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Happy Halloween, Bzp!


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It kind of reminds me of the Beldam from Coraline. I must say it's a rather impressive build. You've managed to make it look slender, stick-like, without looking incomplete and having an air of menace. VERY well-done!

69 Days to a Better Body

Days left: 45 | Days completed: 24 | Yesterday: Shoulder's & Glutes - Today's: Triceps - Tomorrow's: Biceps

Miles Completed: 123(+2 Miles) | Today's Time: 1H


Exercise time was too bloody hard to fix...forgot to track a few days...sorry.


MOCs: Sah n Dibum - Vehicles Part 1 - Mouldi Pheats - Daleks

Stories: Adventures in the LegoVerse

Interesting Stuff: Shows You're Watching

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The thin build looks sickly cool, and the Rahkshi head works nicely. It looks like a creepy shadow, with teeth.


Why are orange and black such a good color Combination ? Purple is pretty, and so is blue. Pink hurts your eyes, green is quite mellowing, black is very threatning, red is cool, orange is SO awesome, yellow's hard to read... But you can't see white at all! Oh, wait. I forgot brown.


Here's my thoughts: If a person tells the truth and says, " I always lie," Is he lying? Or is he telling the truth? And what has a mouth, but no head, and a body, but no torso? Do caterpillars like to tend to supporting colum of stone's every need? Or is that name misleading by nature? Speaking of nature, why are the children of animals called offspring? don't many young beasts come alive in spring, and thus, should be called onspring? Heeeeeeyy..... I got the first post on a page for the first time. Who knows; it may happen again. What the... It did happen again... and again...



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Why do people's posts keep disappearing from my topic? O_o It's happened twice now.

Most likely, the comments that have disappeared were reported for being generic comments; i.e., comments in violation of the rules laid out here. They must have been found to be in violation indeed, and were deleted. By the way, I do enjoy the spindly nature of your MOC. It reminds me of a more anthropomorphic Japanese spider crab - whose incredibly long, thin limbs have been the nightmare of many a child. There is something to said about the creepiness that your monster exhibits, one that hulking, muscular abominations cannot match.
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