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StaffC: Lekar (The Duality )

"I honestly don't know, but I'm heading to the captain's quarters now to find out. Whatever's going on, it'd be better if we were gone and not here."

The Le-Toa trotted over to a ladder and quickly climbed his way up onto a balcony, disappearing round a corner to presumably speak to the captain, or whomever was on the bridge. Ig, the Hordika, only shifted his position slightly, tail lashing back and forth, the formidable club-like armor on the end scraping along the deck as his ocean blue eyes scanned the Sea.

A thud echoed through the ship, the sound coming from deep underwater. And a few hundred feet off the portside of the barge, the saltwater began to bubble with released air.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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"Ladies and gentlemen," Trun called out, waving to catch the attention of Lekar and the others, "I may not know much about boats and seas, but I fear that either something big is trying to surface next to us, or that the Duality has sprung a leak somewhere."


With the remarkable calm of a man who has seen many a crisis before, he pointed to the bubbling waters near to the barge.





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IC (Ofeo, Duality): While the expedition leader went to consult the Captian, Ofeo found himself left without a lot he could do to help the situation. As the seas continued to bubble and the roaring increased, he quietly walked over to a stack of barrels, pulled on his backpack and took a firm grip on his paddle. If the worst happened and the ship sank, he would be able to stay afloat and maybe get a makeshift vessel back to shore to send for help.


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IC: Kavont, aboard Duality


A sense of panic took root within him as the humming reverberated through the air, getting stronger with each passing second. As the Le-Toa disappeared on the bridge, Kavont saw bubbles surfacing a few hundred feet from portside and heard a nearby elder agori point out the stir.


"Sir, I believe your former assumption may be the case," Kavont called back. Putting a hand on his knife holster and giving a glance to all the beings standing around him, he calmly concluded, just barely loud enough for all to hear, "Everyone, I'd suggest you either draw your weapons or take shelter below."


He paused.


"And probably hold on to something."

Edited by TBK


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Suddenly the barge shifts in the water as new currents start to effect the ship,rocking it back and forth. The ship's horn blares out and sailors scuttle about, preparing the precious few cannons they have aboard and getting things secure as the Captain tries to get more power from the engines to get out of the situation. One sailor goes down to alert the mechanic there to get ready to hold the thing together for the endeavor they're about to embark on.


And then, about where the bubbles were, a giant, webbed paw-thing, as long and wide as a Toa or Glatorian is tall, rises up from the waters, red eyes glinting up at the ship from the depths. With a bubbling, rumbling roar, the behemoth smashes its limb downwards, missing The Duality  by a hair and sending saltwater crashing over tents and beings, many fleeing in terror to safer places.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Kavont, aboard Duality


A wet wave splashed forth from the giant webbed paw and smacked down on the caravan, soaking Kovant -- and pretty much everyone else -- in saltwater. He stood there, frozen as much in thought as in fear. Why is this thing attacking us? And how in the world do we get rid of it?


And why did it have to be so freakishly huge?


He consciously attempted to settle his nerves so he could think. His one defense was his knives, but they seemed a bit useless at the moment. He looked around at the crew still holding their positions, hoping that someone would come up with a plan before he did.


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IC (Ofeo, the Ocean): The wave washed across the deck in a tumbling mess of water, cargo and other random objects it had picked up, but Ofeo wasn't paying attention to that. He was transfixed by the monster's eyes, still blurred by the foaming water all around them. They seemed immeasurably old, and full of contempt for the tiny creatures that occasionally scurried past its home on boats no longer than the creature itself.


The wave broardsided Ofeo, knocking him over and filling his mouth with salty water. He tumbled helplessly, throwing out an arm to catch onto a passing barrel, but missing by inches. His mask cleared the top of the wave again for a moment, and then he was under again, this time in much calmer water. Deep blue surrounded him on every side, except the one where those great red eyes were glowing.


Desperately, he kicked out for the surface, hoping that he hadn't been swept too far way from the boat.


OOC: Man overboard. :)


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IC: (Hiko)


The glatorian gasped as the thing caused much of the cargo to be washed into the water, but then smiled.

