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Posts posted by Cadias

  1. IC: Kadon - Somewhere near Po-Koro


    I smiled back and shook Cadmus' hand eagerly. I could already tell that he and I would get along famously! Well, for a while, at least. I didn't mix well with others- that was how I ended up with someone like Drome, stuck in an endless desert. But that's fine: I don't need others anyway! I mean, sure, I had been lost in the middle of the desert, but lost is a strong word. More of... sidetracked, really. I had known that we would be fine all along. Drome's panicking about the end had just gotten to me, that's all. And I'd had a feeling that Po-Koro was nearby; after all, I have killer instincts.


    Regardless, Cadmus had been kind enough to give me some water, and that's something I probably wouldn't have been able to manage by myself. If I had any money, I would have bought the man a drink in town as thanks. Oh well. It's the thought that counts, right?


    "Good to meet you, Cadmus. Should we head into the Koro, then? It's been a long day and I am starving." Realizing that I was forgetting something, I glanced at Drome and the other Toa. "Oh, I suppose we should bring them along as well."

  2. IC: Kadon - Somewhere Not as Far Away From Po-Koro as I Had Previously Thought


    I let Drome deal with the questions about our water supply. It wasn't my fault anyway. He'd drank it all before we even got here, practically, and how are you even supposed to know where you're going in a desert? The sand all looks the same. It could have happened to anyone, really. Besides, we ended up near to Po-Koro anyway!


    Then, the one that Drome had nearly started a fight with spoke up. Finally, someone helpful- and someone who had water! I caught the canteen he had tossed to me, already grinning with anticipation as the sweet, sweet sound of water sloshing around filled the dry desert air. Eagerly, I unscrewed the top; as I removed it, a perfect, beautiful drop of water fell from the cap, sparkling for a brief moment before it was lost to those accursed sands. Without further ado, I tilted my head back and drank for the first time in forever.


    The water was warm, but I couldn't have cared less. It felt like life itself was flowing back into me, rejuvenating me, pulling me back from that terrible fate I had come so close to. That horrible, dry feeling in my throat disappeared instantly, and I swear, I've never had water that was quite as good as the stuff in that canteen.


    Sadly, I had to practice some restraint. The witty one clearly wasn't going to be much help, and, knowing Drome, the lump had even less of a clue of where we were than I did. That meant that Canteen Guy was pretty much my only guarantee of not managing to somehow get lost between here and Po-Koro (not like I would be one to get lost or anything), and he had been kind enough to share his water, so I figured that I shouldn't drink it all.


    Then, I remembered something: Drome hadn't had anything to drink either. And as much as I hated handing Drome the last of the water, well, I figured I should probably make sure he made it.


    I'd get bored otherwise.


    So, I wordlessly tossed him the canteen and then turned to Canteen Guy. "Thank you! Good to see that some people are still generous," I said, shooting a look at the one who had been talking to Drome. "I'm Kadon and that spiky orange thing is Drome. We, ah, got a bit turned around. Must happen a lot around here."

  3. OOC: Grochi!! It's been too long. =)


    IC: Kadon - Somewhere in Po-Wahi


    If I had realized that the desert was so full of people, I wouldn't have had my meltdown about dying a premature death earlier. Not that I was upset, of course; after all, the two newcomers were by far my best chance to get out of this Mata-Nui-forsaken desert. Drome certainly wasn't going to be any help, anyway.


    Still, I was confused. All of a sudden, some new new guy -newest guy?- had shown up, Drome had taken a tumble down a dune, and the newest guy had effortlessly quipped about it. I think. It could have been an observation, I guess. Regardless, he had said something witty about Drome's latest comical mistake, and I wasn't sure if I should like him or feel like my position in the world was being threatened. As for old new guy, the first one we had come across, he was still entirely a mystery to me.


    "Alright," I said, addressing the two strangers, "before we start any major fights, who are you two? And more importantly, do either of you have water? Because I am dying."

  4. IC: Kadon - Somewhere in Po-Wahi


    Oh, boy. Here we go.


