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Progenitus Worldsoul

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Posts posted by Progenitus Worldsoul

  1. I would like to triumphantly return and sponsor Torch again. And then buy him a disk. Huge surprise right?


    Uhm, also, Iʻd like his Vent hand to be Reforged Weapon-ed into an Inferno Guantlet, And +3 trainers in mind, strength and toughness. That leaves me with a cool 13,000 W, right?

  2. IC: As Ara'kas was surely about to respond with a similarly dry and sarcastic comment, thus setting of an interminable chain, Isfel decided to interrupt with a clarification. "I think she meant where are we going as in for what purpose, what are we going to do once we get there. Also, I'm pretty sure she'll punch you if you answer with 'Because we are in the middle of nowhere' Just saying." In a humorous sidenote for those whom would be observing closely, Kamaehu had taken this opportunity to mime walking into a closed door.

  3. IC: Ara'kas recoiled in mock shock. "Wait, there is a way to do things that isn't blindly charging off at everything you see? I could have sworn from watching him that that's the only way." Still grinning, she started to walk to Le-koro. "By the way, oh meditative one, where are we going?"

  4. IC: "If you think life is a sadist, try death." Kamaehu answered, his mouth a mirthless smile. Arching his shoulders, he forced himself upright, off his halberd. He then bent down offering a hand to Hasil. "So you have lost much, I understand." His words came forth, at first a gentle acknowledgement, words of healing. But then they hardened to commands, words to rekindle a warriors spirit. "But you have not lost everything. You cannot sit here, enraptured by your failures, by your hardships. We are supposed to be the heroes of our world, the protectors. We are set upon by a god's nightmare. No handouts will be given to us. If we are to prevail, we must carve out our legends by our own hands. There are too many who cannot protect themselves, Hasil, for one who can protect them to stand idle. So why do you not stand?"

  5. IC: Le-Wahi, the great jungle of the island. Untouched by the ravages of weather, by the island's malevolence. And yet, marred. A lone Toa sat amidst the wreckage of a small village. He seemed to have been there, lost in thought, for ages. In fact, he was probably rusting, under the thick robes he wore. However, his solitude was broken by an amused voice calling out from behind him. "Enjoying the view?" Behind the Toa stood three figures. The first was tall and a little on the scrawny side, dressed lightly in a leather shirt and pants. His mask, a Pakari, held a gleam of innocence behind it, mixed with an expression of quiet awe. On his back, a greatsword was sheathed, held in place by a belt across his chest. Next to him was a second Toa, a tad shorter and considerably more muscled, on the larger side of lean. Clad in a light set of plate armor, he leaned slightly on an iron halberd with one arm, the other hanging at his side, against a curved saber. His Kiril was worn with the troubles of a long existence of strife. Lastly was the speaker, shorter still than the others, whose well built physique was exacerbated by the heavy suit of armor she wore. Her longsword sheathed at her side, a gentle smile was upon the face of her Calix.


    The Thelstane had returned.


    OOC: Yeah, so I just assumed Hasil just sat there while he was in limbo.

  6. IC: "Stampede?" Isfel stopped walking for a second, then realization dawned on his face. "Ohh, that stampede. Yeah, not one of my fondest memories." "I'll tell you later." he added hastily, in case Avya wanted to hear more. "So, what are these friends of yours like?"

  7. IC: Morning had struck. Avya had left just before dawn, Hasil following her shortly after. A few hours later, Kamaehu and Ara'kas remained still. They were in the midst of a conversation, plans for the days ahead."What difference would it make, if the island were purged of The Makuta's servants, his champions vanquished? More will rise up, more than the likes of you or I could defeat. This island does not need warriors, whom would cut off the hands of The Makuta. It needs heroes, those who shear through his gates, even to what lies beyond. There is naught that I could do to save this island, lest that which would fade ere the next dawn." mused Kamaehu, a solemn weariness etched into the words. However, the response that followed showed instead a fiery determination, backed by a refusal to be wrong. "Even Heroes can fall, when placed against enough. You can't just sit around and wait for the more virtuous to do the work. If all the fiends you strike down are replaced the next, you've still bought the island one more day. You said it would be a hero who would break through the gates of Mangaia. Whom do you expect to get them there?" Ara'kas stood up, heading out of the inn. "Come, cousin. Your fire will burn a while still. Let's see what havoc has been wrought in the world"OOC: Ara'kas and Kamaehu to Ga-Wahi.

  8. IC: Arzanyos nodded in acknowledgement of the plan. "I understand. My charm would be too, distracting." He said casually to Perkahn, then tossed his spear to Yasurek. "Hold this. I doubt I'll have the space to use it ."

  9. IC: Isfel actually started laughing as well. "Oh yeah, I probably could have asked. I didn't think of that at the time. But what did you do, while I was punching guards and getting thrown out of villages?"

  10. IC: A soft laugh followed Avya's sudden expression and subject change. "It's all right. To be honest, I didn't want to tell you about it because It'd make me feel foolish. but I've already done that with that last statement, so it wouldn't do much. The gates closed earlier than I expected, and it's cooler outside the village. I needed a way to get out, so I punched a guard. He didn't seem to angry with me though."

