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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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The word, that concept, rattled about my head, like a trapped animal trying to escape a cage. We used that word so offhandedly, so casually, that when faced with the stark, bare, true concept of it, it was intimidating.




Might of Heart and Limb. The most commonly used, and least-understood, aspect of it. Courage was used to describe strength, not just in physical prowess, but of the power of the will to overcome obstacles. We used it errantly to describe the muscle fiber of one's being, when we should really be describing the most powerful and influential muscle of all: the heart.




Pride of the Guards. The concept of one's Duty despite the odds stacked against you, the ability to persevere, the fiber to stand firm to one's convictions and one's Duty to whatever cause he felt was just. This part of the word wasn't optional; it was demanded. Duty to one's fellow man, Duty to one's position, Duty to one's Koro and leaders... no matter the cost.




Conquers Fear.


My heartlight skipped a beat.


Fear. The ability to overcome it. The Strength to withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. The Duty to understand how and why. The first two I had no lack of; I had the strength of ten matoran, and my duty to any cause I felt worthy never wavered. But fear? I thought I was fearless, taking on wild Rahi with my bare hands without a second thought. I thought I was fearless when I fought against greater and more powerful numbers to defend the matoran against the Makuta's minions, not even blinking at the thought. I thought I was fearless, challenging the elements and the very powers that be, without any regard to my well-being. No, now I realized those didn't count; that was par for the course. If at all that is the kind of fear that rises in the moment, the sense of uncertainty when facing the unknown. That is who I was, something innate to my nature. No, this word meant the kind of fear that is hidden deep with, the kind of fear that you refuse to acknowledge of face. The kind of fear that is a part of you, defines you, what prevent you from moving forward when confronted. I was afraid to admit guilt.


I was afraid to be wrong.


As long as I could remember, I had always striven to be the best... and succeeded. Whatever I touched turned to protosteel, any project I started was a guaranteed success. Failure was never an option to me... I never lost. Whatever I did was always correct, always the best; therefore, I was never wrong. I could always outsmart my opponents, outwit any rules, and if it came down to it outperform any opponent. Even when I was wrong I wasn't; I was too untouchable, too valuable, or too stubborn to reap any consequences, no matter my action. I never faced any sort of reprisal for my actions, so my entire life had been built on this idea that I could do no wrong. Which meant I never had to apologize.


For anything.


I stared at the ground, the true meaning of the word flying right in my face. To have courage meant to face myself, to face my own wrongdoings, my own sins... no matter the consequences. Not just face them; accept them. To admit that I was wrong, to apologize for what I have done, to ask for forgiveness of those transgressions, and then accept the consequences, no matter how severe... that was courage. To be a man. To own up to one's mistakes. To embrace what was due to him, not to forever run from it.


And I would rather be sent to the very depths of Karzahni and fight every hoard and demon it had than do that. Or that's how I felt.


But that's what I needed to do.


Question was, did I have the courage to do it? This... this was the test. Not of intellect, not of might, not of will... but of heart and soul. If I wanted access, I would have to face and overcome my fear. Swallow my pride. Remove the ego that I had long embraced. Face my demon.


And in this case, it took the shape of an irate female Ta-Toa named Tuara.


"Tuara... wait."


To her credit, she paused, halfway between the temple and the bridge, her and Angelus both. How they heard me from that distance I didn't know, considering how quietly I said it, but it didn't matter. She had stopped, at least for the moment. I had to seize this now, or it would be lost forever.


Then why wasn't I moving?


With a great force of will I commanded myself to stand, beginning the long, lonely walk to her. Really it wasn't that far, nor could it have taken that long, but when you are alone with your own thoughts, your feet feeling like they were encased in granite, willingly moving towards not only your worst nightmare but promised punishment, it was an eternity. And eternity that I had to fight every step for. A battle of the heart against the mind. A conflict of which my ego was screaming at me, my pride berating me for being such weak individual for even thinking I needed to grovel for any kind of forgiveness. That I was weak needing others. Weak for in essence showing weakness, exposing myself to all those watching.


But I wondered, which took more strength - being alone and stubborn, or admitting I was wrong.


I inhaled stiffly, suddenly finding myself not a bio behind Tuara. She may have stopped, but she hadn't turned to face me. Her own breathing was labored, her body tense, fists clenched, heat radiating in waves off her. She might not even be listening.All the more reason not to do it. Here I was, coming to her, and she didn't even give me the courtesy of facing me as I did it. Why then should I even consider the aspect of apologizing!?


Because it was the right thing to do... the courageous thing to do.


My mouth opened... and I said nothing. My throat had tightened up harder than a miser's fist, unable to utter even the simplest of sounds. The silence surrounding us was oppressive, heavy, harsh... exposing. Not only was I afraid of it, but at the same time I was embarrassed. I'd never done this before. Fear, embarrassment... shame...


Yes, shame. The feeling hit me like one of Cael's water waves. It was the first time I had even experienced this sensation, and it was not pleasant. No... it was downright awful. Shame at how I had treated her. How I treated Cael. How I even treated Agni. No wonder I had so few friends... I was a terrible one myself. It must be awful to be around me, to see how inflated one being's ego can be-




I practically chocked on the thought. My Onu-Matoran friend. No, he wasn't my friend... he was someone I had kept around in an attempt to look normal, a facade to keep myself honest, a farce to be likeable. I... I had used him. Used him like everybody else. Used people to get what I wanted. To feed my ego. Inflate my pride. To get what I felt needed to get done, not matter the personal cost.