Running to the edge, he leaped off the ship and onto some crates near the creature.


"Need a hand?" he called to a Bo-matoran in the water, raising his daggers.



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Trun Rawlins had expected misfortune on this trip. He had not, however, predicted the massive sea monster that had pitched itself out of the sea and attempted to smash the Duality like it was nothing more than a bath toy for a petulant child. Had he known about this, he might have had second thoughts about just how badly he wanted to see the City of Flames.


The monster's long arms had missed the barge, but their impact on the sea sent a wave of saltwater gushing onto the deck, frothing and raging, barrelling past anything that stood in its way. Trun, who had been standing at the ship's edge, was hit hard, and his frail body was thrown across the barge, slamming into the deck with a sickening THUNK. He gasped for breath as the water flowed back into the ocean, and against the protests of his body and the weight of his sodden robes, he attempted to drag himself onto his feet.


The ship tilted with the dangerous shift of water, and Trun stumbled forward, nearly crashing into a De-Matoran. He swerved at the last second, bringing his right foot in front of him to halt his momentum, huffing and puffing for air. The Agori glanced over to the Matoran, who was obviously rattled by the encounter (and who could blame him for it?).


"I don't suppose we have a plan right now, do we?"


OOC: That would be Kovant he's talking to, TBK. :3





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IC (Ofeo, the Ocean): Ofeo's head broke the surface, and he gasped at the air like a dying fish. Large waves sloshed about all around him, crashing into each other, the boat or the monster to send up towers of spray that blocked his view. It was all he could do to red water. Any attempt to swim through those churned up waters was futile. Wherever he went, he would meet another wave crashing over him, or a swift undercurrent created by the monster's huge limbs moving about beneath him. He was being dragged about without any control over his destination.


Another wave slapped into him from behind, filling his ears with water and knocking his mask askew. He shoved it back on and shook his head to clear his senses. "Need a hand?" a voice called out over the waves. "YES!" he yelled back, his voice hoarse from a combination of the salt water he had swallowed, the cold setting into his limbs and sheer mortal terror. He might have added that a rope would perhaps be better, but wasn't able to get any more out. He also thought that might be pushing it a bit.

Edited by The Lorax


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StaffC: Lekar (Exiting Bridge)


The Le-Toa came leaping down from the bridge as The Duality  audibly creaked and groaned, the engines below decks switching into a higher gear as it started its acceleration away from the beast. Ig, the Hordika, who had clung to the deck with a clawed hand, loped forward and began charging a Rhotuka from the spinner that flipped up from its back as Lekar shouted out, his voice carried by the wind and not hindered by it, though still hard to hear with the great crashing of waves and the angry growls of the disturbed beast preparing for another go at the ship.




As he finished, people began scurrying about, and then the sailors fired off their first volley of Thornax from the cannons, the ammunition splashing into the water and sinking faster than anticipated, when the muffled thud of the explosion came it was not on the head of the beast as they had hoped, rather some section far below where they could see.


A roar of indignant rage bellowed from underwater then, and the paw came up for another go at the ship, however before it could get far Ig released his Rhotuka into the air, leaping up to smack it like a volleyball with an armored fist that sent the wheel of power flying into the incoming hand. With the collision stone rapidly formed on the beast's paw, and unprepared for the weight it plunged short into the waters again, sending up another wave of saltwater. This time, however, Lekar slashed at it with his Toa Tool, a light rapier, which sent a large wedge of air into the middle of the wave, destroying its power and diminishing the impact on deck to a salty shower, though the barge itself was pushed sideways by the lower, remaining end of the wave.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC Zivuch:

Zivuch huddled in a large cargo crate. He had stowed away, wanting to come but afraid that someone might drive him off, thinking him an animal. The very thought made him want to impale the nearest nonliving object, but the crate was much too small for that. As he heard crashing noises and yelling, he wondered what was happening.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Kovant, aboard Duality


 The noise had escalated quickly. Beyond the shouts, the waves, the roars, and the explosions, there stood a frozen Kavont, helpless as all his thoughts were blocked out from the chaos. There was nothing he could do... then through the flurry of panic and splashing saltwater, Kavont heard a faint scream from over the edge of the deck, just as the ship took another wave and rocked violently.


