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that guy from that show

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Year 11

About that guy from that show

  • Birthday 06/17/1995

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    Kimballton, Iowa, United States of America
  • Interests
    I am a nerd, I will not deny it, and Star Wars is what I love best. Only recently did I enter the incredible would of the expanded universe. I’ve been reading the books chronologically and am currently in the new Republic Era. My favorite star wars books are the X-wing Series and the Courtship of princes Leia (bad title, good book)
    Some of my favorite (Or at least the one I can think of now) characters are Corran Horn, Gilad Pellaeon, IG-88, Han Solo, Ackbar, Count Dooku, Teneniel Djo, Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, Grievous, Ooryl Qtygg, Boba Fett, And of course Grand Admiral Thrawn.

    Although I am obsessed with star wars, they’re not the only movies I love. Dramas like the Green Mile, Forest Gump, Titanic, the Untouchables, Gangs of New York, and Pleasantville, are all very good movies.

    Among my favorite comedies are Pixar movies, BZP Lovers, the Hudsucker Proxy, This is Spinal Tap, and Airplain! Revenge of the Nerds will always be a great fell good movie.

    As for T.V. the best show is hands down LOST. No other show can compete with the incredibly complex characters and the compelling and surprising plot. The character of Benjamin Linus was a huge inspiration for Gahiji “Dust” Thutmose, the main character in the Dino Attack RPG.

    The Pythons are awesome. I have spent several Halloweens as python characters including Patsy and a Knight who says Ni! I have been working my way threw Monty Python’s flying Circus and have watched all the all there movies. Quoting Monty Python is one of the many pastimes of mine but off course I cannot think of anything to say now.

    Dan Brown is a great writer; my all time favorite book is Angles and Demons. I think theologically and I hate it when the bible is used as a weapon of discrimination and words are twisted to mean someone’s personal ideals.

    Another great series of books are the Hunger Games. For the people who have read them, I need not say more. For the people who have not I recommend you pick them up.

    Finally we get to the reason I am here. LEGO. I plain to be a master builder, and consider myself a very skilled designer. As I said earlier I love star wars and have started a desent collection of Lego star fighters. Power Miners, Adventure, Mars Mission, Aqua Raiders and Knights Kingdom (2000) are some of my favored lines

    I was razed on bionicle. I don’t have to promote it on this website but I do say that Brutaka, Zaktan, Onua, Stronius, Krika, Malum, Sentrakh, Mazeka, Nidhiki, Melding Teridax, Toa Ignika, Turahk, and the Gold Skinned Being are some of the coolest characters

    So ends what I am willing to type here. I hope the spelling did not cause any trouble. May the Force be with you.

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that guy from that show's Achievements

Armored Protector

Armored Protector (18/293)

