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About Krakash

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Turaga (9/293)

  1. Yeah. If it was the new maps, I think they have put in at least 2 powerups of different types on the new maps. I found the Invisibility Power Up (whatever it's called, it's pretty neat) and I saw that trailing flames power up and I had the pleasure of being killed by a user of it on Headlong.I found the other two power ups on Timberland or whatever it's called, so I would assume it's the same with the other maps. Or maybe not? I was playing Big Team Slayer and Big Team CTF.
  2. In my opinion I think the mods are planning these downtimes to make us lose our faith in the website so they can finally restart the site in it's glorious true form, BarbieZonePower, as it was in the before time and as it will be soon, forever more.
  3. Hopefully they are just remaking their services. I can see where LDD wasn't too kid friendly for this stuff.What a shame. It was a good service. What a rotten way to die.
  4. water you leaking at

    1. Sybre


      The guy over there.

  5. People are trying this. Someone has got a hold of the server IP, and someone from LEGO is asking if they can release the server software, but I don't think it has much of a chance to succeed.But some guy called Kelvin has it working offline already, so they might actually get this running again. Wow.
  6. It wasn't doing very good, but when you think that it was LEGO's first attempt at making a MMO and it failed, this might put them off any future projects!It didn't have a lot of content, and really when you completed Crux Prime (and maybe Ninjago, haven't played that) that was really the extent of what you could do other than building. The gameplay was pretty boring, just sort of hold down the attack button and use a few items and the story was very basic too (but it is a kid's game, so you can't really expect much), it was just the simple "bad guys must be destroyed by good guys".It was very high priced too, and the price cuts and Free To Play section showed that LEGO was just trying to keep a dying game alive. Sad too see so much work ultimately fail. The pre-Alpha stuff had a lot of potential, but not a lot of it was realized in the end.What a rotten way to die. I might just hop on again for the last month, and wish this game that I Alpha and Beta tested a goodbye. Also Minecraft is sort of better in the building category, the LU building was just too fiddly to do anything right. What a shame.
  7. The kids over at the LU forums are getting very angry about it. Starting petitions. If they spent so much time working on the actual game, why didn't they work on advertising?Quite a few of the staff have been fired, too, so it is not a hoax. Put a lot of time into this game, followed it through the Alpha and Beta stages, and eventually I grew tired of it. But there were still people enjoying it, and this is a shame. I can still remember the original site, with the builder minifigs and it looked so hopeful. Alas.It was quite repetitive though, but I thought the building part was good. I joined Sentinel because I was blinded by the awesomeness of the Samurai, which turned out to be a letdown, considering all you did was hit the attack button repeatedly and threw some items into the mix too.But times are hard, and I assume this hit LEGO badly if they needed to shut down the whole thing. I wish they just cut down on the servers or something. What a shame.What a rotten way to die.
  8. You could say you built... *shades* ...a railgun. YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
  9. Krakash

    Good Friday

    I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. Also, my Blog has no "My Life" section, does this mean I have no life (true), and should I be worried?
  10. This color scheme would be sufficent. ...why did I spend so much time on this comment ._. <- I have been using that emote a lot lately. Is that bad?
  11. Yeah, I got an invite to the Darkspore Beta and my computer couldn't run it . I need a new one.
  12. Krakash

    Final Vote

    Lowtuff. It's pretty plain, speaking of votes, I need to get mine done . They suggested HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY for me too!
  13. OBJECTION! Vote change to Problem?! The Hurdurr Lurrturrf vote was a distaction...
  14. How do I capitalise an already capitalised letter?
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