"I'm sorry."


It was more of a croak than a statement, my throat very try and still very tight. There. I'd... I'd said-


Like karz that's good enough.


"I'm... "


I just couldn't do it... it was so hard...


"I'm sorry."


Mean it, you prick!


Imagine swallowing an Ussal whole. No silverware, no outside help, no flavorful sauce to help it go down. Just you, that massive crab that was your pride, and your throat, crusty shell and all. No mincing words, no doing it sections... all at once. One big, ginormous, painful, humiliating gulp.


It was the most terrible, gut-wrenching experience of my life.


As hard as it was to accomplish, it was over in an instant, a sensation so foreign that internally I gasped in shock. This massive thing that had been inside me as long as I could remember was suddenly gone, sucked away by this vacuum that appeared in my soul, imploding then... vanishing. Gone. Nothing. I suddenly felt relaxed, like a great strain on my body had been released, but I also felt.. empty. Vacant.


Where my ego was, there was only a void now. I had killed a part of me, and there was nothing I had that could replace it.


But that meant there was also no more resistance.


"I'm sorry,"


The sudden emotion in my voice was surprising. There was now nothing holding me back, and I found myself crying as I spoke.


"Tuara, I was wrong. I was so horribly, sickeningly, unapologetically wrong. I should not have done what I did, and I especially should not have said the words that I spoke. Not only were they rude and without thought, but I crossed the line into things I have no business speaking about. I... I am sorry about the theft. I am sorry that I so horrendously insulted you and what you stand for. I am sorry for being me."


I needed... no, had to say it all. Face the music. "I made a mistake; no, many mistakes, most of them consciously. I... " Oh Mata-Nui... " ... I take full responsibility for my actions, both intentional and not. I... I am willing... willing and prepared to accept any an all reprisals for my conduct as you deem fit as both my elder and my superior. Well, I guess now just as my elder."


Reaching into my belt I pulled out my own Guard insignia, the officer rank gleaming in the orange overcast light. Unable to look at her any longer I cast my eyes to the ground, before finally closing them. "I have give the Guard a bad name, in both my actions and my words. It doesn't matter whether or not I agree with their rules; as a member I am obligated to follow them regardless. And I rarely did. As of now I am resigning my post so that punishment can be meted out accordingly; not only am I not deserving of this badge, but to heavily reprimand a fellow officer would be devastating for public relations... and I know a thing or two about that. I... willfully and... fully... comply and accept any punishment you deem necessary. I... I just ask that... outside of immediate verbal and physical reprisals, anything more enduring be reserved for after this mission is over. If it would be done now we wouldn't have the time required to help the matoran."


The best way to describe myself at this moment would be that a part of me died. Yes, a great burden had been lifted; for the first time in my life I felt like I did something right, but yet... yet I felt empty. A part of me had been torn away, and now with not much left I didn't know what to do with that feeling.


Speaking of feeling... was that a low rumbling sensation?


Cranking my head around I spotted the source of the vibrations - the door. The Temple door, the stone slab that had defied me, was moving. The whole bowl shook as ancient gears ground to life, the first time they'd been used since their creation. A millennium of stone, soot, and ash fell away with a great grey and black cloud, rocks and shavings breaking off bouncing about like hundreds of tiny Kohlii balls in an enclosed arena. When the dust settled the mouth of the face was gaping wide open, a tiny red speck deep within. I... I had opened the door.


Why then didn't I feel happy?

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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As the rumbling grew in intensity and spread out from the door and through the ash-covered ground they were standing on, Agni, who had been standing closest to the mighty stone-gate instinctively took a few steps back. He held up a hand to shield his eyes against the dust and small rocks falling down from above while pulling up his scarf over his mouth and nose. Slowly the thick halves of the double-door swung open, the covering of dirt and volcanic rock that had obscured their framwork in the face of the wall almost completely falling away. A tunnel led inside the rock, to the chambers of the temple, the way to them illuminated by a red glow in the distance. Agni took a step forward, cautiously optimistic. The door was open, the way inside free and appearing to be without danger. But appearanced could be deceiving; and so the Toa hesitated. It had been over a century since the last time the temple had been opened, as far as he could recall, perhaps even longer. But who was to say that the sudden vibration had not made the inside unstable. Or that burrowing Rahi had not made the temple into their lair. Or maybe it had been opened before in secret and...wait.


A thought crossed Agni's mind. How exactly had Joske opened it? It had not been the stones, unless they activated some ancient door-lock mechanism which, if that was the case, had to be slowest one in the known universe. No. The stones had been placed correctly, but the door simply would not budge; not a single millimetre. No, Something else had done that once the stones were in place. He turned back around, looking over to where his protegé stood in front of Tuara. And he had just apologized. Agni had heard the words, but he had paid more attention to the door, trying to figure out what had kept the young Toa from getting it to open up. Only know he realized exactly what Joske had done. And it showed. He looked awkward and lost, unsure of himself. Gone was the hint of a cocky smile that always seemed to be tugging at the corners of his mouth, wanting to break into his trademark grin. Gone was his poise; his shoulders hanging low and his head slightly bent forward. Any trace of his usual arrogance had suddenly gone, drained away like water after breaking a dam. In short, Joske did not look like Joske right now.And most importantly: Agni bought it. He had seen Joske angry before. And frustrated. He had seend him happy and even sad after his recent adventure in Ko-Koro. But he had never seen him like. He'd never seen him...sorry.