  11. IC: Isfel blushing, not really wanting to get in-depth about the proceedings of last night. "I punched a guardsman. That statement doesn't get much clearer. What? Why are you looking at my like I'm a crazy street person?"

  12. IC: "A lack of ancientness, my good turaga." Responded Arzanyos dryly. "In addition to this and, as the Captain so kindly noted, my charming personality, I also have the most sheer style of anyone from here to wherever Doomslayer's standin'. Any other useless questions?"

  13. IC: Arzanyos shook his head at Lohkar's command. "No offence to ya, Captain, but I'll be stayin' with Perkahn for this one." He then turned to the Toa of Iron, his quick words cutting off any protests. "You two could use a good blade to watch your backs. And trust me," He tapped his Kaulsi lightly. "I won't be slowin' ya down."

  14. IC: Isfel smiled and waved away the question. "It was nothing. I just punched a guardsmen, that was all. Nothing." When Avya looked at him, she noticed that his face was completely sincere, he really did belive it was nothing.

  15. IC: Isfel looked down at his clothes, then back at Avya. "Mine? It was... uneventful." He responded, in blatant contradiction to the evidence. He walked a few more steps, then looked back at Avya. She didn't look convinced. At that point, he decided to tell the truth. "Okay, I may have gotten thrown out of Ta-Koro. Why?"

  16. IC: Arzanyos smiled, putting away his spear. "I didn't sign up to work for this captain or that captain, Lohkar. I signed to work for the ship." He bowed, tipping an invisible hat to the Lesterin. "You'll be takin' control of The Infernikavika, I assume. In that case, let's hunt us some mark bearers."

  17. OOC: Isfel and Avya from Ta-Wahi.IC: A little later, the pair crossed into the realm of Le-Wahi. There was a noticeable change in climate, as the heat and soot of Ta-Wahi gave way to a lush forest. For now, the was little pathfinding to be done. At least, not until they reached Le-Koro. Then the hard part began. Isfel looked back at Avya, starting a conversation. "So, Avya, how was your night?"

  18. IC: "Ah ah ah," Zijak looked down to see a black spear inches away from his chest. Helding it was a black gauntlet, encasing an electric blue Toa. For the first time since the crew had landed, Arzanyos had spoken up. The crew could almost feel the energy crackling from his speartip as he walked in a steady circle, stopping when he was fully in between Lohkar and Zijak. "Here's the thing, Zijak. If you shoot the 'dear captain' here, then everythin's gonna fall apart. You put away that gun, and nobody gets hurt. The Raknar goes one way, Lohkar another, an' the rest of us choices between the two of 'em." Arzanyos paused, adjusting his grip on his spear to prime for a thrust. "On the other hand, now, if you don't drop yer weapon, well then, I guess I'll just have to drop you."

  19. IC: Avya had only a short time to wait. A little after sunrise, just before it actually started to get light, Isfel walked up. In contrast to Avya, who had spent the night indoors, and had cleaned up before going out, Isfel looked positively unkempt. His clothes were rumpled and dirtied, partially from from sleeping in an indeterminate outside location, and his mask was streaked with dust. He actually didn't look like he gotten much sleep, really. However, his demeanor showed no irritation as he walked over to Avya. "So, are you ready to go on an adventure?" he asked with a grin.

  20. IC: Ara'kas waved a hand dismissively. "It is, but it's a story for a different time." When Avya looked like she was going to question the verdict, Ara'kas decided to explain. "You've never seen a Kane-Ra. The effect would be lost."

  21. IC: Ara'kas ran her mind through the description. The Toa of Fire part didn't help, they were common on the island. Red leather was less so, but not a defining characteristic. But the last part was. Most people on the island with one eye chose to wear a patch over their mask. She had only met one Toa who had simply forged one into his mask. "Now I remember." She said, pausing to take a drink. "I've met him once. We were trapped in a Kane-Ra stampede in Po-Wahi."

  22. IC: This interested Ara'kas. "Nui-Rama Hive? How? It must have taken immense firepower to destroy one, let alone survive." She then leaned back, mulling over the name. Isfel. It didn't sound familiar. "Isfel?I do not recognize the name, but maybe a description would help."

  23. IC: Ara'kas shook her head. "ILS? No, I haven't heard anything about them."IC: Kamaehu had barely moved since Avya had appeared. Once, he had glanced at Hasil. His peer was just listening, but it was out of more than boredom, that could be seen. The Mri was gathering information. Kamaehu's second move was a slight turn of the head, to examine Avya's new sword. As he looked at it, his mind rifled through facts, analyzing the blade.Plain sword, hand and a half, average size. Not custom forged. No unnatural coloration, ordinary metal. Chance to be protosteel; unlikely. He then heard Avya's question. "The ILS? My information's limited on that subject, I'm afraid. I know they're an anti-Makuta organization, and they've tried to build a new village. But you say you have a guide? Do you know if he's trustworthy?

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