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Toa (11/293)

  1. IC: Paradox "I don't entirely know the exact location of the books you seek," A blatant lie, wielded and implemented with surgical precision, underlined by a quizzical hiss as the Panrahk feigned looking about. Paradox knew the exact location of the books Thunder quested for. They held information more critical to him than this semi-mute Rahk, so he stashed them in his hiding place during his initial search for books. Some of them even make up his wall. "So for that I will simply suggest that you take time searching the library. I know that might be a while, given the size of this place. Is this need for knowledge pressured under expediency?"
  2. IC: Paradox The Panrahk stepped out of Thunder's line of sight and vanished from behind a bookcase, teleporting throughout the library, accruing a variety of pens and ink wells, depositing the inkwells into his hiding space, and leaving the pens in his satchel. Reappearing behind a different bookcase, he stops and listens to a conversation. That voice... Exxan… I wonder... To whom is he speaking to? M o r e L I k e s u L k I n g t o . Well, you're not entirely wrong about that... He quietly creeps toward the center of the bookcase, where the sounds of Exxan's conversation might be heard through bookcase the loudest. A Rahkshi was murdered...? W h y d o w e c a r e ? Because, that means our work is being done for us. W h I c h m e a n s s o m e o n e I s t a k I n g o u r k I L L s . Precisely... This just leaves one question, however. W h a t ? Do we strike now, or perhaps later...? . . . I s a y l a t e r . Really? I would've thought you'd jump for the chance to-- Y o u a l w a y s l o v e t o f o r g e t t h a t w e s h a r e t h e s a m e I . Q . . W e c u r r e n t l y s t a n d n o c h a n c e a t t h e L e v e L w e ' r e a t n o w . I s a y w e w a I t u n t I L w e ' r e a t l e a s t L e v e L f o u r b e f o r e w e m a k e o u r m o v e . Hmm... despite the sour taste... your reasoning makes sense... Very well, we shall leave Exxan to his sulking. Paradox blinks away from the bookcase without a sound, resuming his search for ink and pens, even going so far as to swipe other books to use as either reading or writing material for later. Satisfied with his newly acquired resources, he teleports to the supply room and grabs a rather thick stack of paper before teleporting to Thunder, remaining out of her line of sight. Confident he was not spotted, he approaches the table. "Ah, I believe this amount should suffice. Here," He slides over the paper and retrieves the pens from his satchel. "Use these. Now then, what would you like to know?"
  3. IC: Paradox "Why don't you find a spot to take notes while I go and retrieve more means to write with."
  4. IC: Paradox "Excellent," Paradox let out a hiss intermingled with a chuckle. "Allow me to share some of my writing materials so that you may communicate in a better fashion."
  5. IC: Paradox Paradox looked at the book, studying the title and author carefully. How humorously and sickeningly precious. She wants to learn about Mutran's work. "Viruses? A strange topic for Rahkshi to learn, but there are many uses that can be drawn from such knowledge... Interestingly enough, Mutran is my Makuta. Perhaps I could offer additional aid outside of what books may provide?"
  6. IC: Paradox - Oh yes "Social anxiety perhaps? An all too common occurrence, I understand. What brings you to the library? Perhaps I can be of assistance."
  7. IC: Paradox After several moments, Paradox stops taking notes "Hmm... Out of ink... Going to have to find more..." Vanishing from his hiding spot, he teleports throughout the library in his search for more pens, or just basic ink in general. Teleporting from section to section, bookshelf to bookshelf, he stops his search after spotting a familiar Rahkshi in his environment, and teleports behind them. "Haven't I seen you previously? At the infirmary?"
  8. IC: Grakata Grakata props himself against the wall across from the infirmary, waiting for A! and Lost IC: Paradox - note taker and destroyer of library books Paradox continues to tear semi-blank pages from countless books the shelf next to him, making a continuous spiral around him until it gets to the point to where he's taking notes in flight mode. Teleporting to where he got his initial pen, he grabs several more, and different colored ones when there weren't any more generic to grab, he returns back to his spot and resumes his process of tearing out pages and writing down gathered information. Whole sections of the note spiral have more notes that blanket over them, written in different colors. Even the walls aren't safe, as Paradox scribbles down notes onto the walls as well.
  9. IC: Grakata The Vorahk nods politely in return, then waits by the infirmary for Lost and A!. IC: Paradox With eerie, analytical silence, the Panrahk watches and takes careful note of the dorm that Vigilem chooses. Once he watches their door close, he teleports back to the library, then back into his hiding place. Pulling random books off the shelf that makes up one of the walls to his spot, he tears out pages that have the least amount of text on them. After gathering enough pages, he blinks throughout the library in search for a pen, which thankfully is a relatively quick find. Pen in hand, he reappears back in his hiding place and begins writing down the information he's gathered about the Rahkshi he's encountered, tearing more pages from different books whenever he runs out of room.
  10. IC: Grakata "At least we can agree on that." Grakata stretches a bit, rolling his shoulders to loosen any stiff joints. "Well, creepy Rahkshi aside, I'm not sure if i thanked you properly for getting my friends to safety, so in case i didn't; Thanks. I certainly owe you one." IC: Paradox "I am very certain that the Dormitories are this way." I'm just stalling for time to further process the information I have acquired about you. "In fact, we have arrived." The Panrahk turns a corner and points to a series of doors, pausing long enough for Vigilem to follow. "As previously stated; if a room is unoccupied, you may claim it as yours."
  11. IC: Grakata Now that he was fully healed up, Grakata lazily skates out of the Infirmary and over to Thunder. "Did you notice the weird Panrahk that left a bit ago?" IC: Paradox "Not much further. This way." R e a l f r I e n d l y , t h a t o n e . Truly a social butterfly full of warm fuzzy emotions. Paradox resumes leading Vigilem to the dormitories, still purposefully taking the longest route possible. "So, Diode, you wish to become an honorable warrior? It seems you have quite a bit of work cut out for you if that is the case."
  12. IC: Paradox "Ah, Diode, I presume. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." H e ' L L b e f u n t o f I g h t . Remember, they share the same body. We can't kill one without killing the other, and we need Fluxx's skill set. W h a t ? Y o u d o n ' t t h I n k w e c a n d o t h e j o b ? I'm confident that we can do the job. Good hunters do their job. HE would not have given us the orders if he had no confidence in our capability. I am only promoting thought before action.
  13. IC: Paradox "Hm? Oh, yes. Dormitories are this way. Any room that is unoccupied can be claimed." Rather frustrating, only hearing one half of the conversation... Paradox leads Vigilem to the dormitories, yet purposefully takes the longest route possible. "So, is the transition between one of you to the next, in terms of whom is present, rather seamless? Or is it taxing like exercising a muscle?"
  14. IC: Paradox "I see..." Both Rahkshi enter the refectory. "So, aside from what you've already told me, what else are you trying to gain from Corpus? What goals are you trying to achieve when you leave here?"
  15. IC: Paradox "I see. And is this power shared between both of you? Or does your brother have a separate power?"
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