    The stranger had flung himself out of the way of Drome before the lump had reached him, which was probably a good thing. Maybe there could still be a peaceful solution.


    Oh, wait, that's right. Drome was involved. Of course there wasn't going to be a peaceful resolution to all of this. Still, I figured, trying to communicate with the guy that we just wanted water was worth a shot. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, I didn't really put it very well.


    "Hand it over and nobody gets hurt!'

  5. IC: Kadon - Somewhere in Po-Wahi


    I sighed a little as Drome charged up the dune, intent on stealing the newcomer's water. Taking someone's water in the middle of the desert didn't sit entirely well with me, but I'd had a long day. Up till recently, I was pretty sure that I was going to die. I was admittedly desperate. And when you're desperate, and it's you or them, you do things that don't sit entirely well with you.


    I followed Drome, walking quickly. I wasn't entirely sure we needed to rob whoever that was- I mean, for all I knew, Po-Koro could be just over the next dune. But if Drome was bent on getting himself into a fight, I'd probably have to back him up. Someone had to save the poor fool every now and again.

  6. OOC: Hey Requiem! Thanks for the interaction! =)


    IC: Kadon - Currently not dying somewhere in Po-Wahi


    When Drome threw his arm over my shoulders and threatened to kill me, it was more unsettling than the empty desert had been a moment earlier. He said it without any barb or taunt embedded in it, with this look on his face that I had rarely, if ever, seen before: Absolute, dead seriousness. Suddenly, dying in the baking sun seemed a lot less frightening than it had just a few seconds ago- which was the point, I suppose. Drome, evidently, didn't have much patience for my pessimism.


    Of course, why would he care if I died? Hadn't he tried to end my earthly existence before? Although.... if I died, what would Drome do? More importantly, if Drome died, what would I do?


    Fortuitously, my thoughts were interrupted by Drome, who had (for once) made a halfway decent observation: Someone was approaching, and they might have life-saving water.


    As I smiled and waved at the stranger, hope welled up inside me. We were saved! The desert wouldn't claim us after all! Then, I realized something, something that swiftly crushed my dreams.


    "... You think he just so happens to have enough water for three?"

  7. IC: Kadon- Somewhere in Po-Wahi


    At first, I ignored Drome. Who did he think he was, some sort of philosopher? The last thing I wanted to hear was Drome droning on about how I should die my death. I even managed to hold back my temper when he threw in his little insult- If it was the last thing I ever did, which was seeming more and more possible, I wasn't going to let Drome win.


    Then, it dawned on me.


    If, just if, Drome beat the odds and survived, and I died... then he would win. He would be right and I would be wrong; my last action on this island would be allowing the great lump of a Toa to claim the last victory. And that was the one thing I could not do.


    I stood up. "Fine," I muttered, "'more weight' or whatever. Besides, I'm not going to die with you."

  8. IC: Kadon - Somewhere in Po-Wahi


    I sighed with relief as Drome lowered me to the relative safety of the desert sands, then screamed as the buffon put me down face-first. The sand, which had already doomed me to a grim fate of death by dehydration, was now in my eyes.


    I leapt up, trembling with outrage as tears streamed down my cheeks. Sparks popped into and out of being in the air around me as my temper flared and I furiously rubbed at my eyes. "For Mata-Nui's sake, Drome!" I yelled. "What is wrong with you?! It isn't bad enough that I'm going to die, is it? No, you just have to go and rub it in- LITERALLY!" Out of sheer frustration, I kicked some sand in his direction; it was a futile gesture, given that my vision had become a smear of tan and blue with an annoying orange-and-teal smudge in the middle, but it made me feel better somehow. Then, I turned to my other major grievance.


    "Give up, Drome! It's over! We're done! We are going to DIE in th accursed desert! It's inevitable! So just quit and let me die in peace!" That said, I flung myself down upon the sand.


    Not my proudest moment, to be sure. But, in my defense, I was having a very bad day.

