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-Golden Knight-

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Year 14

About -Golden Knight-

  • Birthday 05/31/1996

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    United States of America

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  1. IC: The only thing left to do was wait for the right person to leave the premises. Nanashi stared down at the ground, only glancing to the side once he heard footsteps around him. The young man smirked underneath his scarf. Assaulting the ambassador would probably be the quickest resolution but there's no way he'd get off scot-free.
  2. IC: "Got it. Find a place to hide and give me a signal when a mark appears." He tugged on the ends of his gloves and walked ahead slightly. As soon as he caught sight of Val Verde's sign on the gates of its embassy he stopped in his tracks and leaned up against the iron fence. Nanashi motioned for his reluctant ally to cross the street with his head. The amnesiac hated the thought of depending on someone - he was certain that he could get this done by himself. Still, it wasn't as if he had much of a choice in the matter.
  3. IC: "First time I've ever heard of them. But if they can rebuild the Furai then it's safe to say that they're pretty loaded. For uniforms, we can probably knock out one of their workers when they leave the embassy premises. If we're lucky we can catch them on a smoke break." Nanashi cracked his knuckles and sighed. There was no way it'd be that easy and he was pretty confident that something supernatural would occur.
  4. IC: "Stealing the keys will take too long. I could probably hotwire it and maybe drive it straight through the front gates. Or we could take a stealthier approach and impersonate valets like I mentioned earlier. There's also the option of straight-up asking the ambassador if we could borrow it. But I'm absolutely certain that it wouldn't work." Nanashi continued to walk towards the row of embassies, glancing up at each sign. "How big do you think this embassy is?"
  5. IC: The moped screeched to a halt as Nanashi applied the brakes and brought it to a stop in front of an antique shop. He dismounted his vehicle and looked ahead at the rows of embassies not too far from their parking spot. He pocketed the keys and hung his helmet on a handlebar. "The man said Val Verde, didn't he? That's either near the other Central American ones or the South American ones. Let's make this quick."
  6. IC: He flipped his visor down and revved the engine. It took a few moments before it sounded safe enough to ride on. Nanashi pulled out a rather old looking GPS - the screen was cracked and it looked as if it had been dragged across the pavement once or twice. He tapped his foot as he waited for the crude device to finish processing the embassy's address before haphazardly mounting it on with a few strands of tape that were left over from the moped's previous "repairs". "Time to steal a car then." He muttered under the engine's hum as he began speeding off towards the Vel Verde Embassy.
  7. A GBF RPG would be fun, but the fact that it melds the Gundam AUs and their respective technologies make it seem difficult to balance. Stuff like Moonlight Butterfly, Trans-Am, EXAM, NT-D, DG Cells, and the like are all considered pinnacles of technology in their respective timelines but how would they fare up against each other? Trans-Am makes a Gundam with a GN Drive go three times as fast but could it beat the Zero System's predictive computer? How would NT-D work against EXAM system suits? Moonlight Butterfly would destroy all other technology but if that's the case then why doesn't everyone use a modded Turn A? Plavsky particle storage seems to be what the anime uses to determine just how often a character spams some high-powered move. The build quality of a kit also modifies the suit's performance to a great degree so would players be stuck at a set skill level until the plot progressed or would there be some minor leveling system? A straight up Gundam RPG would be nice but I don't think it'd be easy to choose which universe to set it in, especially since the fanbase for this franchise seems rather low here.
  8. IC: The operative's grin only made Nanashi shake his head in doubt. He walked over to the rusted moped and strapped his helmet on before looking over to Jack. The man's words were true - the future is always in flux. But either way, fate would be the same for the Emperor Arcana's user. He'd still be a dead man walking at the end of the day. As he settled into the scrapheap's seat he glanced over to Jack. He flipped the helmet's visor up. "Gonna wait for a taxi or what?"
  9. IC: Nanashi shrugged. "I suppose it can't be as easy as assaulting the valet, impersonating him, and driving it back? I'm expecting explosions and incredibly dangerous driving - perhaps a chase scene if we're lucky."
  10. IC: "Who owns it?" Nanashi stared at the photo, committing the grinning maw of the automobile to his memory.
  11. IC: "This is a run-down, lawless area. Anything we do won't matter since no one'll respond." Nanashi said with a slight shrug.
  12. IC: Nanashi followed the man out the diner. He glanced over to the decrepit little moped he parked outside. It was a pitiful little thing, rusted over and over a decade old. The miniature motorcycle was an economic model imported from Europe that had switched owners more far too many times to record. Still, it held up well-enough and the parts were easily replaceable. OOC: I'm only half expecting a Persona user with ###### Biker to pop up.
  13. IC: Nanashi wiped his mouth clean with a napkin and pulled out a small wad of cash - just enough to pay for his meal. He stood up and rolled his shoulders before looking over to the Roadkill member and the man. He looked briefly to the manager with an unreadable smirk before he began to make his way across the room.
  14. IC: The young man took another bite from his salad with a slight smirk. "If it involves dangerous, risky driving then I'll bite. This salad's getting real boring." He still had his doubts about this but it beat sitting in a restaurant. The manager's debt was the least of his concerns - putting his driving skills, his pride, was a bigger concern.
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