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BBC 69 Vezon: The Monster


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This is an absolutely solid MOC! I love what you've done for the teeth and spine, and the skull spider masks for hip armour just looks fantastic. And the feet are excellent too, using the silver horn pieces to mimic that Piraka feet look is brilliant.


My only complaint is the hood. I get what you were going for, but I think it just looks a bit odd.


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Very impressive recreation of Vezon. The custom head is superb, and I'm digging the spear of fusion. While i think silver would have suited him better, you wouldn't have been able to use that chima torso armor like you did. Perhaps just having the cape instead of a cape and hood combo would look more like the vezon we know. I'm not sure if the back spikes are supposed to be a pseudo spine or just back spikes. If they are supposed to be a spine, perhaps raising it a stud or two so that it's flush with his head would make it more obvious as to what it is. If they're just back spines, then they look magnificent as is. The spider skulls are creative in the use of hip armor and look pretty cool. Good job and good luck in the contest. A very strong entry and I hope you make it to the finals in the contest! 


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That set of teeth looks amazing. I really want to know how you managed to pull that off.
I like the Chima torso-armor being used here. The red ball gives me the impression that he has a very large heartlight.
I like how you've done up his spine, and the staff, but I do feel that the hood is a little wild, and it makes it hard to see the head build beyond that vicious maw.
But then again, this IS Vezon we're talking about here. Wild is average for him :P

Best of luck in the competition mate. Sure hope this one goes far.

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Thanks everyone!

Yeah, the hood was the only thing that really wasn't on the original '06 Vezon that I wanted to try out. I think it worked better in theory... Due to the very elongated shape of the Piraka/Ignika fusion mask, it doesn't sit very well on his head. 

Here is a shot of Vezon without the hood (apologies for the change in photo quality, just snapped that one real quick with my phone) for those who want to see what it looks like. 


As for the spikes, they are sort of there just to be spikes, but to also pay homage to the other Piraka's spines. So as for if they are spikes, that would be a yes and no answer. 

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This is without a doubt one of my favourite entries so far, I love everything about it. He's such a villain!!! I agree on the hood. While it looks exactly as you intended it to (like a hood!) I think it hides too much of the build and has a bit of an afro vibe about it! The pics without the cloak at all are great too, the use of those spike pieces is just great!

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Let me know if you can help me find these last few collectibles!


Also looking for WILD KRAATA and a VMKK Yo!!!


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Wow! This Vezon is fantastic! (Wish I could up-vote twice :P) I love the detail you put in the teeth and spine. Awesome job man

"It's all a trick, you see. They want me to pretend to betray them. They want you to concentrate your forces here against an attack that won't come. But I decided: Why pretend to betray them when actually doing it would be so much more fun?"
— Vezon to Tridax, Destiny War


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Alright this entry is just amazing! I love everything about it! The teeth, spine, torso, feet, claws, everything just seems to work perfectly. Oh how I wish I had bought Maxilos and Spinax for that very awesome Vezon mask in Pearl Dark Grey!! I like the inclusion of the hood as it adds something very unique, however due to the long top of Vezon's mask, it kinda sticks out weirdly. But still I really like this entry! Great work! and if I wasn't entering in the contest myself, I would most definitely vote for you. :P Also do you plan to have instructions for this entry? Or possibly show us how the skeleton looks? 

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Thanks again everyone!

Elsewhere people have wanted to see how the head was built, so here is a glimpse at that. 



Alright this entry is just amazing! I love everything about it! The teeth, spine, torso, feet, claws, everything just seems to work perfectly. Oh how I wish I had bought Maxilos and Spinax for that very awesome Vezon mask in Pearl Dark Grey!! I like the inclusion of the hood as it adds something very unique, however due to the long top of Vezon's mask, it kinda sticks out weirdly. But still I really like this entry! Great work! and if I wasn't entering in the contest myself, I would most definitely vote for you. :P Also do you plan to have instructions for this entry? Or possibly show us how the skeleton looks? 


I will take a pic or two of his skeleton tomorrow, sure. Nothing really complicated to it, his head is mounted to a Glatorian neck and the body is the extra long CCBS torso. And thanks!

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This whole thing looks awesome. The teeth and torso design especially. The hood looks great from some angles and it's very creative. Just don't pose him looking straight at the viewer with the hood on though. It looks bloated from a straightforward angle.


I don't even mind that there's no Fenrakk. The original Vezon I would never consider buying without Fenrakk, but this...this, I actually would.


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100% awesome. I even like the hood. Man, and you got to do a custom head! I tried to do that with Zaktan, but the orange head doesn't sit right in the rubbery face.


There's really very little I can criticize, here. Really just comes down to nitpicks. I guess I'd say those twiggy add-ons to the staff detract from its appearance, to me. And while his thigh armor masks are sweet, they look a bit too out-of-place in details. But they're a great idea, and a great placement. It's more like it's the mask's fault, I guess, for not living up to the idea. I love the addition of back spikes. Makes him more like his bros.

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This is absolutely gorgeous. I love how you went with gunmetal instead of silver. (Ain't we lucky Maxilos gave us gunmetal vezeon heads? :P)


Toes! You gave him toes! And Teeth, AND a spine with MORE blades. Just touching this guy could kill ya. :P


I can imagine him cackling now as Tridax dies at the hands of Mazeka and Tobduk...

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Woah, he has a spine! That is some attention to detail (well, I mean the original Vezon didn't have a spine but I meant for this moc in general). The cape covers the back but the spine helps bring out a bestial shape. I like the idea of covering the Mask of Life portion of his head. Speaking of his head, the teeth are great! The torso shell is interesting and definitely sets him apart from the common Hero Factory shells with its more ancient look. This is a top notch model and IMO, has an extremely high chance of making it to the finals!




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Thanks once again everyone!


Woah, he has a spine! That is some attention to detail (well, I mean the original Vezon didn't have a spine but I meant for this moc in general). The cape covers the back but the spine helps bring out a bestial shape. I like the idea of covering the Mask of Life portion of his head. Speaking of his head, the teeth are great! The torso shell is interesting and definitely sets him apart from the common Hero Factory shells with its more ancient look. This is a top notch model and IMO, has an extremely high chance of making it to the finals!




I'm glad someone liked the use of the Chima shell- It's styling definitely makes it hard to use in most cases, but I really liked the overall "beefier" shape of it and I think the style ended up working quite well. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love everything about this moc. Great job particularly in the mouth. 


-Onvermel- :pakari:

"I believe in certainties. The strength of my limbs, the power of my mask, the sharp edges of my blades — that is what I build my plans around. Trickery, deception, complex strategies, they are for the weak! If you want power, and another has it, you get it not by outwitting him — you get it by stepping over his corpse." Makuta Icarax


 http://onvermelreport.blogspot.ca/ --- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaX7xUwGu9-8kVqQ4BqOxWw               


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