Then something whizzed past him. "I don't suppose we have a plan right now, do we?" The Agori had barely dodged Kovant as the ship rocked, throwing him a bit off guard. For the Agori's age, though, he had to admit that he was impressed with the quick move.


He regained most of his bearings and replied, "Sort of. I think there's a man overboard, and I'll need all the extra hands I can get to reel him back in." He unsheathed one of his knives and handed it to the Agori. "And take this and latch onto the deck if another wave hits." He spun around and yanked a floatation device off of a breathing cargo crate.


Wait, what? Was someone in...


He ignored it for now and ran back to the deck, spotting a flailing Matoran in the water... right over the glowing eyes of the beast. A chill jolted through his bones as he called out to the Glatorian floating near the sinking matoran, "Use this!" and tossed the lifesaver as closely as he could.


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IC: (Hiko)


Hiko caught the device and then flung it to Ofeo. as the matoran caught it, he dived under the water.


His world was dark - that was what dominated it. He had expected it to be blue or green but it was simply dark, almost pitch-black.


However, there was one thing that broke through the darkness: the glowing eyes of the creature.

Having heared what Lekar had said from the ship, he began to smim towards the beast. Only as he got nearer did he realise it's collosal size: it's body stretched down and down into infinity - the sea must have been miles deep at this point and strangely enough Hiko felt vertigo.



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IC (Ofeo, the Ocean): The ship was speeding up, pulling away. "NO!" he yelled, "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" The deep cold of the ocean stabbed deeper into his chest as he realised what was happening. The ship's captain was trying to outrun the monster, to escape and save as many of his crew as possible, while leaving one poor, inconsequential Matoran to die. It even made sense. Staying in one place to rescue him made the whole ship a sitting duck for the monster, but by leaving him there, he might distract the monster for long enough that the others could escape alive.


He would be like the great heroes of old, like Matoro and Lhikan, who had sacrificed their lives so that others might live. The difference was that, unlike them, Ofeo didn't get the choice. When he had heard their stories, he had praised their selfless heroism, and thought that, one day, maybe he might too give his life, if the right circumstances came up and his sacrifice could buy something truly worthwhile. They had been idle thoughts, however, and had done nothing to prepare him for this reality, being lost at sea while his companions sailed away through the churned up waters. He had been thrust into this, scapegoated by bad luck and abandoned by the ship. He didn't feel like a hero. He felt like a lamb being throw to the wolves. He didn't want this! He wanted to live!


Ofeo struck out, swimming against the tide in pursuit of the barge, putting everything he had into the strokes, and yelling for help between breaths. At last, with a surge of hope and gratitude, he saw another matoran on deck pick up a life ring and hurl it out towards him. With a final, supreme effort, he threw himself onto the rope and clung to it for dear life. He could see the monster coming, nearing the surface again for another strike at the boat, but he was so spent, both emotionally and physically, that he could only hold on and wait for whatever came next.


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IC: (Hiko)


Looking up through the murky water to the where the sea met the sky, Hiko could just make out the fact that Ofeo had managed to get hold of a rope attached to the ship. Good: he was running out of breath.


He had succeeded in distracting the beast from the struggling matoran, and so began to swim back up to the ship as it pulled away. Except that he couldn't. Something was wrapped round his leg, dragging him down.


He looked down to his leg, which was only just visible in the gloom, expecting to see cargo and debris from the ship entangling his leg.

Instead, he saw one of the massive claws of the creature.


Hollow, cold dread filled him, and then shear panic and terror. He kicked up to the surface, air bubbles escaping from his mouth, but to no avail. He was still being pulled down into the impenetrable blackness below.


His mind was blinded by the panic and fear but he just managed to realise that the more he was kicking and squirming, the tighter the grip around his leg was getting. Exhausted mentally and physically, he turned to the wall of the monster's gigantic body beside him and took a dagger out of his belt.