Not a real, honest way, anyway. Sure, if he messed up during training Agni would give him a verbal smackdown followed by an angry 'Alright, I'm sorry, sheesh, just give it a rest already, old man!' That kind of sorry he knew. But this, this was new.


Well, there's a lesson you can't teach... Agni thought to himself. And right now, he wasn't even sure he had ever learned it himself. As far as he knew, Joske had succeeded. But this time, it wasn't up to him to decide wether his student was right or wrong. It all depended on Tuara now.




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"We'll find an inn. Shouldn't take too long."


IC: "Yeah," came the terse reply.


As they trudged through the streets, they came across exactly what they needed; True, it was run-down and the looked as if it's walls had never been washed since the village was build in times before, and was probably invested with vermin, sentient and otherwise. But, Feongulf thought, It's probably also cheap as karz. Which is good. Somehow I doubt either of us is exactly swimming in widgets at the moment.




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"Hey! I don't know about you, but I can't exactly afford the Turaga suit," Feogulf replied in bitter jest. She shifted her cloak to better disguise the parasite bonded to her back. "And if this dumb is charging full price then they we'll just extort a night out of them, a reaction they've probably had before."

Edited by Javert
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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro - Temple of CourageTuara unclenched one fist.

"I'm sorry."


Despite the softness in the statement, it was as hollow as any meaningless string of words. Tuara already knew that it was out of obligation.


"I'm... "


"I'm sorry."

There was an assertion to this tone, but assertion alone never got anybody anywhere. Any stubborn Toa of fire could pull it off. All there was to hear was a simple want to fulfill a goal.

"I'm sorry." "Tuara, I was wrong. I was so horribly, sickeningly, unapologetically wrong. I should not have done what I did, and I especially should not have said the words that I spoke. Not only were they rude and without thought, but I crossed the line into things I have no business speaking about. I... I am sorry about the theft. I am sorry that I so horrendously insulted you and what you stand for. I am sorry for being me.""I made a mistake; no, many mistakes, most of them consciously. I... " Oh Mata-Nui... " ... I take full responsibility for my actions, both intentional and not. I... I am willing... willing and prepared to accept any an all reprisals for my conduct as you deem fit as both my elder and my superior. Well, I guess now just as my elder."Tuara turned around, her fists no longer shaking to face Joske. She did not raise her chin, she did not puff out her chest."I have give the Guard a bad name, in both my actions and my words. It doesn't matter whether or not I agree with their rules; as a member I am obligated to follow them regardless. And I rarely did. As of now I am resigning my post so that punishment can be meted out accordingly; not only am I not deserving of this badge, but to heavily reprimand a fellow officer would be devastating for public relations... and I know a thing or two about that. I... willfully and... fully... comply and accept any punishment you deem necessary. I... I just ask that... outside of immediate verbal and physical reprisals, anything more enduring be reserved for after this mission is over. If it would be done now we wouldn't have the time required to help the matoran."She looked down at the badge Joske handed her. Tuara sort of craned her head downwards to see something in Joske's eyes as he turned away. She had expected to see either a reformed version of pride, or dead-set humility. Instead, there was niether. A simple void in the back of his gaze was all there was. Tuara thought for a moment that this might be the hidden humility confusing the Toa. Perhaps her subsiding anger was clouding her analysis.Or Joske just lost a piece of himself.It would explain the sudden tone of emotion in the apology. Karz, Joske didn't know the half of what she went through. The Toa clearly never had to do this kind of thing, and that would be enough for him to feel and speak so differently. He was sorry, yes, but he didn't understand.She pocketed the badge. In this simple moment, Joske had grown exponentially. It was very clear he had trouble owning up to his mistakes. Even if some of them were sound. He was ready."Joske," the Toa turned around to face Tuara, an uneasy look on her face, "I'd like to show you something," Tuara stopped and started again, "If you wish me to."

Edited by We Are Legion

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IC: Voutok [Ta-Koro, sitting at the base of a structure near the center of town]Voutok continued to read the encyclopedia, slowly getting more and more anxious to get out of the heat (or at least have some direction). The lack of finding anything thus far that was relevant began to annoy him. So far, he'd reached the end of the "S"s and the beginning of the "T"s. He sighed before reading through the headings, annoyed at how many Rahi there were."Spiny Stone Ape, Starfish, Subterranean Worm...Takea Shark, Taku, Tarakava...you've got to be kidding me. 'Tarakava Nui'? Did they seriously have to have a separate section just for another breed of Tarakava? Have these people heard of sub-sections? Spirit, and that librarian thinks I'M odd...Ok, where was I...Taku, Tarakava, Tunnel Stalker-ah ha! Finally, something useful instead of another Rahi! 'Ta-Koro'."Voutok read through the article, looking for information regarding the location of the gate. Eventually, he found at least some information."...According to this, the gate is at the southernmost tip of the Koro, a couple of miles directly south of the Ta-Suva, which is..." Voutok flipped a couple pages to find the section on the Ta-Suva "...Well, now. That actually helps me a ton. The Ta-Suva is located at the central region of the Koro. That's incredibly convenient, so all I got to do is look for this "Ta-Suva" then head directly south and I'll reach the gates and from there be able to proceed to Ga-Wahi. Just one tiny question...""Where the karz is the bloody Ta-Suva?!"OOC: Sometimes these posts entertain even me. As much as I don't like RPing as a guy who's in the dark about everything, I know how to at least make it enjoyable for me =3

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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"Well, I hope they have paper and a pen. After a night in there I'm going to want them to find me with a will."




