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What was you first reaction to BIONICLE?

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What I mean by this question is what was your reaction to BIONICLE the first time you ever heard about it or saw it in stores?

I actually do not remember what my reaction was as i was to young when i got my first BIONICLE set to remember it

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The first time I heard about it was from a commercial. I barely noticed it until someone brought Reidak and Zaktan to school and made them fight each other.


Me: What are those?

Him: Bionicles.

Me: Which one's the good guy?

Him: They're both bad, but they don't like each other.

Me: Oh.


I went home and searched up Bionicle a while later. Got hooked.

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First reaction to seeing Tahu: "I want one."



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"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt

A Writerly Blog

The Tasty Library of Sugary Goodness

(My Little BIONICLE: Friendship is Explosive Completed 01/05/14)

{The Shika Trilogy Omnibus Completed 03/31/14) (Review Topic)

(In the End Completed 09/01/14) (Review Topic)

The Biological Chronicle: (2001) (2002) (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006) (2007) (2008) (2009) (2010)

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I was far to young to remember my first reaction, but I do remember being awed by my older brother's Toa Mata and, at the time, brand new Toa Nuva.


"Why can't I dream that I'm alone?" "That is not a dream, that is a substitute for reality"

"So where is my dream?" "it is a continuation of reality"

"But where is my reality?" "It is at the end of your dream"

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I recall seeing adverts promoting it in early 2001 on Cartoon Network, but they didn't show any of the sets properly so I didn't pay it much interest. Then in 2002 I saw the advert for the bohrok and I instantly wanted one, but my dad wouldn't get me one. It was only until 2004 that I actually got some sets but I'd already long forgotten about my original interest from 2002.

Edited by Terton


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I don't remember exactly what my first reaction to when I first saw them in stores back in 2001, but I must've thought they were cool because my Mom bought two of them for me that day and I've been a fan ever since. B-)

Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.



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I was a bit indifferent when I first saw the original Toa. Impressive as the set designs were, I assumed the line would be another Slizers, simple and shortlived. It wasn't until I started learning the story in the days that followed that it became clear this was unlike anything Lego had done before.

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As my Brother knows, our first Bionicle's were Toa Hordika, Onewa and Vakama. We were originally going to get Knights Kingdom Action Figures but then we decided to get these strange Lego Sets.


But Right now I see that we made the right Decision, I will always remember that day

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wow this video game looks cool.

First time i saw bioincle was an add for the game in nation geographic.

Then in the story.

Hey this looks familiar.


As long as there is one bionicle fan out there there is still hope for bionicle to return. Keep faith. Bionicle is amazing.

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Hm. I believe the first time I really saw a Bionicle thing was in a little ad book that I think probably came with a bucket of bricks my mom had gotten me. (which was my first experience with Lego) It was a really long time ago, so I'm not sure how old I was (Probably 5 or 6) I remember thinking they looked pretty cool, though I didn't really know what they were or anything, and in any case I was more excited by other Lego things more. I wouldn't really get into Bionicle until around 2004, way after I'd forgotten about that old advert...




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My very first reaction was: That's cool.


(When I saw one of them chickens (Bohrok))


Unlike Pokémon, which was "This looks weird."

Online presences (main ones, at least):

DeviantART: Heontris

YouTube: Heontris

Anything else with the name Heontris is also me. As far as I know.


"Don't be a night owl, it gets boring after the first 6 hours." - Me right now

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  • 1 year later...

First exposure to 7 year old me was the ads and comics in Lego: Mania Magazine. Soon I was on a school bus and I spotted a kid with Turaga Vakama. For some reason I was awestruck by the red face underneath the mask. Before I knew it I had my mom take me to the store, were I got Lewa. She had me finish my homework before I could build him :)


All aboard the hype train!




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