His movements were slow and sloppy due to the water resistance and his tiredness and he felt as if he was in a dream as he plunged the knife into the beast, dragging it through it's side until there was a deep gash.


At once, there was an inglatorian screech from the creature, and the sickly blue claw was detracted into the darkness below.


Using the last of his strength and his breath, he kicked up to the surface, his head finally breaking the water.

Taking a deep breath and treading water, he shouted hoarsely to the ship above:


"Wait!" He was almost unconscious and was coughing up water he had swallowed.


Edited by Silo



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StaffC: Lekar (The Duality  )


The barge was moving faster, starting to pull away from the behemoth and thus Hiko. However, even as the beast cried out in rage, pain, and anger, it seemed content to not leave its place, just watching after the ship with gleaming red eyes from under the waves. 


Hearing the Glatorian's cries for help, Lekar glanced around the deck as the sailors fired off one last volley of Thornax to ward the beast off, the pain overtaking its anger at last as it sank back beneath the waves. Finding what he needed, the Le-Toa grabbed a nearby rope and tied his rapier onto the end for a weight and gave the other end to Ig, who grasped it in both his claws and his mouth. 


"Just stay up, Glatorian. I'll be there in a second."


He threw his sword out, missing Hiko by a few feet to the left and behind him. Not expecting the fading Glatorian to be able to hang on enough, Lekar's mask glowed with energy and in the blink of an eye he was splashing into the water on the opposite side of his sword as Hiko was. 


In a movement, Lekar had both his sword and Hiko in his arms, being careful of the blade's edge, and he called out.


"A little help on the ropes?"



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: (Hiko)


A rope was flung down to Lekar and Hiko and he gratefully hung onto it as he was pulled up.

When he reached the deck, sat heavily on the cargo crate that the flotation device had been ripped from.


There was movement from inside the crate and something was scrabbling at the lid that he was sitting on.

Hiko knelt down and lifted the lid to reveal a very annoyed looking zesk.



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IC: Kavont, aboard Duality


 The panic slowly began to die down as the behemoth lagged behind the caravan, allowing Kavont direct everyone to the correct ropes -- with pointing rather than verbal commands -- to reel the men back toward the boat, and within a few minutes, the 3 beings were all nearly back on board, with the Matoran seconds behind the Toa and Glatorian. With one last glance back toward the beast, its red eyes disappearing under the waves, Kavont ran up to the rail and offered a hand out to the Bo-Matoran to help him over.


"Tourists normally don't want to get that close, my friend," he jested with a half grin.


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IC (Ofeo, Duality): "Huh...Yeah" he replied shakily. He stood on the deck, dripping and shivering, but somehow alive. The lthers on the boat hadn't abandoned him; they had saved him. He owed these people his life. "Thank you, so much" he said to the three beings gathered around. "I was... I just..." He didn't know what else to say. "Thank you so much".


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IC Zivuch:

"Geez, can't you people go away and leave a perfectly good Zesk to nap in peace?!" Zivuch bluffed the last bit hurriedly, hoping not to be recognized as a stowaway.

 Kopaka, the coolest(Pun intended) Ko-Toa ever:


"If the fight had turned, Exann might be the one on the floor with Antidermis spurting out of him. This is how battle is. This is how life is." -Mar'jik, Corpus Rahkshi                                       

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IC: Kovant, aboard Duality


 He nodded in response. The matoran was obviously very grateful, and Kovant was thankful himself in knowing that no one was lost in the attack.  "You're very welcome," he replied. He then noticed the matoran's shivering, and continued, "I'll go grab a dry towel from my sleeping quarters."


 He began to spin around to do so, then stopped. "I'm Kovant, by the way." He shot back another grin as he strode to the stairs leading below the deck.


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Trun took up the rear, behind Ofeo and Kovant. His walking stick was still back on the deck, but he figured that its reacquisition could be delayed until the Bo-Matoran and his Glatorian friend were taken care of.


"Come on, Ofeo," he said, patting him on the shoulder, "I'll cook you up something to warm your bones."





