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About KKN_GN

  • Birthday 09/02/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere flat and cold and full of lakes.
  • Interests
    Classically-trained singer slowly moving into the opera industry. Writer and composer of electronic music. I like good food and good music. I play a lot of video games. Recently married. Likely spending far too much of my time on the Internet, but them's the breaks.

Contact Methods

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KKN_GN's Achievements


Tohunga (5/293)

  1. Um, that's an N, rather than another K, at least, it was last time I checked.

    Anyway, HIIIIII!!! :D

  2. Hi ise601, it's nice to hear people commenting on my profile. Just one question: why do you think I am affiliated with the KKK? I can assure you that I am not, as I do not support racism in any way. Could you please clarify this for me? I would be happy to provide an explanation, and to fix whatever has been misread, as I do not want to be associated with this. Thank you!

  3. i am also a christian, but why do you have kkk?? that isnt very christian. that is racist.

  4. *gaspez*

    *tries it out*


    *changes it back*

    Why thank you! :D

  5. It's down at the bottom of the forum pages, Josie - Invision or BZP Classic.

  6. We can.... switch skins?


    I had no clue.


  7. I like your Rose Tyler Avatar...

  8. KKN_GN


    Speaking of, Thomas, we need to write up the budget for the next fiscal year ... the militant wing is asking for another million, and I'm not really sure we can do that ...
  9. Hey, I finally figured out that if I switched skins I can actually use this stuff. >> Hooray me, who is never here. Eh heh.

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes (despite the fact I'm rather late in thanking you)!

    STHX ... neither. Sorry. Guess again - it's not actually a reference to anything, other than the fact that I like the phrase.

  10. I am never going to catch up to you in math. (Why I care about this I don't know, as I don't particularly enjoy math and will enjoy not having to do anything but lifestyle math come university.) Bah humbug.
  11. KKN_GN


    How the heck is a soprano supposed to sing on horseback? You ever tried? Well don't!
  12. KKN_GN


    Tiome, I must comment that your school is amazingly cool. Astronomy? European history? Greek? Dang ... (And how long are your periods? 7th period is lunch? You're gonna starve!) You school reminds me of the Muse Academy, which is a webcomic you ought to look up ... you'd like it.
  13. KKN_GN

    A 14-karat Celebration

    *whistles* $220? Way to go. Congrats! May the wedding be as happily inexpensive as the rings so that y'all can go on a happy honeymoon.
  14. Happy birthday, my dear! :D

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