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Friar Tuck

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Cabbages were massacred in a barrage of sword strikes and lightning bolts, but he was pushed backwards by Darylhii's strike. "And Bacon, too! Wait, no....uh, Broccoli and Spinach! You owe me tons of broccoli and spinach!"


He readied himself for the reign of vegetation that would soon come.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: [Darylhii]


Darylhii twitched suddenly, although he kept thrusting forwards, the bolt of electricity failing to conduct through the wooden weapon, and struck against JL's shoulder hard, piercing through. If the Toa of Lightning had tried to move to the side instead, then it could have been possible to avoid his spear thrust, but instead, his opponent had stupidly rolled forwards, which meant the blow had ended up connecting.


Ironic, was it not?

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IC: [Darylhii]


Darylhii winced as some of the bolts struck against his body, but he did not let that get to him. He had gotten his opponent right where he wanted, which meant that he could finally start seriously fighting. Thick wooden walls rose up all around them, preventing any route from escape except for above, which would be an illogical thing to do.


He pulled back slightly, breaking off the engagement, and settled into a defensive stance in front of JL. In close quarters such as these, it'd be harder for his longer weapon to be used in an offensive manner, so he would have to rely on a more defensive technique and his own powers instead.


"Your chatter annoys me," he said simply, as more flowers began to grow on the earth below them.

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IC: [Darylhii]


Darylhii merely twitched his spear, deflecting the sword away from him. He could not be bothered to really deal with the incompetent buffoon in front of him; all he really wanted to do was return to the pathetic discussion he was having - at least that was somewhat entertaining, seeing that somebody was trying to recruit him. His opponent was absolutely no challenge at all.


The flowers scattered around JL's feet burst upwards by their roots, which had thickened considerably, and began to wrap around the Toa of Lightning's body, starting first with the legs and moving on towards the upper torso. The wooden walls around them also began to close in, reducing the mobility of both combatants. However, the former Gukko Force member had no interest in movement at the current moment - there would be no need for it.


"The common foxglove," he said boredly, watching the flowers continue to snake up towards JL's head, its thickening roots tightening to prevent the Toa of Lightning from escaping. "It is a rather useful plant, do you not agree?"

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What happened to his weakness? JL thought as the plants encircles him. Grunting, he zapped himself from the outside as he moved his sword arm, so the electricity would burn the plants, allowing it to fall off. "Depends on it use," JL said as a lightning bolt flew out of palm towards Darylhii's chest.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: DarylhiiAt least, that would have happened had plants been able to instantly fall off from burning. Especially plants of such thickness. So instead of a simple thickened plant twisting around JL's entire body, tightening to prevent movement, it was a burning ant instead.Everybody loves burns, don't they?"Checkmate."The top of the plant - the flower, shoved itself into JL's open mouth.

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IC: Zaruthan


"Welcome back Zar."


He had his back to me in the mist, his wings wrapped tightly around his body. I was refreshed and free from the illness that plagued me on the mortal plane; it was safe to say he was just as ripe for the fight. This time there seemed to be a little portal of light in the sky, just like the little hole in the roof of Aru's bedroom. Looking down, I saw that I was ankle-deep in water, dead plant matter and mud swimming around aimlessly at its surface. "Nice of you to spruce up the place."


"That wasn't me," he told me, turning around and unfolding his wings. "It was your subconscious."


"So it was you," I was such a joker.


"Very funny. But I think its about time we stopped wasting time with talk, and got down to business." before I could even register what he had said, he was in the air. About half a second later I was too; his waist collided with my shoulder and we spiralled back down and-




There we struggled, rolling around and putting everything we had into utterly destroying each other. He had the advantage in his youth and mastery of his element, but my additional fighting experience and new elemental power gave me an edge that saved me. Yes, I was clumsy, I threw my punches, rarely blocked, made rookie mistakes. But there was nothing he could do to stop himself from being blasted around and having parts of his armour melted by my plasma. Not even his disgustingly overused vacuums did the job. my the final quarter, I could tell I had the upper hand, and so could he.


But then a cry, and the world shook, and I was falling, and-


My eyes snapped open, and I was lying on Aru's rubbish stone slab and she was on the ground, swearing her head off for whatever reason. But one thing I noticed after a few seconds of just lying there, was that the sick feeling in my stomach was but a faint glimmer on the horizon. Of course, my appetite hadn't returned, but the relationship between my dreams and this illness was clear: I was winning.


"What's wrong with you?" I asked Aru, bringing my thoughts back to reality.

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OOC: These post boxes. They are confusing. D:


IC: Hajia, Onu-Koro


Hajia, eyebrow raised in a questioning manner at Gravity's voice, walked out to the hall, pausing to smirk back at the Ba-Toa, her eyes twinkling mischeviously, the Ga-Toa momentarily looked like her old self, her personality appearing to cover all of the scars and depression of the previous days.