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StaffC: Lekar (Barge)

The crisis had been averted, and with that all on the ship could breathe a sigh of relief. Nobody had gotten too seriously hurt or killed, and that was a blessing. Just as the group was leaving the deck, Lekar gave a shout out to all who could hear it.

"To any and all who helped distract that monster and keep the caravan and the sailors safe and well, you have my thanks. To that thanks, I invite any and all who helped to visit me in my dwelling at any reasonable time during the trip, and I will do my best to reward you with anything we have here on the ship. Again, thank you."

And with that the Le-Toa left, allowing business to resume as usual.


OOC: Alright, quick announcement: Sometime on the 9th, most likely around 4 or 5 PM EST, there is going to be a time-skip forwards to the arrival at the City of Flames. Until then, feel free to interact in anyway. Also, as for the reward Lekar mentioned, if you feel your character would like to be better equipped with a new weapon or other piece of gear, just tell me so and that can be your reward if you fought, distracted, or were on deck during the beast attack. :)



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC (Hiko)


Hiko made his way to Lekar's cabin, knocking on the wooden door. Although he was bruised, battered and freezing, he was in good spirits: he always felt good when he had done some not boring thing.

The door was opened by the Le-Toa, and the glatorian went inside, the Hordika Ig staring at him suspiciously.


"If I may request some supplies like food and water, that would be much appreciated."

He gestured to his half full canteen of water.

"This is all I brought, besides a few coins."


He also needed new blades - his were old and, although sharp, (he sharpened them most days) they were weak and brittle due to age - but he felt that he had already asked a lot of Lekar.



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IC: Kovant, aboard Duality


As Trun began to guide Ofeo toward the kitchen area, Kovant reappeared with three large dry towels in hand and distributed them accordingly, one for each. Kovant wasn't much of a cook, however, so with a pat on Ofeo's shoulder, he allowed Trun to work his magic on the stove and strode back toward the deck to see if anything else needed taken care of. He came back up to see a Zesk poking his head out of what had been the "breathing" crate; the sight was fairly peculiar, but otherwise, everything on deck seemed to be in order, and he decided to take up Lekar's invitation and make a visit to his dwelling. Kovant didn't particularly like asking for things, but his curiosity to see what was available had gotten the best of him. He cautiously stepped past the Le-Toa's open door and looked around while he waited for the Glatorian to finish his conversation with Lekar.


His eyes were scanning a higher shelf when he nearly tripped over some hefty object. He looked down to find an ornate scarabax shield, smaller in size than usual but all the more ornate and detailed. Kovant had been a marketer before and had seen his share of thrifty trinkets, but he marveled at the craftsmanship that had been put into the shield.


He stooped down to get a closer look, completely forgetting that the Le-Toa could have been watching him basically drool over the thing.


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StaffC: Lekar (Dwelling)

"Ah, yes. It would be a simple matter to supply you with food and water, once you're done here just go directly to the merchant to the right upon exiting, he will get you what you need. But that alone is little reward for the noble deed of jumping into the water and facing the beast in its own turf, is there anything else I could get you?"

As he was speaking the Toa walked around from where he stood by the door to stand behind the Matoran who had entered, addressing his next comment to Kovant.

"Are you interested in that? It's more a ceremonial thing at the moment but I have people who can make it fit for any battle."



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Kovant, in Lekar's dwelling


 Having become enamored with the shield, Lekar's comment made Kovant jump a bit.


"Oh, uh..." he stuttered for a moment. "Actually, it is a very beautiful piece of armor." He paused and thought for a moment, and continued, "It would be a honor to become its possessor. But that, of course, only if you are no longer using such a weapon yourself."

Edited by TBK


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IC (Ofeo, Duality): Ofeo sat down in the ship's kitchens, comfortably wrapped the a warm towel and blowing on a steaming mug of soup. Trun really knew how to cook something to warm the soul. Already, its warmth was seeping back into his bones and the terror of the experience was fading. Even so, he had a feeling that he wouldn't be going swimming much in the near future. That had been far too close.


"Any idea what that thing was?" he asked the cook. "I've heard tales of seamonsters, but that thing didn't fit any of the descriptions."