"I don't think this place's usual clientele is particularly literate," Feongulf replied, grinning sardonically despite her drowsiness.


"Still, we'll have time for being smartarse tomorrow. Let's try and get a place to sleep."

Edited by Javert
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Lenat- Ta-koro


IC: The section that Voutok was in happened to be right next to the one in which the engineers happened to put their deigns. At least, the ones that they didn't mind other people seeing. The Vortixx that had been perusing them in a search for inspiration stopped and listened to the rambling that filled the silence of the Library, much to its keeper's annoyance.


Poking his head around the shelf, Lenat asked the obvious question.


"How did you get here without knowing where the gate was?"


OOC: I sense many chuckles coming on.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC (Cael)


Cael watched as Joske apologize to Tuara, and, in doing so, give up everything.


She'd always known the Ta-Toa was, well... sort of arrogant. He always had to be the best, and if that meant stepping on other people's toes, well, then that was what would happen. His pride was important to him; anyone could see that. More important than impressing other people was exceeding his own expectations; he didn't care much about anyone else's opinion.


But here he was, acknowledging what he'd done, and asking for forgiveness.


The Toa of Water had been angry earlier. No doubt about it. She'd watched as Joske had torn into Tuara, and, being a healer, she had seen the pain in the Toa's face as Joske had dumped a load of blame and arrogant accusations on her. No matter how important Joske's mission, Cael hadn't been willing to let that slide. Just because he had some Matoran to help didn't mean he could treat anyone who got in his way like dirt.


But, now, her anger evaporated. She watched as Joske poured out tears as well as words, letting go of a lifetime's worth of pride and self-righteousness. He'd been a Kolhii star: he was used to being the best. He was good at getting away with things, and even better at convincing himself and others that he was in the right. Letting go of that now had to be hard, harder than his training, harder than any healing session he had gone through at Cael's insistence.


He wasn't doing something that most would consider to be particularly heroic, but the Toa around him recognized it for what it was: courage. Joske had finally forced himself to confront the possibility that he might not always be right, and in doing so humbled himself. It was embarrassing, uncomfortable, probably even painful, but he was doing it anyway.


In a funny way, Cael was proud of him. He was taking charge of his own healing now, forging himself into a better person. A true hero.


A rumbling from behind startled the Toa of Water. She turned around to see the gates of the Temple grind open, releasing a cloud of dust and ash. Despite their ancient appearance, they still functioned well enough, and swung open to reveal a long, dark tunnel, lit at the far end by a faint red glow.


The Temple was open.

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OOC: Ok, I'll bite : P




What... what could she possibly show me?


Her reaction was not what I expected. Then again, what COULD I expect? I was in foreign territory here, flying blind. Granted, she took my badge... which meant I was no longer a member of the Guard. But so far no immediate punishments...


I... don't know.


The look on her face... she was uneasy. Unsure. Whatever it was she was going to do she clearly had second thoughts, and yet-


Well, what worse could she do to me?


"Sure, why not."

