or the members here, and I most certainly don't want to be annoying or sound whiny. So if you're not interested, you may take the chance and leave right now. Or not even click to read this entry. I warned you.


You still with me? Good. Then I'll try to keep this short and simple. I don't feel like I'm good at living right now. What that menas? I am, once again, not able to live up to my own expectations. I forget things I've written down everywhere. I only think of them when it's way too late.

This leads to problems with the people around me. and this leads to me pulling back from any social contacts, which leads to misery. Not that anyone would miss me, anyway.


I'd guess it's some kinda burn-out thingie, but I doubt it. I seriously do, for I know I tend to over-analyze myself. I've already diagnosed myself with all wierd kinds of awkwardnesses as well as madness and other things.


I feel lonely in class. Due to my behavior I've lost another 'friend', and I know she complains behind my back, and talks stuff about me. Okay, I guess in a way I deserve it. But from what I've experienced I can expect that the others will ignore me even more than before, for she is the one who fits in better.


Hey, yay, I'm different, and even expecting acceptance? How can I expect to be liked? I mean, I am sorry for not being like everyone else. I regret believing in loyalty, forgiveness, maybe even kindness? I'm sorry, I'll cut back on that. I'll stop being friendly and nice and helpful.


I'll stop trusting. Maybe this time for real. (just in case you didn't notice, the above paragraph was meant sarcastic) But about the trusting part... I seriously trust others way too easily. I also tend to believe that if I try hard enough they might like me someday. And even though I know they never will, I try. Do you know how much I'm longing for a 'normal' life, including being part of a clique in class, including being accepted by the mass? Yet I refuse to change myself to achieve that. I'm no actor. I'm probably not even an artist.


So why am I writing this blog entry? To whine about my life? To hear that I'm not mad, that everything's alright? Maybe. I don't know. I don't know what is really going on. As said, I pull away from them. I'm fleeing to my mind. The only place where I still have control.

Expect to see some art from me soon.


Also, thanks a lot for reading through this all quite messed up stuff. Should you have any advice, I'd be more than grateful to hear it (or read, in this case).


Taka Nuvia


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I know exactly where you're coming from. In fact, quite a lot of that sounds exactly like my experiences in school and socially.

I sympathize.

It's true that most people in school seem to be pretty horrible to each other for no good reason - and then those who aren't get slagged/isolated for not doing this. It's incredibly hard to keep yourself together in a situation like that. I know it is for me.


I guess all I can say is keep going. You'll find people like yourself in the end.

Changing yourself to suit other people isn't how it should be. You're an intelligent person, and if you think you know better than what other people may be doing, you probably do.

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My life until graduation if you put it like that...


One thing I can say is, things start to look much better once you go to Uni or college and take courses you pick for yourself. The people in them share the same interests and maybe more...one reall fits in much better there.

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I only really lost one friend in my whole life and this was my best friend. This happened in the past 2 weeks.

I trusted her, I believed her. And vice-versa, but something changed between us and we couldn't be friends any longer...However by spending so much time with her, I've lost the trust of other people in my class, they also are still friends but in a different way. Now I felt loneliness in the first time of my life.


I've been thinking the last two weeks, and other things happened. Everybody said I've changed in a positive way...but all that changed into negative for me. I now have one person left who is still with me...

but that's enough about me, let me try to help you even if I don't know you (and vice-versa)


It's understandable you write this blog entry, in a situation like this you search for help, something/one who can make this stop and make it all good again.

Even when you are different, people have to accept like you are. Do not act like you are a different person. It won't help


Giving you advice it difficult. Wait...and you'll find people or they find you and better times will come.

Believe me, it may sound weird but things can happens unexpected. And just don't give up everything you have


Hope this helps you... :)

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I could be telling you that you´re not mad, and yet it wouldn´t help much if you´d still only consider it confirmation of you only writing this to hear what you want to hear - and I´m terribly sorry that I can´t help you in this way, beause first of all I know that my very much treasured and appreciated friend Taka is not, absolutely not and in no way whatsoever, mad; and secondly because I can´t think of any other way to help.


