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Status Updates posted by Ka-Chan

  1. I just noticed our Personal Statements are polar opposites.

  2. I'd totally start an Iron Warriors chapter if I had the time, money, and absence of shame

  3. I SPY LITTLE SISTER AVATAR WITH MY EYE. Yeah sorry I just had to.

  4. olo Not Iron Warriors, silly. Ghoul Knights aka Death Guard faction knockoff

  5. Busy busy busy, no time for fun. The only thing we'd probably find mutually interesting right now is that I'm painting one of my two Demon Princes.

  6. ._. I never realized that.

  7. Oh yes, very much so.

  8. All the colors of the rainbow- sure, why not?

  9. No man, I'm talking about real ones. We need real ones!

  10. Life needs more transparent neon green chainsaws.

  11. Lemme guess. The physicist is Gordon Freeman?


  13. Holy f- what

  14. And by that you mean several dozen avs, no?

  15. Good God man I feel like your avatar is the Japanese equivalent of the Monolith from 2001:Space Odyssey


  17. olo Rei Ayenami avatar

  18. Well that's a few works in the bank. Still got a college assignment breathing down my neck but I'll nail it.

  19. My productivity triples under pressure- it's as good as done. Thanks, though!

  20. Heck, I was supposed to go to an art museum today but I had to postpone it because I've got like... Yech, I don't even want to count up how much homework.

  21. The one thing I've found out about time is that you always have so much when you don't know what to do with it but never enough when you need it.

  22. Holy dooley. I figured I'd get on now because I'm probably gonna disappear for the whole afternoon and weekend.

  23. This is early? I got up at 7 to work out =/ I'm guessing we have some seriously different sleep schedules here.

  24. I meant moi, haha. I don't plan on staying up much longer- or online at least. Technically this work ain't due till monday but I feel like getting ahead while I can.

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