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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IC: Tuara - Ta-Koro - Outside the GatesTuara lifted her hand, her index finger and her middle finger extended; the others in a fist. They planted on Joske's forehead, and Tuara's Iden flashed.Instantly, the pair were in a pitch black void. No walls, no roof, only endless darkness. Tuara stood firmly before Joske here, the younger Toa of fire, extremely confused at the sudden change of scenery. Tuara watched him curiously before finally speaking, "This is my consciousness."Joske took a step back, looking around, in the distance stood a Ta-Matoran, hands behind his back, "That is Dren, as you knew him in the Guard. He was forced into here in order to replace and kill the entity that once resided in his place," she gestured smartly to Dren, who was still turned away, knowledgeable of the conversation, but preferring to stay out of it. He gave a wave to Joske before turning around again, "Your mind has one of these too, although you cannot access it without first tearing it apart and reforming it wider. It also requires an Iden. In here, due to the... experiences, I had with the previous additional resident, I am able to exist and reflect on anything I have seen or heard, as I have seen and heard it," she looked down, her thumbs in the loop of her belt, "The only people that know about this, is Dren, who technically is dead, Angelus, and now you."Joske raised an eyebrow at the oddly calm Tuara, "What you said about the Guard had some ground, I'll agree, and I won't say I agree with past actions they took. There was some justification in your accusations. That was not what upset me," she lifted up one hand, various symbols rising from the floor, pulsating with different colors, "Utu was one of a select group of people, known as Mark Bearers. Each had their own Mark, respective of their own emotions. They were considered extremely dangerous and capable of amazing feats, notably; two of these Bearers died once, and came back to life. One in a new body, the second you've already met, kept his original frame." Tuara finished, eying Joske curiously. Part of this was to explain the dangers he now faced from challenging Utu. She continued.Tuara swiped her hand away, the runes flickering from view. Joske looking a little taken aback by the news of Utu's resurrection. Another figure stepped up, seemingly out of nowhere. He was about Utu's size with a similar weapon, but he was a Toa of electricity, and the green Mark of his arm shined in a much more random fashion than Utu's, fluctuating violently."Jikal, bearer of Cruelty, held a secondary entity in his Mark. It took control when the Mark was active, a stark difference between the pair being that Tarn was out for revenge, and Jikal an innocent Toa, fighting for what little good there was left in the world," suddenly, the scenery changed. Joske was crouching before Jikal who lay on the earth of Ta-Koro. Joske saw himself place two hands on the ground, pushing himself up. He realized two things: He could not control what was happening, and that he was no longer in his own body.The arms of a beautiful Ta-Toa pushed up, lifting her frame from the ground. She turned her head to another Toa, Angelus, bandages holding together his upper and lower body. Joske remembered, he was injured, Dorian had run him through, back when Dorian was a Toa of ice in Ga-Wahi."How did I know that?"Tuara's smooth voice sounding over the others of the memory, "You are, in this moment, me. Experiencing what I did on this day, feeling what I felt, knowing what I knew."Joske activated his, er, Tuara activated her Iden, and her spirit entered Jikal's Mark to combat Tarn."Tarn was loyal to Utu, and one of the Bearers that predicted his resurrection upon his death. He tore me apart when I entered his Mark, using various memories of mine to break me down, until he was able to split part of him onto me."Joske suddenly felt very hurt, experiencing many pains, the loss of family, failures upon failures wearing down on him. The pair were pulled out, both of them sitting down, leaning on their hands behind them as though they had just fallen over, both of them wearing a look of anguish, both wearing newly found tears on their faces.Tuara pushed her projection up off the ground, walking over to Joske, gripping his arm and helping him stand up to his feet. Tuara had endured this pain before, and knew to cut away before she had first broken to avoid the same thing happening to Joske.She gave a sad smile, the tears rolling around the expression. She wiped them away before continuing, "Utu forced me through Iris' control he gained that day to assist him, even putting my own life on the line to protect him when he was killed by another Bearer in a grab for power in the group."Joske leaped over a table in the Ga-Koro bar, jumping through the fire they had just thrown before landing on a Toa of green, bringing him to the ground before being thrown aside, pain shooting up their backs. They quickly rolled over with fierce ferocity, moving to attack again.Skip ahead, watch Utu get thrown through the wall of the bar, his mask shattered, his face and sides bloodied. The fierce Toa of fire attempting to hold back another set of attacks on Utu. Utu was slashed at with Yuru's blade, making many crosses on his chest, a stab wound to the side. Yuru broke his left arm, strangled him with vines that cut into the broken Toa before being cast out to sea."The group split, and myself, Tank, and the man who turned out to be responsible for the Mark's existence, went into hiding. Tarn had started to use me as a proxy, forcing his control onto more and more Bearers. Tank and Arekule kept me hidden, captured, to prevent him from continuing."But in Utu's good name, I was tortured day and night. Mentally hurt, bullied, killed, failed, hated, feared, made hopeful, made hopeless, angry, and broken every moment of my existence in a small cave we hid ourselves away in. Tank, one of the few Bearers known for his good will, made a shift. He decided that I had to stay in this state in order to help feed he crave for answers to his past. There were memories implanted in his Mark, and he needed Tarn to watch them."Joske/Tuara were trapped in a dark room, bombarded with ideas and thoughts; memories. The hauntings of Tuara's murdered family flashed ahead, the desperate attempt to find the person responsible, and to never find closure. Every once in a while, there would be a glimmer of hope, only to be broken once more. The constant fear of losing the last loved one on Mata-Nui, Angelus, to some dark fate, overwhelming to think he would endure the same pain she did . The inexplicable indescribable powerful feelings crushed the pair for only a moment before Tuara pulled them away again.The silence that followed lasted for a very long time.They both sat, cross-legged in the darkness, tears streaming down their faces, relieved to cease remembering the flow of destruction. Tuara sniffled, Joske simply waiting. Tuara looked up again, "I wanted to die more than anything. The only thing that could be given to me that I would welcome was death, and it's careful kind embrace. I even asked Angelus to grant me that in a rare occasion that I had control," Tuara frowned, "I won't show you that one," Bringing that same mindset of craving death to Joske simply wasn't a good idea, "It wasn't until Tarn was replaced with Dren, might I add, forcefully, that I was granted control of my body again."This section of silence was shorter, the pair just sort of looking at each other, letting the anguishes pass again. After a while Tuara started talking again, softly and careful as though not to wake a nearby sleeping child."They had the ability to stop it at any time. They had the resources and the knowledge to save me. But they didn't. They used me," she shook her head, "I couldn't face something like that again. I couldn't go back to Utu for a long time."I wanted you to see why what you said angered me. I didn't want you to think I was simply angry at you for the wrong reasons," Tuara sighed, "Really, I," she stopped, lifting her hands intertwined by fingers up from in between her crossed legs before starting again, as though the upwards palms helped her pick her words back up again, "I just needed you to understand."She dropped the hands again, looking at the still tearing Joske, "And I know apologizing to me took a lot, I understand especially considering you would have no way of telling what I really was feeling," Joske turned his head away, "You're a good man Joske, even if a little misguided at times," he turned back again wiping at the last remaining tears from the previous memories, "You've done a lot of remarkable things, and I think with the purpose of your mission, that will only continue," she paused, rubbing one of her wrists before tucking her hands back away, "You've got a lot to learn, and even more space to grow. You'll make a great hero, although I'm sure you already know that.""At the risk of inflating your ego you had to just abandon, and as much as I hate to say it," Tuara smiled softly, "I think you're destined for something great."Tuara and Joske both opened their eyes simultaneously. For those around them, they were only gone for a couple seconds, despite how long the conversations within Tuara's head had lasted to the pair inside. Tuara held up Joske's badge, her eyes watering, threatening to cascade with the previous emotions they had endured."When you're ready again."

