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Everything posted by TheBanjoKazoo

  1. How else do you show the characters talking? Well I didn't think that the mouths moving on the mask were necessary. Tons of stop motion animators make stuff that doesn't need the mouths. Yet those still convey stuff just fine. But hey, it's just my opinion. How else do you show the characters talking? Well I didn't think that the mouths moving on the mask were necessary. Tons of stop motion animators make stuff that doesn't need the mouths. Yet those still convey stuff just fine. But hey, it's just my opinion. Also, sorry for late reply. Don't have much experience with forums and stuff so I forgot to follow the topic.
  2. I'm not sure about how I'd feel with a cinematic universe, But I do know that my dream BIONICLE movie would be a recap of 2001. One thing that I'd say that everyone disagrees with is I'd like it to be barley anything like Mask Of Light. By that I mean that I'd want the characters to look like the sets and focus on the Toa's adventure. They could release a book along side the movie going through the events of the MNOG from Takua's perspective. (Side Note: Am I the only BIONICLE fan that really doesn't like Mask Of Light. Especially the weird way the mask have mouths and stuff.)
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