When the entered Kirian and Gahuari's room, they found the Ko-Toa sitting in one of the chairs next to Gahuari, formless beneath his cloak, his skeletal Kanohi staring at them calmly, his eyes dispassionate and distant. Gahuari was asleep on the hospital bed, her child-like, innocent face contorted with pain, her soft breathing momentarily disrupted with whimpers.


Sitting down in a chair facing Kirian, Hajia smiled uncertainly, but recieved no emotional response from the Toa of Ice, who spoke flatly in return. "How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice uncaring, in contrast to words.



IC: Gravity [Hospital, Onu-Koro]


I couldn't help but smile for a moment as Hajia's personality seemed to surface for a second. It was good to see, especially after all that had happened to her. It made me feel better to see her feel better, but we had already discussed that earilier in great length.


Stepping into the room behind Hajia, I immeadiately felt my smile drop. I had visited before, and knew what to expect, but it didn't help to be prepared.



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IC: Aru (Bedcave, Onu-Wahi)


Aru opened her mouth, and moved as though she was about to stop Zar from leaving. Then, she shook her head, and sat down on the bed.

"See you around, Zar," she smiled, winking at the other Mystix.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Zarnarax (Caves, Onu-Wahi)


"Enjoying yourself, Zaruthan?" The Ice Mystix hissed, appearing seemingly from nowhere behind Zar. "You're looking a lot better than you were last night."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC (Cael)


The healer was silent for a long moment as she digested this flood of information. When she finally spoke, Wokapu didn't know what words would come out of her mouth. Would she heal him, or condemn him? Berate him, or save him? The Toa didn't know this, but Cael had served the Matoran faithfully for decades, spending her life on the welfare of others. She was the model of a true Toa, and if anyone had the right to turn their back on him without being a hypocrite, it was her.


“Will I heal you?”


The healer's voice was firm, measured, the kind you'd hear any doctor use.


“That was never in question.”


The healer dropped her pack to the ground beside the supine Toa, along with her cloak. She bent down, unstrapped the bag, and rustled around inside for a moment before emerging with a handful of plants and a leather-wrapped wooden dowel.


“Chew these,” she said to Wokapu, holding the leaves out to him. The Toa obediently opened his mouth, and the healer placed the delicate vines and leaves between his teeth. Wokapu began to chew, and found the plants had a sort of minty taste, but with a bitter tang.


As he ground the plants to a mush that could be swallowed, he gradually came to the realization that the world seemed much... farther away than it had a moment before. His vision had narrowed, as though he were looking down a long tunnel. He was vaguely aware that someone was speaking to him, but the words weren't making sense, and it didn't seem important enough to bother about.


“Wokapu!” Lekori shouted. The Toa wasn't responding.


He whirled furiously on Cael. “What did you do?”


“I gave him herbs to numb the pain,” Cael replied calmly. “Healing is not a straightforward business, especially with injuries like these. Now step back.”


Her tone was matter-of-fact and obviously expected obedience; Lekori did as she asked.


Turning back to Wokapu, Cael gently laid her hands on his chest. Having examined the Toa's back already, she had a decent understanding of his injuries, but healing them would not be so simple as merely understanding them. She would have to pull his bones and ligaments back together into their correct places, and heal them in the proper position.


Masks of Healing were notoriously misunderstood. Many beings were under the impression that all it took was a snap of the fingers and you could heal any injury. But the truth was far less glamourous: a Mask of Healing could only heal as much of the injury as you comprehended. A high school dropout with not even a basic knowledge of anatomy would be able to do little more than heal a scratch or a bruise, if that. It took years of studying for a Toa to become anywhere near proficient in the use of the mask.


Cael had spent years studying every facet of Matoran biology. She knew the structure of a Toa's body inside and out; it was her knowledge of anatomy that allowed her to quickly and accurately diagnose a problem and then figure out how to fix it. Despite her knowledge, however, this would still be a difficult situation to resolve.


Wokapu's back had literally been broken; it was a miracle that his spinal cord had not been severed, leaving him a paraplegic. Multiple ribs would need to be set back in place and rejoined with the spine, which would itself need to be set as straight as possible and healed as much as possible. If Cael didn't align his spine perfectly, or put enough energy into the healing, it was possible that the Toa's back would snap under any sort of pressure.


Closing her eyes, Cael inhaled, feeling her lungs expand, then exhaled, letting the tension leave her body, washing away like the tide. Almost unconsciously, she drew what water she could from environment, supplementing her strength. Lekori felt the ground beneath his feet go dry and hard, and looked down in surprise to see the soil crack and crumble as all the moisture left, rippling into the centre of the cave where the Toa of Water stood.