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Lenat- Ta-koro IC: The section that Voutok was in happened to be right next to the one in which the engineers happened to put their deigns. At least, the ones that they didn't mind other people seeing. The Vortixx that had been perusing them in a search for inspiration stopped and listened to the rambling that filled the silence of the Library, much to its keeper's annoyance. Poking his head around the shelf, Lenat asked the obvious question. "How did you get here without knowing where the gate was?" OOC: I sense many chuckles coming on.

--------IC: Voutok [Ta-Koro]Voutok turned and realized there were people watching him from the inside of various buildings around him. Somewhat startled, the De-Matoran replied."I took the 'back door' through the Onu-Koro Highway, uh..." Voutok looked around, trying to determine which direction he came from. "Uh...that way." he pointed down a street "Wait no...that way! No...that way! No...ok, I'm lost..." Edited by Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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IC Ka'tru:


Ka'tru now walked side-by-side with Kaldrus, his proto-steel sword in his hand, ready to strike. Then he heard the sound of pebbles falling down the slope.

"Do you think there is anything up there?" he asked.

My Writing Blog (more writing coming soon!)

My Bionicle/LEGO Blog (defunct)

Hyfudiar on Spotify (noise/drone/experimental music)

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[Temple of Courage; mid-afternoon]




That's what it boiled down to. What a blind fool I have been.


My world had revolved around me. My skills. My abilities. Kohlii. It was all about the Kohlii. About winning. About being the best rings. Everything was, well, second rate. Not worth my time. If it didn't involve training, championship, or some kind of sponsorship, I ignored it. Maybe and adventure or two. That was it. My vision had been so narrow that I really didn't have a clue what was going on, the other battles being fought... I thought I knew but clearly I didn't. I have been so ignorant to the people and world around me. Something like this you couldn't make up, and it was just the tip of the iceberg. So much hardship, so much evil, so much hatred and pain... is this the same island that I was living on? A world where not just beings but Toa themselves can be so cruel and heartless to one another? No wonder the Matoran distrusted us. If we can act like this against each other, what was it like around the island to more helpless individuals? Just how far did the Makuta's poison seep into our culture? Into our hearts and minds?


And I had been so completely ignorant of all this.


Truly I had lived life in a bubble. Success, fame, glory, the spotlight... everything always went right for me. If it didn't I MADE it right for me. I had lived on a separate plane from everyone else, above and beyond the daily struggles that was the "normal" life. I never had to struggle, the only pain I suffered was aching muscles and the occasional injury. I had lived a life of comfort, blissfully unaware of the hardships and calamities around me. And part of it was my fault. Maybe not directly, but my blindness allowed it to happen, encouraging it through inaction. I was one of the most famous people on the island, in a position to do something if I wanted to, even as a matoran. Instead I went along for the ride with glazed eyes, letting my ego and pride carry me along, aloof of everything.


Was this what it like to be... normal?


"When I'm ready." I repeated quietly, taking back the badge. To me if felt like a dead weight, something heavy and burdening as I pocketed it. My worldview was wrong. Not just wrong; shattered. My safe, comfortable little life I had built for myself out of narcissism and fame was turned on its head, and now I didn't know what to do. I had been stripped bare, a void in my chest, and I didn't know what to replace it with.


The things Tuara showed me... I needed some time to reflect on it.


Taking my leave I walked across the bowl, striding up the steps that led into the temple itself. I should have paused, or even hesitated, for I didn't have a clue what to expect; it could be filled with traps or worse. But something inside denied that. No, only those without wickedness could understand it, and thus barred from even entering - that was the test. Can you understand was it meant to have courage. No, there couldn't have been any further traps here, not when the price to simply step inside was so high.


My gut proved to be right, for as I strode down the ancient stone hallway nothing jumped out. Nothing moved, no darts from the walls, no massive rolling stones. Just a hall, and a room at the end of it. And in that room, there it was.


The Crystal of Courage sat on a dais in the center of a small lake of lava. It hung there suspended by forces I dare not comprehend, the room itself serene and warm. Now I hesitated, not sure if this was all I needed to do. Reach out and take it. Was it booby-trapped? Was there perhaps another test. This... this almost seemed too easy-




Yes, Courage.


Taking a breath I reached out and with a firm yank pulled the precious stone from its resting place. I tensed, half-expecting something to jump out at me... but there was nothing. Just the warm, strong feeling I got from this stone. I glanced down, looking at its glow, and sighed. One down. Five to go. Turning to leave I stared down the hall, preparing to return the way I came. That's when I saw it. More writing.