  9. IC: Kadon- Somewhere in Po-Wahi, slung over Drome's shoulder


    As I knelt in the sand, it felt as though the fragments of my shattering dreams were cascading down around me, like a taunting, cold rain in the burning desert. I was doing my best to ignore Drome's incoherent shouting- unlike him, I would face the end with dignity! I could feel death closing in already, rushing across the sands like some dark tide, intent on sweeping me away. It was as if I could hear it thundering across the sands- which was a considerable feat, considering the sheer volume of Drome's yelling and failing to accept the inevitable.


    My head sunk lower into my hands. Slowly, I was accepting my fate.


    Right about then, Drome picked me up and slung me over his shoulder, charging across the desert.


    My first reaction was shock. A confused expression flashed across my face, followed by one of outrage. I had accepted my fate! I had resigned to Death's cold grip! I had been noble and poetic and calm, and then Drome had ruined it all! My second reaction was fear: As Drome stormed through the otherwise serene desert, I was bouncing up and down perilously close to his shoulder spikes.


    Though I doubted it would register with the great lump, who was careening through the dunes like a boulder smashing down a mountainside, I decided to voice my concerns over being impaled on Drome's shoulder: "DROME YOU MORON PUT ME DOWN BEFORE YOU KILL ME!"

    • Upvote 1
  10. IC: Kadon - Somewhere in Po-Wahi


    "Of course I know the way back! We just have to follow our footprints!" I said, confidently turning around. Then, I noticed what Drome had already seen: The desert winds had swept them away, leaving the desert terrifyingly blank.


    I fell to my knees, burying my face in my hands. So, this was it. My saga would end here. I would be buried by the dunes, my body picked clean by vultures, my bones bleached by the merciless sun! I would simply be gone, forever forgotten, with no legacy to leave behind but a crushing debt and annoyed hospital officials. How cruel could this world be, taking me before my time?


    Oh, yeah, and Drome would die too.


    I supposed that I would have to inform him of our inevitable demises, seeing as how I had doubtlessly come to the realization before him. "We are going to DIE!"

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  11. OOC: From Ga-Wahi.


    IC: Kadon - Somewhere in the Po-Wahi Desert


    I had made a mistake.


    The heat was oppressive and it felt as if the sun was beating down on my head, making me regret that I had ever given up that coastal shade tree I had stolen from Drome. Distant objects shimmered, making the horizon ceaselessly dance as I trudged through the sand. The sand. It was everywhere. It was under my armor constantly, and I could feel the cursed stuff gritting in my teeth. Back in Ga-Wahi, the sand had been warm and soft and inviting; here, it was torturous. How an entire village survived here was beyond me.


    I turned to Drome. "Alright, new plan. We go back to Ga-Wahi, live in debt for the rest of our lives, and never, EVER come back to this Mata-Nui-forsaken pile of sand again."

  12. IC: Kadon


    On the one hand, I hated that I couldn't get back at Drome. On the other, my headache was really killing me.


    I stood up unsteadily. "Fine, then. Let's get going to Po-Wahi- if we don't get there soon, we're going to kill each other." Confidently, I started off in the direction that I thought Po-Koro maybe was. I didn't bother to check if Drome was following. Drome might be dumb, but I figured he had enough brains to follow my lead. After all, how hard could it be to find Po-Koro?


    OOC: Kadon to Po-Koro

  13. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    As Drome fell, electricity coursing through his body, a triumphant laugh rose to my lips. Then, I noticed Drome's mace hurtling toward my face.


    I dove to the side, but it was too late. The mace struck a glancing blow off of the side of my head, but that was more than enough. I fell into the sand beside Drome, with a killer headache already beginning to make its presence felt. I groaned and clutched my head. There was a moment of silence before I choked out the hated word.



  14. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    You know, that insult nearly did me in. It was so random, so unanticipated, so not-insulting, that I almost paused to wonder how on Mata Nui Drome had managed to come up with that one. "You must be getting old, Drome! That was the worst one yet!" I retorted as quickly as I could. I didn't have the time to think up anything more creative than that- Drome was about to swing his mace.


