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Toa 95

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Everything posted by Toa 95

  1. Toa 95

    Mall Patrol

    You sick, sick, sick, sick, cruel monster.I call you this for using sweatshop child labor for posts before I did!
  2. Granted. You do, but it is corrupted.I wish I ruled the world!
  3. Who suggests bandages for someone with the flu!?Plus, I sense a hatred between Cahli and Sika brewing...
  4. Granted. However, the film is a Michael Bay movie, and you don't have a stunt double.I wish I were a billionaire.
  5. Toa 95


    Hey, at least you GOT a line. HINT HINT >=[Nice Comic, Utah.Do I see a Minecraft Pickaxe there? Ha, I beat all of you!I got TWO lines. No, I am not. I wanna blast the darn ponies to the moon. XP- Agreed completely.My thoughts on the comic: Very nice! Also a very effective way to get underground, expected or not.And what's my team's name? Team Anonymous? Team No Name?
  6. Here's what you do: get on the nearest plane to anywhere away from there before Mole's sneezes cause the island/continent to fall apart.
  7. Granted. However, when it is released, gamers call it the worst game of all time.I wish I had a chocolate fountain.
  8. Toa 95


    He's just made a grave mistake...
  9. Granted. However, they kill you as soon as they appear.I wish I had Super Mario power-ups.
  10. Granted. However, when trying to lift and move a really heavy object, you lose your hold on it, and it falls on you.I wish I were a Terminator.
  11. Granted. However, you have no opportunity to use them, and you forget them in a matter of weeks.I wish I could do everything.
  12. Granted. However, once you get it, you find out that it is merely a toy replica.I wish I had a girlfriend.
  13. Granted. However, when you do, there is no way to reverse it. You are now stuck in a world with time frozen around you.I wish I could stop procrastinating.
  14. Granted. However, he shoots you right after; any part of his identity is apparently under contract to remain confidential.I wish I could get rid of a person I really hate.
  15. Why am I always commenting on the Bohrok about to eat two Matoran and a Toa?
  16. You reversed the two halves of that verse, by the way.I didn't reverse anything. Just took bits from two verses Except that they're two halves of the same line, only reversed.A quote from John Connolly (whom I've never heard of), and one from your comics.
  17. Once again, It's a Toa(?), who is apparently looking menacingly at something/someone.
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