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Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. I'm sorry, but you'll need to take me out of the game. I forgot that I'm going to be busy all next week, so I'm not going to be able to play.
  2. This sounds fun, I'll sign up. Spot 14, I guess.
  3. Yeah, I remember the Ekimu's mission section mentioned him traveling through the shadows, but I'm not sure how literally to take that.
  4. It would be entertaining to me if Quinn Greene was Lewa No particular reason
  5. Might be able to make it. Do you have any idea of how long it will be?
  6. It would be cool if a bionicle fan in nasa renamed it... unlikely though
  7. "We could take a peek in the building with the huge mask maker sign" Oh Lewa.
  8. Thanks for being so generous jmj! I would like some o dis
  9. Hey, there! Welcome to BZPower.

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