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StaffC: Lekar (Dwelling)

"Ah, yes. It would be a simple matter to supply you with food and water, once you're done here just go directly to the merchant to the right upon exiting, he will get you what you need. But that alone is little reward for the noble deed of jumping into the water and facing the beast in its own turf, is there anything else I could get you?"

As he was speaking the Toa walked around from where he stood by the door to stand behind the Matoran who had entered, addressing his next comment to Kovant.

"Are you interested in that? It's more a ceremonial thing at the moment but I have people who can make it fit for any battle."


IC: (Hiko)


"Thanks, I'll go to him directly...there is one thing...if it would be possible to get some new blades, that would be much appreciated."



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"I guess that we'll have to make our own tales," Trun said, pouring a second mug of soup before wrapping it with a tea towel. "It'll certainly be quite the story for you to tell once we reach the City of Flames. I doubt many of them have survived a personal encounter with a creature like that."


With that, the Agori walked back up the stairs, cradling the mug of soup carefully against the tumultuous motions of the ship. Thankfully, though, his journey wasn't long, and he was soon standing next to Hiko.


"Excuse me, sir," he said, holding the mug out to him. "I thought you might like something warm after your plunge."





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StaffC: Lekar (Cabin)


The Toa smiles at Hiko and gestures towards the back of the room, where an open crate reveals carefully stored blades stacked in racks for the trip. In response to Kovant he speaks, patting both Ig and his sheathed rapier.


"I don't use that shield anymore, nor do I have any plans to. I have Ig and my own blade for my defensive purposes, it would get much more use in your hands."


With that having been said, he turns to help Hiko with selecting his new blades.


-TIMESKIP- (that's totally not a few days late >_<)


The barge's horn blasted through the air once more as it approached its destination: The City of Flames. Standing on the prow afforded a beautiful view of the large City, with the peaks of the Volcano Tahu looming over the round dwellings of the people and places. Stretching above the rest is one of the City of Flame's most recognizable features, other than the Volcano: the Great Arena, place of some of the best warriors known in the world.


Even as the merchants pack up, securing things and getting ready to unload, Lekar leans on the railing of the ship, fingers tapping out a beat as he stares at the City with intent concentration. The Hordika, Ig, seems to do the same from his 4-legged position.


"It's somewhere in there, isn't it?... yeah. Thought so."



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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IC: Kovant, aboard Duality


 The quiet De-Matoran was once again sitting on the bow of the boat, deep in thought and sporadically scribbling notes and thoughts as they flew through his mind. The peace, however, was shattered by the blow of the boat's horn, and he looked up for the first time in an hour, quite annoyed until a familiar sight met his eyes. The grand sight of the City of Flames sent a surge of both relief and excitement through his body. As much as Kovant loved traveling Spherus Magna, he would never pass up an opportunity to walk through his old dwelling, among old friends. For him, the Ta-Matoran were the equivalent of his family that he never knew -- for him, this was home.


 As they approached the docks, Kovant hefted himself back to his feet and strode to the deck of the caravan, looking for anyone who needed help packing or securing anything. Kovant himself had very little to worry about aside from his knives, pouch, and new shield, so he naturally had time to help others move things around.


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IC: (Hiko)


The horn blared a single note and Hiko knew that they had arrived.

The City stood out from it's surroundings like a diamond in a coal mine - around it, the land was colourful to an extent, but nothing compared to the sheer beauty of the golden city: it was all skyscraping, graceful towers contrasting with the ancient buildings surrounding them.


Like Kovant, Hiko loved travelling and it was the thing he had done all his life, but even he was awestruck by the sight of the City of Flames.



