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That Matoran with a Vahi

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Blog Comments posted by That Matoran with a Vahi

  1. Nice storyline ideas. Thanks, Greg!


    Although I'm actually glad this hasn't been made into a movie - if the company who'd made TLR had done this, it would have lost a lot of its awesomeness before it got to the screen, I imagine.

    Plus, I like the designs of the elemental lords being left to the imagination, so I'm glad we didn't get to seeing any sets of them. I would have liked to see Kiina and Ackar with the new armour, though.


    BTW, what happened to Click? He didn't get a mention at all.


    - Darth

  2. Nice! I'm guessing this means that the Nuva will have a larger role in 08? I'm really going to have to get some of this years books soon.

    I especially liked Pohatu's line. That was great! "I always wanted to be a Toa - What is a Toa?" :lol: I'm looking forward to next year now! Thanks, greg.


    The mystery speaker wouldn't have been Artahka - Bionicle World said that the Mata first walked on Daxia (I think that's the right one - I always get the island's names mixed up), so it would have been a member of the OoMN.



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