  1. I would be interested in a Mers Mission RPG, I also would be open to something set underwater like Aquazone or Aquaraiders.
  2. I can't stess how important rpgs were for me in the last few years. When I started dino attack rpg in 2007 I was a poar writer that had little intention of making something big of it. As years passed I evolved and my work inproved greatly. In addition, I learned to collaberate and adapt to changes. The ability to coperate with other's ideas and adabt my story but mantain my writer's essence is a lesson I could not have learned a better way.Go join an rpg. You're skills as a writer will improve a lot. You'll be glad you did.
  3. Sorry for not being particularly involved this week but my computer is in the shop and I'm currently on vacation.I can certainly understand peaples skepticism about aliens and I can appreciate that. I ended up checking my storyline and discovered that aliens don't actually play that large a role until the second act. I hope by that me and avmatoran can build some trust by then.A question however; do peaple's hesitation about aliens stem from the fact that they are just to far-fetched to fit into a serious story or that their involment with dinosaurs is just to ridiculous? Understanding this will help with how we approach the story.
  4. When I referred to the alien villainess I was speaking of the character from the collectible minifigires line. I'm not sure how haveing a character like would work but hirion or Cer would fit in but I'm open to the idea. I'm interested to see how that might work.The reason there are aliens and dinosaurs is because dinosaurs in themselves don't make interesting enough antagonists. The story needs a villain that can thinl with more then the reptilian brain and can communicate. Well dinosours can provide a man vs. Nature conflict it can limit the story potential. A more compitent main antogonist is nessisary.
  5. I see no reason why not. In fact, it would be a good thing. The folks over at ADU are set to play a relatively prominent role in the storyline. The relationship between them and their dino team allies will actually be a point of conflict. Commander Hypaxxus-8, the Alien villainess and the ADU sergeant will also be working as importentt NPCs. I actually think it would be good for players to sign up as ether a member of ADU or the Dino team. Although the 2012 dino war will be the main focus of the story-line the effects of the alien conflict shell impact the events substantially. Having representatives of both factions should help to bring those points across nicely.
  6. Avmatoran and I played the amazing Dino attack RPG for the last five years. It’s an incredible story and it really got us into the TBRPG Theater. Since it’s end a few years ago there has been a hole in our life that can only be filled by obsessive writing and posting. Our experience with the RPG has allowed us to mature as writers and encouraged us to evolve and take on the burden of hosting our own story. An RPG based on 2012’s dino line seemed like a natural segue. With the collaboration of one of my colleagues, avmatoran, I have worked out a suitable outline that I believe could become a very interesting story. It includes the core ideas of the Dino line but also draws from the Alien conquest mythology and even some of the collectible minifigures. My take on the story would be relatively serious and include acts of rebellion, sabotage, conspiracy, tribulation, fighting, revenge, escapes, love, miracles, and deep political intrigue. Of course aliens and dinosours will also be in the mix. Avmatoran and I hope to convey these themes but also write a thrilling adventure. I like to think that my outline of the story (set in three acts) would ensure that it remains moving and active. My only question is if there is enough of an interest in the somewhat obscure Dino and Alien conquest lines to ensure a positive base group of writers. My partnership with avmatoran will help keep strong leadership but I need to know if there are any questions on people’s mind that could help the RPG remain strong and keep support.
  7. OoC: Really? Three posts in and I already have a continuity issue! Well let's just say that they are few hundred yards away but sight range is blocked by a ridge. Close enogh for a jog but far enogh that you can't just wave you're arms. For everyone else who does not know me. This is bound to happen frequently.
  8. iC: Dumouchel trailed behind Cyrista as they departed the tail section of the Venture Explorer. It was easy traveling but they had much ground to cover. Since Cyrista was the only one in the engine section of the ship many thought locating the wreck was a low priority. In addition, since it had been a mid-air breakup there was no control over where the engine components landed. With no means of ensuring a safe landing some simply assumed that no one could have survived the impact. Dumouchel looked up at the pillar of smoke rising above the sky were the main body of the ship had crashed. Cyrista appeared to be heading toward it. “How far do you suppose we have to travel?” enquired Dumouchel as he surveyed the steep peaks set before them. “We should head to the Sentinel Base Camp. It’s much closer and we will not have to contend with Stromlings on the way.” “I beg to differ.” Responded Cyrista. “The other crew members on the ship are no doubt wondering what happened to me. I’m getting pour reception in the mountains so I will need to affirm my survival in person. They are probably looking for me.” “Matthew,” began Dumouhcel. “I believe you are more seriously injured then you would wish to believe. You may not feel pain now but it is sure to set in if you strain yourself. We will never make it over that ridge without worsening your condition.” Cyrista chuckled. “Honestly Vincent, I’m fine. I’ve been threw a lot worse then this.” “With all due respect,” said Dumouchel earnestly. “You just fell out of the sky hanging on to an unstable engine unit. Even if you do not believe it I think you must get medical attention. You can contact the captain once we reach the base camp. Some members of the Venture explorer may already be there.” Cyrista did not seem convinced. “It’s