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Protector Matau


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After purchasing Lewa yesterday and using a lot of his pieces for a different MOC, I decided to use what pieces I had left (along with various others in my collection) to make the little guy I felt had to be made:







Personally I think the Mask of Jungle works a lot better for Matau than it does for Lewa. But that's just my opinion.



That ball joint is supposed to have a "hand" piece attached, but for some reason it's not there.



Not a huge fan of the big, clunky feet, but they're the smallest things I have in Keetorange.



Look out, Matau!


[“Greetings, Lewa. We have been waiting for you.”]

A recreation of a classic moment.




Questions? Comments. Complaints!

What do you think?


Edited by Sycophantic Wizard P~M
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Not bad. The staff looks nice, if somewhat large, and it's good that you kept the back closed up rather than leaving one of the hollows to which CCBS can be prone. The most striking issue, for me, would be the color of the hands - it seems to me that they should be silver rather than black. Secondly, I think it could benefit from some more keetorange somewhere, to balance the color on the feet - I'd say switch his lower arms out for the same pieces in keetorange, if you have any. But overall it's a nice little MoC.


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