    Then I had an idea. I charged one sickle with as much elemental electricity as I could in the fraction of a second that I had, then swung at Drome's mace instead of Drome.  I was trying for a glancing blow, but it would likely be knocked out of my hand. That didn't really matter, though: If his mace connected with the now-crackling sickle, Drome would have a lot more to worry about than I would.


    I was also trying to dodge as much as I could manage, but my plan didn't leave me with much leeway. There was a good chance that I was going to get nailed regardless of whether or not my plan worked. Which, in hindsight, really doesn't make it the best of plans, does it? Eh, whatever. All that I really cared about at the time was frying Drome, or as near to that as I could manage to get.

  15. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi


    I clamped my hands over my ears, but it was too late. The all-too-familiar ringing sound was back, and I couldn't help but wonder just how damaged my hearing was at this point. If I ever survived long enough to be a Turaga, I'd probably be deaf as a post.


    Of course, I could reflect on the old age I'd probably never make it to later. Obviously, trying to keep things at range wasn't working for me. Time to stop playing around with elemental powers.

    I grabbed my scythes and charged at Drome, charging the blades with electricity as I closed the distance. I hadn't charged them so much that it was visible- I wanted to catch Drome off guard again. I swung one at Drome, shouting, 
    "You'll pay for that, rotten orange!"


    Rotten orange. That's one insult I hadn't ever counted on using before I met Drome. If nothing else, the orange lump of a Toa is unique, I guess.

  16. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    I grinned as my attack landed. Once again, I had gained the upper hand and taught Drome- wait. He was still standing. And he looked angry. The grin faded.




    Unfortunately for Drome, I wasn't about to fall for the same trick twice. I dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the sonic blast he'd sent my way. Within seconds, I was back on my feet, my fingertips crackling with electricity. The grin was back- fighting and moving and the adrenaline pumping through my veins again felt amazing! This was my first real fight in months, and now I was remembering why I had ached for one so much. It just felt right.


    I was too caught up enjoying myself to think of anything witty to say, so I just grinned crazily as another bolt shot toward Drome. I figured that would get my message across well enough.

  17. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    "Po-Koro it is, then! Oh, and by the way..." -I couldn't help but grin at this point- "since we've figured out what do, the truce is over. Enjoy!"


    Okay, so I hadn't managed to come up with something witty to say, but that wasn't what was important. What was important was that the truce was finally over! Oh, and a considerable amount of electricity was crackling toward Drome. That's important, too. I'd been looking forward to zapping him for a long time.

  18. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    "Well, Ko is too cold, Onu is dark and grimy, Le is out, Ga's not an option... Po-Wahi or Ta-Wahi? I'm not particularly fond of either one, do you have a preference?"

    I couldn't stand it much longer. It was just too peaceful! Without realizing it, I had become dependent on Drome for my entertainment, I had developed a fondness for constantly trying (and succeeding, I might add!) to get the better of him. As annoying as Drome is, he's like a whetstone, keeping me sharp. Without the constant grinding down of my patience, it felt I was already growing rusty.


    Of course, it's not like I need him or anything. Not like I'd really miss him if he was gone. Drome is simply a lot like the mold that his armor constantly reminds me of: Keep it around long enough, and it grows on you.


    As much as I wanted to bring this horrible truce to an end, I wanted to figure out where we were going more. I just had to wait a little longer... and not tip Drome off. I wanted to catch him off guard.

  19. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    I glanced at Drome, surprised. Usually, he went out of his way to insult me and put a lot of effort into making his barbs sting, but now, they were like afterthoughts. Mata Nui, he was actually taking me seriously! Truly, we had sank to new lows.


    Ignoring that thought for now, I turned my attention to the issue at hand. "That's true. You know, we could just leave the Wahi and see what happens. Less work that way."