The healer's eyes opened.


Cael activated her mask. A faint blue glow enveloped her face, then slowly slid down her arms and into the Toa's body. Wokapu's back arched as his spine began to repair itself, bones grinding past each other and affixing themselves to their proper places.


Directing her will towards her patient's spine in particular, Cael directed the fragile nerves inside the spinal cord to begin repairing themselves, lessening any swelling or bruising. She knew the cord had not been severed: if it had, Wokapu would be unable to feel or move his lower body. However, she had little doubt that there was no damage whatsoever, and what little there was would need to be repaired to prevent any neurological disorders from emerging down the road.


A broken back was, by definition, a fracture of one or more vertebrae. After easing the slight swelling in Wokapu's spinal cord, Cael began to target each individual vertebrae, envisioning in her mind how each one should look and function in relation to the one next to it, and in relation to the spine as a whole. She pulled any chips or broken bits back together, using her energy in conjunction with the mask's to fuse the puzzle pieces into a cohesive whole.


A pulsing nimbus of peaceful blue light enveloped the healer and her patient as Cael poured her energy into Wokapu's broken body. In her mind's eye, the Toa of Water saw how a typical Toa's skeletal structure should look like; she directed each rib to reattach itself to its place on the spine, sealing the joins with all the energy she could muster, reforming his ribcage bone by bone.


As Wokapu's body was made whole, the healer allowed her energy to flow through his entire frame, strengthening his skeleton as a whole. Muscles and tendons were massaged and reattached where they had frayed; sensitive nerves were soothed, and their constant outcry of pain diminished until it was all but gone. The Toa of Air relaxed, his body at long last free from the agonizing burden it had carried for so long.


The blue glow slowly diminished as Cael withdrew her energy from Wokapu's body, the azure energy travelling back up her arms into her mask, which pulsed once, bright blue, then faded back to normal. Her knees buckled, but she caught herself on Wokapu's stone bed, and remained standing. She allowed herself a moment to recover her strength, then gently rolled the Toa onto his side and began to examine his back, tracing his spine, feeling and looking for abnormalities.


Wokapu was whole.


The healer let the Le-Toa slowly turn onto his back again; he breathed softly and easily, the herbs having sent him to sleep. With the pain finally gone, he could rest. The effects of the drugs would wear off in a half hour, but Cael knew Wokapu was likely to sleep longer: now that the major surgery was complete, his body would begin to heal itself, completing the work the Toa of Water had started.


Stepping back, Cael allowed herself a long sigh of relief, then turned to see Lekori, who was looking on in anxious amazement.


“It is finished,” she said quietly. “He is healed.”

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IC: JLAnd that was what would have happened, if JL hadn't continued his onslaught of electricity. Burning pieces of plant fell to the floor as JL cut away the little flower that had tried to ravenously get eaten. For some reason.


"Come on. That's not how you cook veggies! Watch and learn."


A beam of electricity coiled around Darylhii, forming an oscillating magnetic field. It began to heat up all the metal inside. Meaning Darylhii. And how hot would he get? JL smiled. "I use this to cook bacon, except around 10 times the speed."

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: DarylhiiJL's terribly moronic banter was met with the thick walls growing even more, forcing the two combatants right together. There was absolutely no room for movement, meaning that at such close range, whatever Jl tried to do to Darylhii would affect him as well.Such was the flaw of being in control of such a wild element.More and more thickened roots rose from the ground below to wrap around JL's immobile legs, which were unable to get away due to the lack of space. They then promptly pierced through the flesh, ripping apart the Toa of Lightning's legs from within."Do you wish to concede?"

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IC: JLThe Toa of Lightning gritted his teeth. But slowly, it turned into a smile. Darylhii was hot. Practically glowing red. JL's leg might have hurt, but he'd only really been in the induction heating for about a second or two. Darylhii, though? He was edible. Hot, red, metal. And the best thing was - That made it the best conductor.


With his right arm, he slashed away the plants around his feet. With his left, he motioned to the sky. A high powered lightning bolt streaked down from it, aimed straight at the cage. Well, not really. That was just the thing in it's way to its true target - Currently the worlds best conductor, Darylhii.



GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC: [Darylhii]


Unfortunately for the unobservant RPer who was writing the character known as JL, the duo were still squashed together in a thick wooden box, which meant that movement of the sword to try and cut away at the roots wrapped around the Toa of Lighting's legs was incredibly awkward and near impossible.


Of course, there was also another thing: heat did not make things better conductors.