important that I evaluate the situation as soon as possible. I may not be in the line of command but I need to know what happened. The best way to do that is speak with Captain Lane immediately!” “It was a mid-air breakup.” Pleaded Dumouchel. “The other part of the ship could be miles away! Crossing the woods could take hours. Please, let me take you to base camp and you can catch up there. Once you are tended to.” “Dose your comlink work?” asked Cyrista suddenly Dumoucel shrugged. “I have not tried. I’m not very good with these kids of gadgets. You must know what to do.” Cyrista nodded and accepted Dumouchel’s radio. As he did so something rustled in the tree line. There was a load drone and the sound of a tree collapsing. Birds took to the skies in panic “What was that?” asked Dumouchel cautiously. “Our voices probably attracted some unwelcome company. Do you have any weapons?” “Only my sword,” Answered Dumouchel. “We should make a run for the engines. We could hold out in the wreck until help arrives.” Matthew Cyrista shook his head. “No, we’re be overtaken. We’re on our own for the moment. It’s probably nothing we can’t handle.” At that moment a Stromling burst out of the ground and grabbed Dumouchel by the ankle. He yelped in alarm and quickly stabbed his sword into the creatures face. It burst into purple flame as Cyrista took a battle stance. Out of the foliage stumbled a dozen Stomlings and what appeared to be a very angry stromling mech.
  9. Why? What's going on? Is it confusing or just a lull in the game?
  10. This was posted in the RPG but I quickly noticed my error and moved it here. Name: Krackzuul Gender: Male Species: Skrall Faction: Refugee Kanohi: NA Other powers: NA Equipment: Thorned Club, Thornax Launcher. Krackzuul long ago ran out of Thornax fruit but he has since adapted his launcher to fire other projectiles, mainly Madu fruit and the occasional zamor sphere. Appearance: Krackzuul’s appearance it relatively standard for a Special Forces Skrall. He is well armored and tremendously strong but his armor is warn and cracked in several locations. Time has not treated him well and his appearance reflects that. Since there is some diversity in the Skrall race, Krackzuul has orangeish-yellow under armor instead of the standard red. Personality: Krackzuul is reclusive. He rarely interacts with the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe unless necessary. He is an extremely capable warier and a skilled strategist. As a veteran, Krackzuul has thousands of years of experience to draw upon but he does not flaunt his expertise. Biography: As the quest to awaken Mata Nui reached its crescendo dimensional activity increased significantly. Various beings with the ability to access other dimensions used their powers freely and accidents happened regularly. With so much raw power flowing threw the universe it was impossible to determine who was responsible for opening the gate that sucked up Krackzuul but he was transported to the Matoran Universe non-the-less, A casually of irresponsibility. No stranger to fighting, Krackzuul participated in whatever fiction was necessary for survival, All the while desperately trying to find a way home. He misses the blue skies and the wind in his face but any memory of the sands is a distant memory. Eventually he allied himself with a group of refugees and reached the island of Destral. It was choice he has regretted ever since. OoC: Alrighty! I have a lot of experience with RPGs and while I am currently engaged in Lego Universe RPG I thought I might try my hand at two. I don’t know how successful I will be dividing my time but I thought it would be a good way to keep one from completely taking over my life. This seems like a compelling story with a good set of parameters so I am really looking forward to this.
  11. OoC: I made some minifigures of Vincent Dumouchel today. One in casual attire and another in armor. Note that he wares a bowler hat while in action but the hair prohibited me from showing it on his head. The same gos for the skull cap he has with the casual outfit. Considering that Vincent is French, he is something of a romantic, hence the flowers he carries. His extensive reading of classical literature has also greatly influenceds his views on social interaction. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Scodonius/Minifigures2/vincent_casual.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Scodonius/Minifigures2/vincent_armor.jpg
  12. iC: Vincent nodded his head in acknowledgement and stepped past Cyrista to admire the wrecked husk of the Venture Explorer. The fuselage had been separated from the engines and the sparks shot from the wires that once connected the two halves of the ship. Cyrista shrugged and took position beside Dumouchel. “So what are you doing around here Dumouchel?” inquired Cyrista. “You’re accent would lead me to believe you’re French.” “I am.” Replied Dumouchel flatly without taking his eyes of the ship. “What happened here? Why did the ship crash? I thought that capital ships of this size had all sorts of fail safes to prevent these kinds of breakdowns.” “I did.” Responded Cyrista. “Me and a team were clearing the craft of Mealstrom influence. Unfortunately, that was the only thing keep it alive and we lost control not long after. You did not answer my question by the way, you never said why you were here.” “I saw the crash and I thought I could help.” Dumouchel answered. “Are you alright?” “Nothing a few repairs won’t fix,” said Cyrista. “But that’s not what I meant. What brought you out of France?” Dumouchel turned so that he could avoid the gaze of Matthew Cyrista. “There was a war going on. I volunteered so I could serve my planet.” Cyrista smirked. “That’s not why you enlisted. I can spot a fib from a mile away. What are you hiding?” “Nothing!” said Dumouchel quickly. For a moment Cyrista could spot a glimmer of fear in his eyes. It was quickly replaced with a more characteristic dispassion. Cyrista shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, everyone here is lying about something. I won’t even begin to tell you some of the secrets I’ve kept in my time.” There was a smile that crossed Dumouchel’s face but it was easy to tell that it was not genuine. Cyrista quickly changed the subject. “So I make weapons, I hear you’ve heard of my work. I’m one of the largest benefactors of Nexus technology.” “Only recently,” responded Dumouchel. “I’ve only been familiar with your contributions in the last month.” “Really?” said Cyrista as he raised an eyebrow. “I’ve been active in the business for over a year now.” Dumouchel said flatly. “I had no way of knowing that.” “Fair enough.” Replied Cyrista with a shrug. “Let’s head over to where the main crash site is. I want to meet up with some of the other crew members and get things straightened out. After something as big as the Venture Explorer gos down, one has many things to talk about.” Vincent Dumouchel nodded his head. “I saw a lot of stromlings were attracted to the crash. The commotion is likely to draw them it. We should be mindful.” Cyrista smiled. “Alright, let’s go.”