  20. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    I grimaced. Sure, I wasn't the most kind, charitable, or caring of individuals, but being an out-and-out criminal wasn't very appealing. Of course, criminals could make a lot of money, if they could get away with it.


    Then, suddenly, I realized something. I couldn't help but smile. "Wait... are we considering breaking the law so we can pay a fee we're legally obligated to pay? Doesn't that seem silly? Why not just not pay in the first place? Wait, that's it!"


    I leaped up, abandoning the much-coveted shady spot under the tree. "We can just leave the Wahi and change our names! They'll never be able to find us!"

  21. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast

    I couldn't help but laugh a bit
    "Manual labor? Sounds right up your alley, Drome." I struggled to keep a grin off my face.


    Before long, however, I began to focus seriously on the problem again. As much as I loved taking jabs at Drome, I wanted to find a solution even more. "Look, maybe we're going about this the wrong way. What are some jobs that make a lot of money really fast?"

  22. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    I looked up at Drome, surprised that he had cut his insult short. It was weird- so many of our conversations consisted of nothing more than insulting each other that it immediately felt like something was missing, something was wrong. We didn't have a friendship so much as a never-ending rivalry, and now that we had called a truce, I almost didn't know how to handle him. Whenever we had worked together before, we had been fighting as a team, with no time to talk. Now, we were forced to actually interact with each other... ugh.


    I felt tempted to let off an insult just for the sake of comfort, but no, it wouldn't be worth it in the end. Curses.


    In light of Drome's attempt to avoid a fight, I moved over a bit to let him get some shade. Just a bit, mind you. I wasn't going to give a whole half of it up for Drome. "Well, ummm, we're good at fighting. I'm smart, but you're stu- erm, that is, strong. So I guess those kind of work together."

  23. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    What, what? It was that easy? The fight was just... over? Oddly, I kinda missed it. I've probably been in the hospital for too long.


    I shifted uncomfortably, avoiding looking directly at Drome. "I wouldn't say broke. I just, uh, don't have any money." I didn't like admitting it- I had absolutely nothing. No home, no cash... the only thing I seemed to have, through some cruel twist of fate, was Drome. Ugh. Just thinking that made me shudder.


    Drome did have a point, though, and I hadn't come here to fight with him anyway. Reluctantly, I shook his hand and summoned the willpower to repeat what Drome had said. "Truce."

    I sighed and sat down in the shady spot that Drome had previously occupied, leaning back as I thought. "We'll probably be done with this more quickly if we work together. Which means we're stuck with each other. Again. Which we're both so thrilled about. Regardless, we need to make a lot of money fast...." I let my sentence trail off into silence. The only option that seemed available was to get a job somewhere, and that didn't appeal to me at all. I'd have to settle down somewhere, and go do things for someone I probably wouldn't like for what would probably be horrible pay for what would probably be an eternity! An eternity with Drome..... I shuddered again.


    I smirked just a bit and glanced at Drome. "Any bright ideas?" Anything's possible, after all.

  24. IC: Kadon - Ga-Wahi Coast


    In hindsight, I really should have seen it coming.


    Drome's amplified insult hit me hard, knocking me down into the sand. The whole world rang with a screaming, high-pitched noise and I felt dizzy, but I rolled to the side and leaped to my feet, expecting Drome to be following up with another attack. At the moment, he wasn't, so I steadied myself.

    I wanted nothing more than to fry Drome into a crisp, to give him a taste of my electricity that he wouldn't soon forget. I grabbed my sickles, gripping them tightly and trying to control myself. Actually, there was something I wanted more than hurting Drome, and sadly, getting into a fight wouldn't make it easier.
     "Look, Drome," I said, yelling so that I could hear myself over the ringing, "as much as I would love to beat you into a pulp, you know what I want more? To get away from you! And you know when that's going to happen? When I have enough money to pay off my medical bills! So just admit it and pay up so I don't have to see your ugly mug ever again!"


    Part of me really wanted to fight Drome, but a bigger part of me didn't want to risk ending up in the hospital again. The last thing I needed for the bill to get any bigger!

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