Darylhii winced and shuddered as the lighting slammed straight into him. Although he was a terrible conductor, being hit by electricity still hurt, yet it did have a benefit. Using such an element in such close quarters was an incredibly reckless and stupid idea, seeing that the electricity would also flow straight into JL's armour, which was a much better conductor than the boiling Toa of the Green that was Darylhii.


This did not slow down his onslaught much, although he did pause for a second, the tendrils of the roots having already dug deep into the legs of his opponent. He focused his energies once more, and the roots within began to expand, wildly thrashing and ripping through the flesh, absolutely destroying JL's legs.

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JL simply reabsorbed the electricity; It was, after all, his own. And now that the cage was practically shattered thanks to impact, he fired off a powerful lightning bolt towards Darylhii. And then looked down at his legs. "Oh, shucks. No wonder why it hurt."

Creating a electromagnetic field between Darylhii and JL, the Toa of Lightning was launched backwards, right into a mine, which fell all the way towards somewhere not very far to Onu-Koro.




"Ow!" was the sound which could be heard from the echoes.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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OOC: It's not a cage. It's a very thick wooden box with an opening at the top that I doubt you could shatter so easily. What is this, glass?


IC: [Darylhii]


Had it been an actual cage made of glass, instead of thick wooden box, it probably would have shattered from such a bolt of lightning. Alas, JL would not be able to escape, nor should he have really been able to stand, seeing that his legs had been torn apart by Darylhii's attack. What remained of the Toa of Lightning's legs would be random pieces of flesh and armour barely holding themselves together by the sinews, which would make it increasingly difficult for any escape.


Darylhii shook his head as the walls receded a bit more, yet still trapping the two combatants within. It was surprising how a moronic pest like his opponent had ever become a Toa, or even survive long enough to become one. Probably through breaking the universal laws and failing to grasp what to do when facing a spearman thrusting at you - also known as NOT rolling forwards into said spear thrust.


"An incompetent Matoran does better than you," he said simply, taking away the downed Toa's sword with a vine. "Your lack of knowledge and common sense is staggering."


With that, he stepped onto JL's already useless and destroyed legs, before opening up a hole in the wooden box and leaving, the hole closing behind him.


He would leave the annoyance lying there until somebody bothered to come and help.

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OOC: Generally the same thing as a cage. And have you ever, like, stood beneath a tree while it gets hit by lightning? Or anything similar? It can and will cause kinetic stuff. Excluding the heat around the electricity, Lightning brings Thunder.


O, and Y he no react to Potatoes?




JL felt pain. He would have made a sarcastic remark, but felt a bit disappointed. This fight was generally the exact same as the one he had before, except last time he had found Darylhii's weakness; One which had apparently been fixed.


He nearly asleep, knowing full well Darylhii wouldn't kill. The Reaper, though.....he might. How was he gonna get help?

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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IC. Back to Old Business...He had a great view of the city from where he sat. The bustling of the merchants, the sporting of the young, the patrol of the Ussalry...the Ussalry. They seemed normal at this point. Some even looked the same. But after the fundraiser, Kyju and Gyn had gained near-complete control over the Onu-Koroan task force. At some point, they would have to assimilate the rough third not under their thumb. Right now, they had more important things to do.Kyju had dropped his heel in the economy, planning to crush it nonchalantly like a twig in the forest. He had gained a spot on an influential council of about thirty, and he was already at work making differences. He had convinced them that during these years under Makuta, they would have to implement a thing called "taxes." More taxes to the government. More money to the council. More money to the military. The taxes had been accepted by both the council and the Matoran.He sat back, now one of the richest men in Onu-Koro. No, a bigger scale. He was one of the richest men on the island. Edited by Relapse

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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Kehua nodded slowly. "I understand." he said, looking at Kaimaen. His usually relatively hard-to-read face showed a sign of regret. "A shame that we have to part ways so soon." he said, as he stood up. He held his hand out in a fist. "You we're a great companion. I wish you luck on your journeys, brother."




Rewera suddenly didn't look as much as the well-experienced veteran that she was anymore. Her eyebrows narrowed and relaxed as she tried to find the right words to say. Then she stopped. "I am not good at this..." she admitted. "It's just that...in over a thousand years of fighting and hunting, never staying in one place for long; despite all the traveling and odd encounters...you are the first person I meet that I consider a friend. And..." she stopped, unsure of how to best put what she felt into words.


"I guess, I - I just don't want you to go, Ravage."




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IC: Zarnarax (Caves, Onu-Wahi)Zarnarax nodded slowly, examining Zaruthan. His eyes were cold. "You weren't where I left you, or in your assigned quarters. I hope your health issues were the only thing you were on top of last night, Zar," the Mystix hissed; "For your sake."


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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