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hey it's felix

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Blog Comments posted by hey it's felix

  1. Have you listened to any of the albums? If not, I highly recommend it. I think they're brilliant myself.Also, you should totally try to make one of the Condesce's drones in MOC form.

    Yeah man, I totally love the music. I'm hooked on ColoUrs and Mayhem: Universe A at the moment (particularly the song 'Gold Pilot') but all the albums are pretty awesome.



    It took me about four days to catch up (this was a couple of weeks ago), which was only possible because it was testing week and I didn't have any homework to do.I was shocked when I went to click the ==> and realized it wasn't there. Somehow actually reading all of it seemed impossible,even when I had finally done just that. XDAnd VampireBohrok is right, the music is awesome. I'm listening to coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B right now, in fact. :music:

    Hehe, yeah it's pretty surreal! I guess after being totally hooked on it I find myself wondering what to do with my spare time now... :P

  2. I've got the same problem, man. There's this guy in my chemistry class who actually just doesn't give a flip whether he passes or not... and therefore thinks it's fine to talk and laugh the whole lesson.

    You know, not like any of us wanted to pass or anything.

  3. You must get Black Phantom. Or Toxic Reapa. They've both awesome pieces. And they both look pretty cool (if you don't watch their legs).Ghost Hunters: I'd suggest a mad scientist with a scope and a vacuum ghost cleaner.There you go.

    I'm likin' the sound of Toxic Reapa, he's also got some neat trans-pieces :D Thanks Matt.


    H,WHAP (that's a fun acronym, isn't it?); Some sort of storage tank with some sort of glowing/bubbling fluid pouring out of a split on the bottom.Yarp? Narp?

    Sounds like a gooood idea Disty. What kind of storage tank were you thinking? Something like a cylindrical tank, glass tank or maybe just a rectangular tank? Also any suggestions for how to make the liquid would be great ;)

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