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Blog Comments posted by Voltex

  1. 16 hours ago, Akaku: Master of Flight said:

    This is some dope Artwork! TBK, Taka and Specter all have done a splendid job on their respective pieces. And thank you for the mention, It's cool to see this kinda stuff still going on, and was a pleasure doing my bit in the past.

    Looks like y'all have been having a lot of fun over the years, caught up with zippy a little while back and heard some cool things about it :)  I've always wanted to get back into Bionicle RPGs at some point, but have just been way too busy/stressed to get involved in any... Is it still the text based stuff like the days of old? That was always my favourite format.

    I hope you share more as it comes! This place may seem like a graveyard these days, but I think more people still lurk and check in around here then we realize :P

    --Akaku: Master of Flight

    I might share the variant covers for Verdant Wind at some point, they were pretty neat.

    And yeah, it's all still text based! It's easier to run that way, folks can just pop in and give a response whenever they're online.

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/7/2022 at 9:13 PM, V-Dawg said:

    We were talking about all the great art you've had commissioned for your games at Brickfair last night. It's great stuff.

    I might be interested in finally joining in the next time you have one starting up.

    you're always welcome in the discord, even if you don't want to play!

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    haven't played smash since brawl almost a decade ago

    now i'm a lucina main in ultimate


    [we haven't unlocked piranha plant yet!]


    join us on discord u scrub


    i appreciate that but also i'm dead online and way busy irl : (


    at least the opportunity would be there for whenever u do have a moment tho

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