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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Portalfig

  1. I definitely want in on this Any spot!
  2. Portalfig

    open it up

    color me seven shades of intrigued. Self policing games sound nice *lights up bubble pipe, standing at a dark corner in the rain.* real nice
  3. Man. Adventure time is really good though =/ I just binged the whole thing over winter break and it was fantastic and urgg But it is really weird and stuff so I can see where you're coming from
  4. Hmm. Resurrection-type role, perhaps. If you decide to make a Determination roll and you fail, you can't be resurrected - but if you decide to accept your fate, a resurrection role could bring you back. That in and of itself helps a ton. Like, so terrible much. Of course, when that role dies it then resets it back to the start, but it does help a lot. Especially if this role would also be able to revive the Anti-Town, somehow? Or, just to make sure that the Anti-Town also has a reason to choose. *shrug* Although making the revival role a Nuetral role sounds kinda realllly interesting. They only win if all other parties die, but their only power is to make people come back to life. Super cool and I love it
  5. My only problem is, right now, I don't see why there is any reason to not roll, right? Cause if you fail you just get the same effect as if you just didn't roll. If you are going to give the players a choice, then perhaps some reason why failing a roll is worse that just taking the effect? Or, perhaps, some other way to make it worthwhile. Because, right now, it really just seems like a way that makes some people fail sometimes perhaps. It basically just needs some way to make the Determination mechanic actually provide meaningful decisions for the players to make, even if it's just choosing whether or not to continue rolling.
  6. Portalfig


    Dang it, Tekulo! How'd you know exactly what I was going to say? D= Happy birthday, Shockwave! Hope it's good to you!
  7. Portalfig

    falling gravity

    I just finished season 1 This show is great so far
  8. Pulse. You guys were reading pure, concentrated Pulse. It's Delicious and Nutritious!
  10. Two of them voted for ToaTimeLord, one of them voted for me. Obviously, I wasn't going to vote for myself (although it would be amusing to kick my own head off again) and I stand a better chance of surviving if I vote for ToaTimeLord as well, rather than one of the other suspects. Yeah, I tried to vote for Dallior earlier: Appearently it never went through. So I saw that three people voted before you, and thought that my own vote was one of them because screw reading Amirite? So yeah. I dun messed up. I vote for Dallior for real this time. Haha
  11. I'm seeing it tomorrow and I can't wait argggg
  12. "Go with the flow?" Literally three people voted before you, voting three different people. Is this a classic case of the "Mentioning the Bandwagon" effect? Did I find it out? Am I good at this game yet?? Lolprollynot E: WAIT GUYS I CAN'T READ LOL
  13. Portalfig


    Internet hug? *Internet hug*
  14. Nah, it's more that this give me a reason to continue working on this project of mine I /really/ don't have the time but darn it I want to do it now That is why darn it. Do I adult or not? IDK, haha
  15. Dang it. Maybe I should work more on that Galidor reboot I was working on, huh? We'll see
  16. Voting FF. It's definitely not QP this time. Because I totally know
  17. Portalfig

    yay c:

    *pumps fist in the air repeatedly* NOICEEEEEEE
  18. I agree wholeheartedly with Wind's statement in that that was a thing of pure ecstasy Well done
  19. Oh my gosh I missed Mafia Libs? Ergashfipskjl Can somebody link me to where that happened? Cause I need that in my life, like, yesterday.
  20. oh man this conflicts me so much I don't know how to feeeeelll
  21. aaaAAAAAAHHHhhhh That is stupid exciting yo I hope everything goes well!
  22. 10/10 pizza choice Well done
  23. Orange is best being color
  24. Screw it. Put me in, coach. I'm ready
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