I´d think you´re right in not changing yourself, whether or not you´re giving yourself a choice, and from an audience´s viewpoint I can´t believe anything else than that it will pay off sooner or later.

I realize that this must be a terrible, terrible thing to go through, and I sincerely wish I could do more than simply giving you my sympathies and writing that certainly, things will get far better than they are now. I think, and much hope, that they will.



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I feel a lot of people go through this in school. I did, and it was tough. Of course it's tough, what trial in life isn't?

Collectively, many students in a class will act like that. Stuck up and picky. If you are not like them, you are their enemy. A target for their hate and jokes and thrown basketballs. However, by being nice, kind, caring, and loyal to your friends you are better then them. Yes, better. And deep down I think the others know that. Which is why they go after you, me, and others. That, or they are heartless people that like to cause pain.


Either way, you're not the only one going through this. Not the only one that lost a friend like this. It's hard, it's sad. We know that. It takes time to get used to. You can run away and hide or you can stick by those that truly care and want the best for you. Such as your friends around you and on here. So like Brickeens said, about going on.. that's right. You will find more like yourself. You might be shocked at how many can be like you.


Anyway, about remembering things at last moment and such. I know what you mean, I tend to remember some things very late. Projects, birthdays.. We can't always remember everything. But we can do things to help. Maybe try making a list of these things in a word document on your computer? You can name it something and look at it once a day to see what you have to do. That is my best advice for that.


I think you can get through this, Taka, in fact I know you can. You just need to trust those that care.. not those that have changed. Stay around your friends, try to ignore the others that hurt you. If you can, tell someone. Like a teacher, or someone with control over the class or area. That too, can be a big help.

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Believe me Taka. Your about one of the coolest

and one the best friends I've known for awhile now. I'll always be praying for you.

Once you get passed this small trial it seems long, but however its not.

I've gone thru some sad times alot. Heck my other families messed my parents & their children

us over for years. We basically got the same thing their kids did or hand-outs or bribes.

I never had a really good relationship with none of them. I'd been sad and depressed about

what they did. I can't say but it hurt for most of my life knowing that they where that way.

I turned the other cheek, and I still say I love them even though they don't feel the same way.

I get moody about it sometimes but I'm not gonna let something that small about them or anyone

else's opinions get in the way of how I want my relationships to go. Your a strong & dear person.

Its people's own darn fault they can't see the best quality of you when its staring them in the face.

I hope what I've said helps & everyone else's stories helped. I want you to feel better again *hug*

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I, for one, happen to agree with all the comments here. I can especilly relate to the friends part, as that's happened to me in the past 3 school years. We'll always be here for you, here at BZPower.

That last sentence didn't come out right.

If you ignore everything else said here, heed this: don't ever stop trusting. Doing that will make you lose even more friends than if you hadn't.

Well, that's my advice, if you at all value my opinion. Most people don't. In fact they ignore me. sometimes I like it that way, but not always.

Just hang in there, Taka. You'll make it through.

I'm rambling. See ya.

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You're awesome, T Nuvia.

You can draw amazing, you're a really nice person (not to mention a great friend), you have a great sense of humor, and you're talented with all your art and writing. I always enjoy coming to your blog to see if you have anything new. I know I don't reply on everything, and I'm actually sorry about that, but I do look at all your work that you post.

Everyone is always their own biggest critic, it's just up to you whether or not you decided to go by the critic's opinion, or step back and see yourself for the brilliant work of art that you are.


.....now excuse me as I go back to my old sarcastic joking comments and get out of this strange sensation of seriousness that has taken hold of me... o_o


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I've had similar experiences. The difference? Mine are nearly the inverse of yours - I get along well enough in real life, but on the internet I've lost a friend or two in the past. I was weird, really weird. I "spoke", or rather typed, in a throwback variant of English. I employed truth at the wrong moments.

It took me a few months of "downtime", away from most other people online, to become what I am now. You don't have that option, it's true, but go on. You will overcome life's obstacles. You have talent.


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