Taking a step forward I raised the Crystal of Courage upwards, trying to get more light to the chiseled words etched into the stone above the doorway. I had not seen them coming in; in fact, it would have been impossible to. The only way to observe it was upon leaving, the only conclusion I could draw was that it was only meant for the one who took the crystal. Squinting to see the carvings in the dim red glow, my eyes suddenly grew wide as I read it.


"Journey to the city of life and green, to search for the evidence of things unseen."


Huh. Le-Koro. Evidence of things unseen... well, that was ONE way to describe it.


A few moments later I was back outside, a small crowd of Toa waiting anxiously for me. No sooner had I crossed the threshold did the ancient gears grind to life once more, the door shutting behind me, the sounds of clicks and latches indication that it had been sealed once more. The temple had served its purpose, and now the place would be forever barred from anyone trying to defile it. I looked at the group.


"We... need to go to Le-Koro." I started, my voice very flat. The usual bounce and energy in my voice was gone, as was the positive attitude. Somewhere between the void and the massive weight of knew knowledge I just couldn't-


"We should get moving." I stated quietly, grabbing my bag I had left of the ground, speaking very softly. "If we star now, we can get to the edge of the jungle and break for camp for the night. The last thing we need is to traverse the swamp at night."


Pulling tight the straps on my backpack I looked at my feet, that armor I had taken glinting in the corner of my eye. I looked away, focuing my gaze down the road that would lead us south.


"Tuara, I would suggest you call someone to pick those up. I'd hate for them to fall into the wrong hands... again."


I began my slow, normal walk down the road.


OOC: Joske to Le-Wahi... but feel free if any bunnying is necessary :D

Edited by Friar Tuck

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Agni waited outside the temple for Joske to return. When the younger Toa had walked in, he had not been the same person he had been a few minutes ago. And the veteran had to admit he was a little worried. But when Joske came back a few moments later announcing their next destination, he saw something in him that dispelled that worry quickly.


"We should get moving." Joske said, as he took what little posessions he had after returning the ones he had taken from the vaults. "If we start now, we can get to the edge of the jungle and break for camp for the night. The last thing we need is to traverse the swamp at night."


Agni couldn't have agreed more with that and nodded. Joske turned to the road and for a split-second the older Toa thought he would speed off again, but instead, he just started to walk normally. As he passed Agni on his way, the older Toa put a hand on Joske's shoulder, stopping him for a moment.


"You did good, Joske." was all he said, with a slight smile that hinted at something like...pride? He nodded and patted his protegé's shoulder once, then he started walking as well.


OOC: Agni to Le-Wahi.




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Lenat- Ta-koro Library


IC: "Would you like a little help?" Lenat said in a slightly amused tone. "I've lived here for as long as I can remember. I could show you around if you liked"

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Myka (Ta-Koro)


"Okay then," Myka smiled, beginning to walk slowly, hand still in Zyron's.


IC: Zyron (Ta-Koro)


Of course Zyron too began to walk slowly, still holding Myka's hand. He still had no idea where he was going, but he did his best to memorize the path he was taking so that they wouldn't get lost.


The Le-matoran stayed silent, letting his mind wander a bit. Back to the kiss they'd just shared. From that on backwards, to where they had first met, going through small details again. But not too far back. He didn't want to think about his past right now...


Zyron sighed. Technically, he was happier than he'd been for a long time.


 My art collection topic - updated! (21/09/2021)

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IC: Voutok [Ta-Koro; responding to Lenat]"Look," Voutok said, "I'm just passing through on my way to Ga-Wahi. The heat here is starting to get to me and the rumbling noise of the constant eruptions in this volcanic wahi is irritating my already overly-sensitive hearing. If you could just take me in the direction of the Ta-Suva or even better the Ta-Koro gate, that would be appreciated."

Edited by Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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Lenat- Ta-koro Library


IC: "That I can help with." Lenat said, coming fully out from behind the bookshelf. "I could even come with you to Ga-koro, I"v been looking for a reason to get out of the village anyway."

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC Mayhaka


"And now Toa you're gonna be locked up forever!!" He said while he started binding Raika's feet to his hands with stonen handcuffs. "Ok can someone get the guard down here to inprison this little Toa". He took the kanohi of Raika out of the hands Butra and replaced it with his own, he then used the powers of the mask to keep Raika from moving while he started carrying her telekineticly to the surface.


IC: Butra


Butra followed after Mayhaka as he finally got the time to absorb away his plant weapons, replacing them with a plain wooden staff as they finally reached the surface.


"Does anyone know where the guard's office is?"

BZPRPG Profiles


Akiri Nuparu Posts:

1. 2. ...

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IC: Viracious in Charred Forest


Viracious knew he was on the right track. Murcurious had to be near here....or at least was here.


"Karz, where is he!", he yelled.


He knew he was on the right track yet, he couldn't find him. He knew Murcurious liked to take walks through the Charred Forrest.


"May be he went in Ta-Koro.", Viracious thought to himself.


