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I Am Avoiding Hero Factory

Nuju Metru


So I was thinking earlier this weekend about the "good ol' days" of my love of BIONICLE. And I wondered to myself, what's changed? Why don't new sets feel as awesome as they used to, so thrilling to open, so exciting to put together? Maybe it's because I've gotten older and more "mature." To those theories I say Bah. That can't be it.


Therefore, I reflected not upon why things might've gone bad for me - but rather, upon what made them so awesome back then. The last time I remember feeling truly excited was back in the Phantoka days. I pondered about what things had made opening new sets so exciting before.


The easy answer was that I didn't know what to expect.


Before I joined up here and became web-savvy, I would only see new sets when they came out, no earlier, really - just that one picture in the catalog, which I always awaited eagerly, would be what I had to go on. These days, I'm exposed to in-depth reviews ahead of time, and pictures even earlier than that. I see exactly what the sets look like from every angle. And thus, that set loses its wonder. A few days ago, I came to this conclusion, and felt iffy looking at sets again.


I've decided that I don't want to know, anymore. I won't read any new reviews, look at any new pictures - hopefully, those first looks I got, since they were brief, will fade from my mind if I don't let them fester. Hopefully I will, when I finally get my hands on one of the new heroes or villains, tear it open the packaging and pour out the pieces in joy and excitement, not really knowing what I'm getting.


Next line, I'm going to try and stop myself from looking at anything before they come out. Let's hope for the sake of my inner child that I can resist temptation.


-Nuju Metru


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You have a good point that now it is possible to know everything about a set before it is released. That, however, is what helps me choose what sets to buy. I know what pieces I am getting and quite possibly I am already thinking of things to build with them.

However, from a non-MOCing perspective, then the thrill of seeing pieces for the first time when a set is opened is lost. I remember opening up Lewa back in 2001 and thinking how much larger his Kanohi was than I expected. I do think, however, that there is plenty of interesting moments when building the set, whether or not you have seen plenty of pictures for a few months, that is always still there. Techniques LEGO used or the way one piece works with another.


If your new system works for you, then hoorah.



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Hrmmm, I'd disagree with this. I used to look at pictures of sets waaay before they came out, then read loads of reviews, then buy them and still like them. By 2008 I was quite 'meh' on sets, so I didn't look at any reviews before buying, then got Antroz and was like 'meh'. I do think it's a growing-out-of thing more than anything. And it is a little depressing to stop enjoying something as much as you did.


But then I suppose you just move onto the next thing.


- Tilius

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I agree with both of you - however, I feel like to enhance the overall experience, I should try to abstain from any kind of knowledge, if possible.


Geez, I dunno if I'll be able to do this. XD

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I think I stopped enjoying them after everyone started picking out tiny little flaws. Once I got the sets after reading that, i would pick at them too. In the past 4 years, there's only been 3 sets that have left me with nothing.

Vezon and Fenrakk, but that may have been because of the fact that it's an insane half-piraka and quadruped spider-esque thing.

Rockoh T3, as it's ingenious. I failed to find any flaws, even those pointed out.

Axalara T9. Absolutely magnificent. I think i was too tired after the build to pick at it.

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I stopped enjoying them when they got too easy to build, personally. I always liked the challenge, and figuring out how all the gears and parts worked with each other to move the model. Now they're more like... action figures, and even when I was like... 5, I never got into action figures. :P


But of course, all the fancier Lego-Lines that appease that bit of me always seem so expensive. XP

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