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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: I really, truly apologize for not keeping this moving as much as I could and should've, and for that I am sorry. However, with this last week or so of play (unless you guys really want me to continue this, in which case I shall resubmit), I'd like to at least get to what was meant to be the 1-month point in the plotline plans. After that, it's more on you people about whether or not you want this to continue. If we continue, I will try to do better to keep things moving and wrap it up within 2-3 months, this being planned to start and finish in the end anyway. If we end, then at the least I'd like to say some stuff about the game, what was meant to happen, and what it's taught me in terms of GMing. :)

With the heavy stuff out of the way, on to a probably too-short IC post to get things restarted! :P


StaffC: Lekar (Barge, docking)


With a great hissing, the last of the engine's exhaust puffed out from the pipes as the barge settled on its dock, the gangplank already being set up and the caravan starting to pack up and move out. 


Just before anyone moved, Lekar made a short announcement saying that this was the end-point of the caravan's specific contracts, at this point they could all move off to different places and do anything they wished. He did mention that one merchant was getting a few people together to stay as a caravan for a time, and lastly said that anyone who was unsure of what to do or came along for adventure or to help he himself in his quest should stick by him.


As the wagons and animals began to move out and head into the City, Lekar saw each of them off at the plank, speaking to each one and saying good-bye even as his Hordika stared out into the skyline, blue eyes fixed on some point or feature that apparently only Ig could see.



They call me Zakaro. You should too.

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OOC: Count me in for a continuation, if you're up to running it.


IC (Ofeo): Ofeo stepped off the ship, feeling profoundly grateful to be back on dry land. The journey since the encounter with the seamonster had been pleasant, but after a time the barge had become quite confining. It was good to be able to walk through wide open spaces again, and go where he pleased. Saying goodbye to the other passengers and to Lekar, he left to go a little further back from the waterfront, where several boat builders' workshops stood. He would go and talk to the shipwrights there, before coming back to meet up with Lekar's group. Paddle in hand, the bo-matoran wandered off into the City of Flames.


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OOC: And myself as well! I've thoroughly enjoyed the trip so far, and I'd like to see it get the ending it deserves. By the way, for anyone who wants to skim over to the important stuff, skip down to the last couple of paragraphs.


IC: Kovant, entering City of Flames


Despite the incessant noise rising from the bustle of the city, the feeling of returning to his home warmed him with a glow that only home could give. He had left the docks rather quickly, but not without reassuring Lekar of his return -- as much as Kovant loved visiting his family, he wouldn't stand for staying for another week. There was too much to see out there in Spherus Magna, and he already knew the City of Flames like the back of his hand.


Or maybe he used to. As he walked the streets, his long strides slowed to a turtle's pace as he gawked around at the new buildings that had been erected since his absence. It had been years, but he truly realized how long he had been gone only when he reached his own neighborhood. It was busier than he had ever seen before, aside from holidays: merchants were calling from open stalls and openings in buildings to a numberless crowd, all hurrying this way and that to nowhere in particular, all the while enjoying a few sights, smells, and tastes from penny-pinching salesmen.


In a sense, that much was the same. What had really changed, though, were the the faces. Even though tourists came through this area regularly, there once were at least some customers that walked these stores often and even some daily regulars to whom Kovant would give a 'hello' or, better yet, a wave. Here, where buildings were now twice as tall with twice as many people, everyone was new. No one belonged here -- or rather, Kovant didn't belong here. Not anymore, it seemed.


Kovant eventually resumed his quick pace and kept his head lowered until he neared the corner around which his Ta-Matoran brothers' settlement rested. At least there was one place that would never lose its sense of home. As he began rounding the corner, his steps quickened in anticipation until the complex came into view. The sight stopped him in his tracks and knocked his jaw opened in horror.




As Lekar's group was gathering on the docks, one of the agori looked and saw Kovant slowly trudging back to the group with his demeanor apparently sunk in dismay. As he reached their circle, some looked at Kovant with genuine concern, a silent request for an explanation. Matching their eyesight, he opened his mouth and spoke.


"They're gone. My people... they're all gone." His voice had gained a slight tremble. "The building burned down years ago. Only Liina was still dwelling there to tell me about..." He trailed off as his head lowered. Before anyone responded, Kovant strode away from the group and stopped on the wooden edge of the dock, heaving a sigh and staring off past the sea to nowhere in particular.


All he wanted now was to leave this place. This wasn't home anymore.


Home was gone.

Edited by TBK


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