-HDXC2000 6.0

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IC: Tuara - Ta-KoroTuara picked up parts of the armor Joske had stolen, looking at them hard. The Guard shouldn't have had them in the first place. She wasn't really sure what to do with them. Should she hand them over to Jaller and explain the situation? Should she just put them back? Or she could give them back to Joske again, which although might be technically illegal was probably the right thing to do. She sure wasn't going to use them.The others had already started across the bridge, but Tuara and Angelus stayed behind briefly. She looked at Angelus before pocketing the armor and staff in the bag Joske had them in initially.She slung the bag over her shoulder before picking up her own things, the pair stepping across the bridge.She'd decide later.OOC:Tuara to Le-Wahi

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IC: Voutok"Ok, whatever." Voutok said quickly, "Works for me; the sooner I can get out of this heat and eruption noises to the more peaceful coastline, the better." Voutok stood from where he sat and began to approach the being who was speaking to him. As he drew nearer, he realized how tall and strange-looking the being was. "Uh...lead the...way?"Well I didn't see anything like THIS in that encyclopedia... Voutok thought to himself, too taken aback to ask what the being was.

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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Lenat- Ta-koro Library


IC: Lenat led the way out of the library and up the trail that led to the gate. On the way he remembered the way that the Matoran ad looked at him. Turning his head to look at Voutok, he asked, "Have you never seen a Vortixx before?"

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: VoutokAt first, Voutok thought it would be better not to answer. It sounded like the kind of question that if he answered truthfully would result in unnecessary suspicion. Then again, as he thought about it, so would not answering at all.Voutok sighed. "I've never even heard the word Vortixx before. Let alone seen one." He looked up at the being. "What are you, some kind of sentient rahi or something?"

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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Lenat- Ta-koro


IC: If the Lenat was bothered by the comment, he kept it in his head. Instead he laughed and said,


"Haha, no. I'm no more rahi then you or the Toa that guard this place. I am part of a race of being known as 'Vortixx'. As a whole, they have my same build although colors tend to vary. We are also some of the best mechanics on the island, the only ones as good as us are the Fe-Matoran.

I'm not sure how or why, but us, along with the Skakdi have been drifting up on the shores of Mata-Nui for some time now. Nobody remembers anything, so we all try to make new lives here."


As he had been talking, they had exited the gate were now approaching the docks from where ships left to go to other parts of the island.

"I serve the weak. I serve the helpless. I am their sword and their shield. If you want to strike at them, you must go through me, and I am not so easily moved."



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IC: Voutok [Outside Ta-Koro]Voutok was savoring the slow decrease in noise and temperature just from leaving that molten Koro. For awhile the Wahi was about as bad, until they went past the charred forest and made it to a somewhat-rocky beach. The sight of water was oddly familiar, and he could have sworn he saw a giant metal pier form in a flash and immediately fade from his vision. He shook the sight off, thinking it was probably just the heat still getting to him. He heard the "Vortixx" speak."I'm not sure how or why, but us, along with the Skakdi have been drifting up on the shores of Mata-Nui for some time now. Nobody remembers anything, so we all try to make new lives here." he said."Hmph." Voutok replied "Sounds like my story here. My earliest memory on this island is waking up in some empty stone hut in the middle of some condemned desert with nothing but two of these," Voutok pulled out one of his bladed Kanoka Discs, "my identity, my vague recollection of my combat abilities, and an even vaguer sense of where I come from." Voutok remembered something. "Oh yeah, and these on my head." he gestured to the "ear muffs" on his head. "In case it wasn't obvious, I'm a De-Matoran. Overly-sensitive hearing, able to hear whispers from long distances but screams induce ringing, preference for silence, that sort of thing."Voutok suddenly stopped in his tracks, realizing something he didn't catch on since he showed up."...Which is incredibly ironic considering how much I talk..."

Edited by Voutok S'Tythe (Ray)

Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...


For those who will likely ask when reading some of my non-RP posts: for me, "*shot*' = "I know that what I said was something stupid and I am acknowledging this before people think I'm serious."


Oh yeah, and my current BZPRPG character bio can be found here.


"Why...me? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm weak. I'm of a minority, a minority of people with a common trait: we hear too much. And what we're supposed to hear hurts to hear. When I'm alone in a silent room, I can hear a pebble dropping from a mile away. I can hear a motor boat being started up several yards off the coast. A whisper from outside, I can hear as if they were talking right at me. An explosion in another koro, I hear as if it's just outside. Sounds useful, right?"


"It's a curse, if you ask me. The same pen dropping inside this aforementioned silent room would ring in my ears. If I stood by the same motor, I'd get a headache. The same whisper would ring in my ear like two metal beams being slammed together in front of my face. The same explosion would render me deaf for years...thank the Spirit I thought of getting me something to dampen the noise, or I'd end up like the rest of my kind..."


~Voutok S'Tythe; unknown date, unknown location

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IC Mayhaka


He carried Raika above and called the guards he said to Jaller: "Here you have a prisoner, she tried to kill friends here also I come to pick up a friend of mine he has been here quite long and can be freed now."


NPC Jaller.


He summoned a few guard members to get Kakopa and they gave him his Kanohi back, the Raika was carried to the cell were Kakopa was locked up for a few weeks. He knew she wouldn't be able to escape the prison.


IC Palako


He said :" Well, now that's solved I want to stop more of the types of guys we stopped here, who wants to join me?"

I'm back!

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