  13. iC: The Venture Explorer was originally nothing more then a spot of light moveing rapidly threw the cosmos of space above Avant gardens. If it were not for the directional change Vincent would have easily mistaken it for one of many meteorites streaking threw space. He stood atop the partition surrounding the sentinel base camp gripping his halberd tightly. It was sunrise and he had been stationed on the wall for most of the night keeping watch on the stromlings meandering beyond. He hadn’t gottan many chances to look at the stars in his youth. The vastness of the universe was unfathomable. It was why he had volunteered, so he could experience the adventures he had only read about in books. But now that Vincent was out in the world and it felt almost too real, his senses were overloaded with sights and sounds that had previously been kept from him. As he watched the meteorite continue its approach toward the planet it became clearer that it was not merely a rock he was gazing at. Squinting his eyes he could make out the outline of a ship in the soft dawn light, rapidly baring down on the base camp. His eyes were affixed on the Venture Explorer as it cut threw the sky. He glanced along the parapets and quickly discovered that all the other guards standing watch were also transfixed. The ship continued it’s rapid decent and the silent hypnotic trance was slowly replaced by gasps of panic. Vincent tracked the ship as it shot across the horizon and passed directly over his head. The shadow flew over the base camp like a cloud and collided somewhere in the mountains beyond. There was a thundering crash that shook the foundation of the wall and the stromlings lifted their sulking headss in alarm. With a newfound drive they dispersed in search of the crash sight. A fellow rookie jogged along the wall to join Vincent. Smoke was beginning to rise from were the ship presumably landed and already Sentinel aircraft were lifting of to investigate. “What do you suppose that was?” asked Vincent to one of his comrads. He was twenty-one, the same age as he was and the two shared a sense of naivety about the world. “I don’t know.” Muttered his friend, he continued to look over at the mountains where the ship had crashed. “I imagine the officers have been tracking it for awhile but no one thought about telling us holding down the fort. “We are just red shirts after all.” Chucked Vincent’s comrade. Vincent gave an inquisitive look and his friend brushed aside the statement. “We’re not leaders mate; we’re the ones in the trenches. The numbers running behind the heroes, if you will.” Vincent appeared to have drifted off. A far of look was glimpsed on his face as he continued to look over at the pillar of smoke. “I’ve been stranded here for almost a month and I’ve barely left this wall. The gardens are a nice place to be if you like being a rookie for your whole life but I want to be something more then that! I want to have stories to tell and quests to go on! Not just stand guard in till this wall falls down.” Vincent’s friend put his hand on his shoulder. “Where on earth did you learn to talk like that? I’m telling you, we’re lucky to have such a plush station. If we stay here, we can survive! Forget about that urge to be a hero man! Focus on staying alive!” Vincent brushed him off and started walking away. “I’m going to see what just happened. I might be able to learn something.” “Don’t abandon your post!” yelled Vincent’s friend. “There are rules to uphold!” He turned and looked back up at the parapet. “I’m tired of rules. That’s why a joined Nexus force.” The comrade on the wall, perplexed by the statement, considered for a moment. “What on earth is that supposed to mean?” But by then, he stood alone. Vincent Dumouchel had left to investigate the crash sight. OoC: Alrighty then, I’m in the story! Feel free to interact with Vincent, either on the way to the crash sight or just skip right to when he gets there.
  14. It's true that Lego themes in general havr grown more antagonistic. Now, for every wave of sets there is a clear good guy and a clear bad guy. This is a relitivly recent development, look at themes like Incectoids or aquazone. That was only fifteen years ago and the focus was exploration and adventure. Now, if you look at Galaxy Squad or Chima it's all about conflict.
  15. OoC: Welcome Guurakh, you and I shell be new guys together! Hopefully Jacks and Brikman can move the story forward soon so we may begin ours. I've been waiting to be acknowledged for about a week now so in till then Vincent and Quantum shell remain in a state of limbo. A minor word of advice, it may be wise to map out a plain for were you want your character to go. Considering we may be waiting for awhile you could use this as an opportunity to develop some history. Speaking from experience, letting the plot write Quantum can lead to a Marty Sue and New powers as the plot demands.That aside, I look forward to writing with you once this show gets on the road. If someone can acknowledge us or provide some sort of outline of the current mission that would be wonderful. I read the last few pages of the RPG but it seems the story is between arcs at the moment. I don't mean to intrude but the more information I have early on the better.
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