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About Raethr

  • Birthday 04/27/1994

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Not here, over there
  • Interests
    I have put this off for a long time so now to bore you with a short list of things I like.<br /><br />Movies- Star wars, the old ones though; Lord of the Rings; Aliens (the series); The Dark Knight; Iron Man; and all of the Indiana Jones movies.<br /><br />TV Shows- The Simpsons, Full-Metal Alchemist, Bleach, Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Futurama.<br /><br />Books- Of Mice & Men, a quick but great book; every book from the Discworld series; The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy; The Road; Any John Steinback book; and The Maltese Falcon.<br /><br />MOCing- Well I've been into MOCing ever since I started bionicle. Lately I've been revamping my bionicles, to the extremes of adding new armor or changing the bodies and color scheme.

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Raethr's Achievements


Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. Hm, have you been on OE lately, its getting better, and you're an admin now.

  2. Well, I'm gonna remake my Tuma topic today. I tried yesterday but I forgot what I did.

  3. I find it quite refreshing. Like a soothing fire or some light music while the baby cries.

  4. A disturbing one more really. :)

  5. It's scary talent.

  6. Intimidated by Storms? Ah, I see. I hope he shows his drawings, he's pretty talented.

  7. He's really funny. He was just intimidated by Storms. That, and he just got a new computer. He should put up some of his drawings.

  8. Yeah I saw it, Scruffy's a good choice. I hope he posts more, he seems like a bucket of jelly.

  9. Did you see his new avatar? Its hilarious. We're trying to get him to post in different topics now. Also, how's Ocarina of Time coming along?

  10. I think I'll get better at it. Citrus was on? Cool.

  11. Then why are you considering a future as a writer? P.S. check out Setrius's new avatar on OE. It's hilarious. He was on like ten minutes ago...

  12. I have trouble deciding if I like what I write... AKA, I'm a bad writer. •_.

  13. Seriously, WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?

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